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Author Topic: Dilema  (Read 4953 times)


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« on: 12 October 2011, 02:41:50 pm »
I've recently met up with an old male friend from 25 years ago. He's absolutely besotted with me. I really like him too, but not quite as obsessively as he likes with me.
Anyway I plucked up courage to tell him about what I do. And he was totally shocked. He's begged me to stop and said for every booking I get he'll pay me the same NOT to do it.
I told him that's out of the question...could never take advantage of someone like that. But he keeps calling me asking if I've stopped and begging me to take my profile down...last night when I said I hadn't he got very emotional and started crying. I felt awful:-(
He's said a few things that have enraged me...and I've not been backwards at telling him so too! one else would want you and love you if they knew what you do!!! Boody cheek! I've got lots of men asking me out who know what I do thank you!
and he's worried if we do start a relationship he'll catch something off me!
I told him that he's less likely to catch something off someone in the sex industry as he is shagging someone he's met in the pub!
He wants me to go stay with him this weekend, but I've two bookings and I'm skint and need the money. But I know if I do them and turn him down for a weekend away, I'll feel awfully guilty and probably not perform as well as i should/would/could.
Ohhhh damn it...why did he have to come along and turn my world upside down.

give me a slap someone! LOL


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Re: Dilema
« Reply #1 on: 12 October 2011, 02:57:06 pm »
Coty..............S L A

Seriously though, I understand  how  you feel.  This is the exact situation I was in with a close male friend. The very one I posted about who supposedly found me on-line  etc tec.

He too begged me to stop, offered me money . When I told  him prices he said ' I wouldn't pay that Ill give you 50 quid and dinner etc!'.

At the time I was   upset but then again I knew  before I started that this job  has stigma attached to it. I wouldn't give up my job for anyone or allow myself to feel guilty . Why should you feel guilty?  This is a job; as you say you need the money . Why should you feel bad for working  hard so you can pay your bills etc?

Don't let him get to you.



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Re: Dilema
« Reply #2 on: 12 October 2011, 03:09:09 pm »
Thanks LC...:-) Needed that slap!
Pull yourself together Coty!



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Re: Dilema
« Reply #3 on: 12 October 2011, 03:12:02 pm »
I've recently met up with an old male friend from 25 years ago. He's absolutely besotted with me. I really like him too, but not quite as obsessively as he likes with me.
Anyway I plucked up courage to tell him about what I do. And he was totally shocked. He's begged me to stop and said for every booking I get he'll pay me the same NOT to do it.
I told him that's out of the question...could never take advantage of someone like that. But he keeps calling me asking if I've stopped and begging me to take my profile down...last night when I said I hadn't he got very emotional and started crying. I felt awful:-(
He's said a few things that have enraged me...and I've not been backwards at telling him so too! one else would want you and love you if they knew what you do!!! Boody cheek! I've got lots of men asking me out who know what I do thank you!
and he's worried if we do start a relationship he'll catch something off me!
I told him that he's less likely to catch something off someone in the sex industry as he is shagging someone he's met in the pub!
He wants me to go stay with him this weekend, but I've two bookings and I'm skint and need the money. But I know if I do them and turn him down for a weekend away, I'll feel awfully guilty and probably not perform as well as i should/would/could.
Ohhhh damn it...why did he have to come along and turn my world upside down.

give me a slap someone! LOL

If he truly wants to be your friend and part of your life he needs to accept that your job is your job, it is your life now and has been since before you and he got back in touch with each other. You can't drop everything just because he doesn't want you to do it, you shouldn't and if he is a true friend he shouldn't expect you to either.
  I think you need to sit him down and tell him to accept that you are who you are and you do what you do and when you want to stop you will and not before.
  And I would personally find it insulting if a person thought they could just pay me off like that.

And what better way to prove it than to not go see him and to work instead. Because as you said you need the money, you need to work for a living. This is a good way to show him.

"The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur!" - George W. Bush


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Re: Dilema
« Reply #4 on: 12 October 2011, 03:15:12 pm »
Thanks Jenny. Good advice there!

He said he could get me a job working from home for Scottish Power...I just laughed! He said..."so you don't really want to stop then do you? I've just given you an alternative."
Hmmm, not quite mate! Scottish Power won't pay ?100 an hour and take me out to dinner! lol


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Re: Dilema
« Reply #5 on: 12 October 2011, 03:53:38 pm »
Thanks Jenny. Good advice there!

He said he could get me a job working from home for Scottish Power...I just laughed! He said..."so you don't really want to stop then do you? I've just given you an alternative."
Hmmm, not quite mate! Scottish Power won't pay ?100 an hour and take me out to dinner! lol

And why would he assume you'd want to work something else, especially Scottish power?
   The fact that he said "i've given you an alternative" suggests he thinks you are doing this just for the hell of it and not because you want to.
"The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur!" - George W. Bush


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Re: Dilema
« Reply #6 on: 12 October 2011, 04:11:00 pm »

And why would he assume you'd want to work something else, especially Scottish power?
   The fact that he said "i've given you an alternative" suggests he thinks you are doing this just for the hell of it and not because you want to.

Like most people they think you've been forced into it against your will...I'm surprised he's not asked me if I'm a crack addict yet! He said to me..."I can't think that you actually enjoy doing it, or choose to do it"....I said, "Well it was being in debt that made me turn to it, but I actually love it most of the time and wouldn't want to do anything else."

I've actually just been offered a telephonist job by a company I use to work for starting in New Year....but I really don't want it!!!


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Re: Dilema
« Reply #7 on: 12 October 2011, 04:17:51 pm »
Yeah, that's the response I got. That what I am doing is a dark, dangerous, seedy and that I am being 'pimped' against my will. I chose to do this of my own accord, nobody forced me and  my ex friend's offer of 50 quid plus dinner just doesn't cut it.

As Jenny says, if  this guy was your real friend then he would just support you even if he has a different opinion. I have   said it before, real friends may have  differences of opinions and what have you but they will always stick by you through thick and thin.

This job is one way to find out who your real friends, I  tell you. Anyway, such people's loss is another person's gain. :)


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Re: Dilema
« Reply #8 on: 12 October 2011, 05:39:27 pm »
slaaaaaaaaaap  and a kick up the ass as well if you want it   ;D and  a few to your friend as well

Sounds like a control freak to me  and obbsesive one as well 

  So Imagine this,   you stop working for him and his happiness because he wants you to ,  and hes happy for a bit,  But your broke and skint working for Scottish Power but hey ho that love and love conqures all,
but after a while he will be checking up on you , checking your phone  for texts emails  ringing your work phone to make pretend bookings to check your still not working, and bascially not believing a word you say or do   
if you wear a short skirt  it will be because your being a hooker, if you wear make up your a hooker, if your reading bell de jour your planning your seedy entrance back into  the other world  of bj and crazy clients
 if you 5 mins late it will be because you were giving someone a quick bj somewhere
and basically after 3 months you will be right back where you were in the begining before you started escorting  in debt again but with a serious headache

........but you will have a nice job at scottish power and you will have an obbsseive boyfriend as well     

and a job in  Scottish Power  nothing wrong with it but  pleeeeeeass - couldnt he at least got you a job in the BBC or  a top magazine or something  ;D   the mind boggles

and he cried as well i mean  i know that mean are supposed to be in touch with ther feeling in this day and age  but crying cos you wont take a job at scottish power and wont remove your adultwork profile

sorry im being very sarcastic today   forgive me


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Re: Dilema
« Reply #9 on: 12 October 2011, 06:02:50 pm »
LMAO Paris.
Thanks for that!!
Just been talking to another male friend about it, and he has said pretty much the same as you!!!
Wake up and smell the coffee Coty........:-))

Really thanks guys! XXX

PS Just waiting for Cat's response as she's my duo buddy! lol


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Re: Dilema
« Reply #10 on: 12 October 2011, 09:12:02 pm »

Sometimes we are just best to keep our gobs shut re what we do ............... you hadnt seen him for 25 years what in gods name made you think it would be ok to tell him.

Keep it close to your chest - what they dont know doesnt do them any harm.

And under no circumstances get into a relationship with him, as Paris says, he defo has control tendencies and that for us is a defo NO NO !!!
Beauty is nothing to do with having a pretty face.
It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart,
And most importantly a beautiful soul.


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Re: Dilema
« Reply #11 on: 12 October 2011, 09:20:32 pm »

Sometimes we are just best to keep our gobs shut re what we do ............... you hadnt seen him for 25 years what in gods name made you think it would be ok to tell him.

Keep it close to your chest - what they dont know doesnt do them any harm.

And under no circumstances get into a relationship with him, as Paris says, he defo has control tendencies and that for us is a defo NO NO !!!

Now I've got that song startreking across the universe stuck in my head! " There's klingons on the starboard bow!" lmao

Agree with all you've said. He seems to be ignoring me now anyway! lol

i stupidly told hiom because he asked me how many sexual partners I've had!!! I said...I'm 52 FFS, I've lost count! That alone shocked him so WHY on earth I then went on to explain why I've no idea! lmao


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Re: Dilema
« Reply #12 on: 12 October 2011, 11:54:53 pm »
 And... you aren't looking for 'solutions ' from a guy that you have only just chosen to let back into your life.
You gave him your honesty, now he's giving you ultimatums.  :o
Let go of my ears! I know what I'm doing!


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Re: Dilema
« Reply #13 on: 13 October 2011, 12:18:10 am »
Coty, it's all about choices
and respecting those choices made by others.
My parents know what I do. They fear for my safety above all else.
But even though what I do is "off-topic"
they respect my choices and would never ask me to do something else.
It's my life to make of what I will.

My two partners since starting, knew exactly what I did.
{On early dating, that's a knockout/next round question, BTW}
A committed relationship with an escort is a big Ask, yes. And a lot for someone to take on.
But it's part of the deal, part of you.
And you are a person, not a pick and mix selection from Woolies!

Sorry but he is probably not the one for you.


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Re: Dilema
« Reply #14 on: 13 October 2011, 12:50:02 pm »
Thanks're all so right. He's ignoring me now after I said I won't stop escorting. So his loss! :-)
Went out last night to see my special friend with benefits to cheer myself up lol
That's more me! A good seeing to when I need it and none of the cling on/emotional crap! LOL