You should write it into your will to gift it all to the museum of whoring.
>: (No idea if there really is such a thing but there damn well should be)
Of course there is, and it is in Amsterdam (where else?) redlightsecrets [dot] com. New York City has the Museum of Sex, which covers whoring and a lot more. I recommend both, when the coronavirus is behind us someday.
I worry about what people will think if I die and they find suitcases full of lingerie and sex toys under my bed! (Also trying to find a way to set my laptop to self destruct on the event of my death
Be sure to use encryption on your laptop! That solves your problem, and also prevents someone from getting your bank/whoring/client/journal/etc files if your laptop is lost or stolen.
Back on thread topic, for work I prefer lingerie that is easy to take off and holds up to frequent washing. I machine wash due to volume or my skin would probably fall off. I use a mesh bag for all lingerie and delicates.
I must be the exception, because I am only comfortable wearing thongs and rarely wear anything else, work or not. I wear cotton for everyday health/comfort and another nice thing is you never have lines showing and thongs don't bunch as you move around. Another benefit is they don't take space in baggage, and I travel frequently when there are not global pandemics.
Bras are a different story, but less is more for me. I wear sports bras when jogging or exercise, but don't always wear them outside of work, and they usually don't stay on long. I've acquired lot of expensive bras for work over the years, mostly black or white, but don't buy any one brand. I just want them to last, be easy for clients to remove without damage, and look good.