slaaaaaaaaaap and a kick up the ass as well if you want it
and a few to your friend as well
Sounds like a control freak to me and obbsesive one as well
So Imagine this, you stop working for him and his happiness because he wants you to , and hes happy for a bit, But your broke and skint working for Scottish Power but hey ho that love and love conqures all,
but after a while he will be checking up on you , checking your phone for texts emails ringing your work phone to make pretend bookings to check your still not working, and bascially not believing a word you say or do
if you wear a short skirt it will be because your being a hooker, if you wear make up your a hooker, if your reading bell de jour your planning your seedy entrance back into the other world of bj and crazy clients
if you 5 mins late it will be because you were giving someone a quick bj somewhere
and basically after 3 months you will be right back where you were in the begining before you started escorting in debt again but with a serious headache
........but you will have a nice job at scottish power and you will have an obbsseive boyfriend as well
and a job in Scottish Power nothing wrong with it but pleeeeeeass - couldnt he at least got you a job in the BBC or a top magazine or something
the mind boggles
and he cried as well i mean i know that mean are supposed to be in touch with ther feeling in this day and age but crying cos you wont take a job at scottish power and wont remove your adultwork profile
sorry im being very sarcastic today forgive me