thanks Candy! I read about it, it is called PEP and it works up to 72 hours from the exposure. the sooner you start, it is more likely to be effective. but also it is a very heavy medication, quite expensive and as I understood not so easy to get. what makes things worse, I am not even in the UK. I could only go to my GP tomorrow. But what shall I say? I don't know who that man was and anyway I don't think it can be called rape. I was totally in a mess and I didn't try to stop him. I don't know how many questions the GP would ask. Am not prepared to go into details, except for facts relevant from the medical point of view. I don't know what to do, and I can't tell it to any of my friends.
It happened 24 hours ago so I still have time.
Is there something like a GUM clinic where you are? Just a general sexual health clinic that keeps all details anonymous and offers advice as well as testing? My local GUM clinic is lovely, I am there regularly and am honest with them about the facts of my life (so I can get
all the tests!) and they have never given me unsolicited "advice" (i.e. judgement or criticism), but they do offer helpful counsel should you have a particular issue to do with sex in some way.
At the least, if you spoke to a nurse at a place like this, she should be able to point you onwards towards the most useful services that you could contact?
I do not want to argue with you about your own experience, but I think most would definitely say that unwanted unprotected penetration is a form of sexual assault. If I invited a client to my house and accepted money for vaginal sex, owo etc, but he then attempted anal penetration, he would still be explicitly going
against my given consent and therefore assaulting me. It's a sadly common myth that, as a sex worker, you've already implicitly somehow silently "consented" to any sexual act being performed on you - that you might somehow deserve to be treated badly because you have decided to become "a whore". It's as silly as the whole "fallen woman" thing. Imagine - if you weren't a sex worker but agreed to do a two-girl show for one client, and then he initiated unwanted penetration, do you think you'd feel this was in any way appropriate? If he had done this to your friend, what would you say?
Also, there's another sad little myth that "drunk girls bring it on themselves", and that women shouldn't get too inebriated else they'll end up raped and it's their own fault. As though rapists have nothing to do with it. As though not being able to fight a man off properly means you can't complain when he does what he wants. Argh! I do get really angry about these sorts of issues and of course the majority of men and women would never dream of hurting anyone else - but that doesn't change the fact that you seem to feel you are undeserving of counsel, advice and help after this horrible client when in fact, you are just as deserving as anyone else who has been through something awful.
If there's anything I can do, please feel free to PM. I think you should try to make a doctor's appointment and explain what happened - it is their job to help you! And please don't feel that these events are in any way your fault. ((hugs))