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Author Topic: Do you ever get tips?  (Read 5242 times)


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Re: Do you ever get tips?
« Reply #30 on: 15 January 2020, 08:24:42 am »
I get tips a few times a month. It's usually 10 or 20.  I've been tipped a few times when I've mentioned that I'm a tax payer. I also drop into conversation the word tip as many times as I can if they look & sound wealthy..."I'll give you a tip" then tell them something useful or " I'm throwing you all the free tips today" & "Give me a tip on what you like". Subtle cues to access their subconscious mind ;D


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Re: Do you ever get tips?
« Reply #31 on: 15 January 2020, 08:46:08 am »
I get tips a few times a month. It's usually 10 or 20.  I've been tipped a few times when I've mentioned that I'm a tax payer. I also drop into conversation the word tip as many times as I can if they look & sound wealthy..."I'll give you a tip" then tell them something useful or " I'm throwing you all the free tips today" & "Give me a tip on what you like". Subtle cues to access their subconscious mind ;D

Oh I will have to remember to drop the ‘Aw I pay so much tax’ line and see what happens...I do miss getting the amount of tips I got in the parlour, it was a weekly thing and just put a huge smile on my face but parlours are much cheaper than us Indies and the management obviously take some cash so this is why...anyway I should be grateful that I get paid what I do without expecting tips!


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Re: Do you ever get tips?
« Reply #32 on: 15 January 2020, 09:08:35 am »
Once in a blue moon here. I had one guy give me £200 for half an hour last month which dumbfounded me.


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Re: Do you ever get tips?
« Reply #33 on: 15 January 2020, 09:29:17 am »
Once in a blue moon here. I had one guy give me £200 for half an hour last month which dumbfounded me.
Because your worth it  :)


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Re: Do you ever get tips?
« Reply #34 on: 15 January 2020, 09:31:42 am »
I get tips a few times a month. It's usually 10 or 20.  I've been tipped a few times when I've mentioned that I'm a tax payer. I also drop into conversation the word tip as many times as I can if they look & sound wealthy..."I'll give you a tip" then tell them something useful or " I'm throwing you all the free tips today" & "Give me a tip on what you like". Subtle cues to access their subconscious mind ;D
Good idea, I'll try it  :)


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Re: Do you ever get tips?
« Reply #35 on: 28 May 2020, 09:48:36 pm »
I have one client who regularly tips.  This week it was £30 and a case of champagne delivered but it's been as much as £160.  He's obviously wealthy but no one else has ever tipped me.  Its lovely to be appreciated though  ;D


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Re: Do you ever get tips?
« Reply #36 on: 28 May 2020, 10:46:32 pm »
A few hundred.

I made him very happy.  He was new to the scene.  He was one of those rich guys that didn't flaunt it.

Before that £50 a few times. Tens and twenties.

The ones that punt a lot do not tip.


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Re: Do you ever get tips?
« Reply #37 on: 01 June 2020, 07:48:23 am »
Rarely clients from AW, but does happen on occasion.

A lot of clients I took from an agency I once worked at tip me very nicely, tipping at agencies was common, as they knew you weren’t getting all the money, they had big party clientele also, I think these clients can be a bit more generous with their cash as they’re under the influence.

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Re: Do you ever get tips?
« Reply #38 on: 01 June 2020, 03:31:59 pm »
Rarely clients from AW, but does happen on occasion.

A lot of clients I took from an agency I once worked at tip me very nicely, tipping at agencies was common, as they knew you weren’t getting all the money, they had big party clientele also, I think these clients can be a bit more generous with their cash as they’re under the influence.

Definitely, in brothels and agencies then you tip and this is also because in certain places clients can pay you after you’ve had the booking whereas on AW they pay you upfront and they may just find it odd to pull out cash afterwards, also if they gave me extra at the start of booking then I assume they are hinting for bareback without actually saying so.

Vintage Miss

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Re: Do you ever get tips?
« Reply #39 on: 05 June 2020, 03:18:37 pm »
I do get them now and again, but not that often and rarely if ever from punters who use AW. It tends to be in London too - never in my home town.

I do think it's likely more of a parlour thing because they know you're handing over at least some of what they give you to the house and they maybe think it evens things up a bit, whereas being indie means you keep it (and if you're specifically.talking about AW, they'll.also know that advertising on there costs next to nothing unless you stick all the bells and whistles on so they probably think you'll come out with about the same).

Yea this, getting a £5-£20 tip in parlours for me was common but I almost never get tipped as an indie. Partly also I think because when you go to a parlour its not always easy to know what you migth be spending seeing as there are extras and a lot of women will charge extras differently, so sometimes that 10/20 was what they had in excess, the 'just in case its more' money. Whereas indie, they usually just know its XYZ per hour.

I get wine and chocolate a lot though, and occasionally books and a few favourite clients who buy clothes and perfume and lingerie.

Philippa Joyce

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Re: Do you ever get tips?
« Reply #40 on: 08 June 2020, 04:00:12 pm »
I get tips quite often. Usually money,  wine, chocs and flowers. One guy bought a cream tea with him lol. Recently I had a strange 'tip' ...6 bottles of antibacterial hand gel. He said hes a postman and gets loads of it and thought I might find it useful ;D


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Re: Do you ever get tips?
« Reply #41 on: 08 June 2020, 06:41:12 pm »
I've had the odd bunch of flowers, bottle of wine or lingerie when escorting but it's been very rare.

I do get fairly regular small tips on webcam though. Always so nice to receive and really makes my day!


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Re: Do you ever get tips?
« Reply #42 on: 14 June 2020, 09:29:23 pm »
Never in the form of cash as I’m an independent, so I keep all monies. But I do often get given flowers, champagne, chocolates, and on occasion, very generous Agent Provocateur gift cards. I have been sent a few of the latter during lockdown. It’s a bit churlish to admit some John Lewis/Waitrose vouchers would have been slightly more useful!


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Re: Do you ever get tips?
« Reply #43 on: 02 August 2020, 12:18:19 pm »
Couple months ago I had a client that came to see me for 30 minutes even though he wanted an hour but I couldn’t as I had another client booked so only could do 30 minutes. He ended up giving me my hourly rate instead instead of 30 minutes and left without spending the whole half hour which was sweet x
« Last Edit: 02 August 2020, 12:22:12 pm by Lainachloe »


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Re: Do you ever get tips?
« Reply #44 on: 03 August 2020, 03:39:09 pm »
I just had a lovely newbie. He'd never done this before and kept saying thankyou for being so nice. I charge £70 for half hour and £110 for an hour. He gave me £120 for half an hour. I kept saying no but he insisted.