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Author Topic: Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!  (Read 4188 times)


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Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!
« on: 01 December 2010, 03:27:45 am »
I can't tell it to anyone else so decided to share my stupidity with you ladies. To put it short - I had a bareback in a very creepy place, with an extremely creepy guy. I am worried to death.
I haven't had unprotected sex for at least five years, if not longer. I really do care about my health.
This thing happened as I was with another escort, I thought friend of mine. We got terribly drunk and went to the hotel with a guy who kind of picked us at the street. I said he can just watch two of us, he agreed. Then in one moment, I felt him slipping in me with NO condom. She could see what was going on but didn't react. It lasted at most a minute, then he was done (not inside). I was so heavily drunk that it took me a while to understand what  had happened. One good thing is that he was small, it was very gentle so it should also decrease the cahnces of getting infected. But I am in a complete mess. Haven't ate for 24 hours. Am just sick.
Thinking that it was a man who picks up girls at the street and does bareback tells you enough of how risky he is. I read it is not so likely I could caught hiv in this situation BUT it is not impossible. And I need to wait for such a long time before the test would make sense. Even for other std's it is too soon to do anything. I have took all the vitamins, did a bath down there, put vaginal antibiotics and other stuff I had at home but I imagine it won't help much. It is hard to expect I didn't catch anything so I can only hope it is a thing that is curable. 
Any thoughts and advice would help. xxx


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Re: Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!
« Reply #1 on: 01 December 2010, 04:14:46 am »
When did it happen? There is a prevention drug for hiv that is given for women which were raped and it makes the virus do not infect the body. You might call you GUM clinic asap for the details, I'm not sure it works for a few days or week after the potential infection.
« Last Edit: 01 December 2010, 04:16:23 am by Candy »
He came in the morning and woke me up with killer instinct. Wish I could stop this now.


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Re: Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!
« Reply #2 on: 01 December 2010, 04:32:21 am »
thanks Candy! I read about it, it is called PEP and it works up to 72 hours from the exposure. the sooner you start, it is more likely to be effective.  but also it is a very heavy medication, quite expensive and as I understood not so easy to get. what makes things worse, I am not even in the UK. I could only go to my GP tomorrow. But what shall I say? I don't know who that man was and anyway I don't think it can be called rape. I was totally in a mess and I didn't try to stop him. I don't know how many questions the GP would ask. Am not prepared to go into details, except for facts relevant from the medical point of view. I don't know what to do, and I can't tell it to any of my friends.
It happened 24 hours ago so I still have time.


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Re: Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!
« Reply #3 on: 01 December 2010, 08:46:37 am »
If he is HIV+, it's around a one or two in a thousand chance that you will catch it. The current tests should be able to tell you in about three to four weeks.

Yes, it's PEP you can consider. It's a month of anti-HIV drugs and it's not nice to take - it's when the side-effects of the drugs can be the worst.

You need to find out what the policies are where you are (still Amsterdam?)

If you were in the UK and you wanted it, you'd need to say 'sod the GP' and get to the nearest sexual health clinic (or failing that, the Accident & Emergency) now. There, it may just be a case of saying 'you can have it if you pay'.

If it's not, you will probably be asked various questions and it's important that you do tell them you're a prostitute and this was a street pickup. Without any evidence of high risk (knowledge that he's HIV+ or in an area or from a group - gay and bisexual men, IV drug users or people from sub-Saharan Africa, for example) in the UK, you would probably not be offered it in the UK. But swallow hard, and use the prejudice against street workers and their clients, and it may well be offered.

Whatever you decide, it's going to be something you remember when you go drinking in future...
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!
« Reply #4 on: 01 December 2010, 08:51:45 am »
thanks Candy! I read about it, it is called PEP and it works up to 72 hours from the exposure. the sooner you start, it is more likely to be effective.  but also it is a very heavy medication, quite expensive and as I understood not so easy to get. what makes things worse, I am not even in the UK. I could only go to my GP tomorrow. But what shall I say? I don't know who that man was and anyway I don't think it can be called rape. I was totally in a mess and I didn't try to stop him. I don't know how many questions the GP would ask. Am not prepared to go into details, except for facts relevant from the medical point of view. I don't know what to do, and I can't tell it to any of my friends.
It happened 24 hours ago so I still have time.

Is there something like a GUM clinic where you are? Just a general sexual health clinic that keeps all details anonymous and offers advice as well as testing? My local GUM clinic is lovely, I am there regularly and am honest with them about the facts of my life (so I can get all the tests!) and they have never given me unsolicited "advice" (i.e. judgement or criticism), but they do offer helpful counsel should you have a particular issue to do with sex in some way.

At the least, if you spoke to a nurse at a place like this, she should be able to point you onwards towards the most useful services that you could contact?

I do not want to argue with you about your own experience, but I think most would definitely say that unwanted unprotected penetration is a form of sexual assault. If I invited a client to my house and accepted money for vaginal sex, owo etc, but he then attempted anal penetration, he would still be explicitly going against my given consent and therefore assaulting me. It's a sadly common myth that, as a sex worker, you've already implicitly somehow silently "consented" to any sexual act being performed on you - that you might somehow deserve to be treated badly because you have decided to become "a whore". It's as silly as the whole "fallen woman" thing. Imagine - if you weren't a sex worker but agreed to do a two-girl show for one client, and then he initiated unwanted penetration, do you think you'd feel this was in any way appropriate? If he had done this to your friend, what would you say?

Also, there's another sad little myth that "drunk girls bring it on themselves", and that women shouldn't get too inebriated else they'll end up raped and it's their own fault. As though rapists have nothing to do with it. As though not being able to fight a man off properly means you can't complain when he does what he wants. Argh! I do get really angry about these sorts of issues and of course the majority of men and women would never dream of hurting anyone else - but that doesn't change the fact that you seem to feel you are undeserving of counsel, advice and help after this horrible client when in fact, you are just as deserving as anyone else who has been through something awful.

If there's anything I can do, please feel free to PM. I think you should try to make a doctor's appointment and explain what happened - it is their job to help you! And please don't feel that these events are in any way your fault. ((hugs))
Disclosure: The other person behind

Bella Tey

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Re: Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!
« Reply #5 on: 01 December 2010, 01:59:55 pm »
Would echo what the others said.  As you not mentioned where you are based I would suggest going to your nearest equivalent of accident and emergency clinic should be a priority. I doubt in any country medical staff would refuse you emergency pre-emptive anti viral medication. I am a little shocked about the lack of support your friend has given you.  We really do need to be able to rely on each other and I think you need to re-assess your friendship.  That said if you both were very drunk maybe neither of you were in any condition to really assess the situation.   I really think it is a bad idea to mix alcohol or drugs when working.  It seriously clouds your ability to gauge what is happening.  But right now you don?t need judgement but just practical help.  Crossing my fingers that you will be fine.   


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Re: Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!
« Reply #6 on: 01 December 2010, 05:40:45 pm »
Thanks everyone! If you weren't there, I would be all alone in this mess. And thanks even more for not judging me. Am well aware of the stupidity I did.
I spoke with my doc back home. Been her patient for more than 15 years, so she knows my health status very well. She said, in her opinion, I shouldn't take PEP. She seemed to be more worried of other std, and I really don't care if its anything curable. For such an act, it would be a good price to pay. For HIV, risk is quite low (which doesn't help much to my psychological state at the moment). Anyway, I don't know if the guy was HIV+, it was only vaginal, very gentle and short (so less little breaks which usually happen), no semen was involved and finally, I have no other stds that would make me more prone to the infection. At the same time, the PEP is quite aggressive,  and she thinks it could also harm my health. She said it is of course my decision as the statistics is one thing and no one really can say it is black or white.  I am still thinking if its right decision not to ask for PEP.  It has been 36 hours now. I asked for HIV test here in Germany and was told I need to wait 3 months.
Emily, I totally agree with what you said. It was an assault. But my situation is so complicated. Let's say that most of us lead a double life, mine seem to be more like a triple one.
Bella Tey, you are very right I need to re-consider my friendship. I even think my "friend" was aware what was going on. I don't work on the street and she doesn't even know I am escorting. She was in a bad state and I actually went with that guy as she needed money so badly. I didn't even take any of it. At the moment when he did what he did, she could see what was he about to do and could have warned me. But she didn't. Sorry for such a long post, and thanks again for all your support.


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Re: Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!
« Reply #7 on: 01 December 2010, 06:05:30 pm »
Yes, 'to PEP or not to PEP' is a difficult decision to make, especially for vaginal sex. Him not coming inside you does reduce the risk significantly (sorry for not noticing this bit earlier).

If they are saying three months before an HIV test, they are either being very (too) cautious or are not using the current generation of tests.

'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

Bella Tey

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Re: Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!
« Reply #8 on: 01 December 2010, 06:18:09 pm »
Lena it does sound like your friend is not in a good space herself in the moment.  But none of us can really judge her as we were not there.  She might have been too drunk to really notice what was about to happen. Yes when sober we ought to rely on friends but when intoxicated it might be hard to really work out what is going on around us.  She might have just about managed to remain conscious or was too busy not to throw up maybe you can?t blame her in the same way no one is judging you here. However, you might have to address the fact that you both need to prevent each other to end up in such a situation again. Glad to hear he did not come inside you although there is the small chance/risk of pre-cum.  Your doctor does seem to have a good point with the 'cure' doing more harm than the potential risk.  But you do not deserve to get any STDs.  Don?t beat yourself or your friend up over this. 


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Re: Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!
« Reply #9 on: 01 December 2010, 10:35:02 pm »
Bella Tey, sorry, don't get me wrong. I am not blaming anyone. And I cannot say she was aware or she wasn't, how could I know?! It is just me having no experience with this kind of prostitution. If I had an appointment normally, of course I would not be drinking and all. I just had a feeling that she copes with drunkenness far better than me. And today I found out she even knows that man. She tried to convince me there was no penetration, I didn't buy it, then she said it must have been fingering. And I am sure it wasn't. To put it really simple, if I lay over you and the guy is behind me, you should be able to see what he is doing?! Anyway, it is all irrelevant now. I just hope I won't pay this lesson to high and maybe some of you who read this post will also think twice if you ever end up in a similar situation.


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Re: Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!
« Reply #10 on: 02 December 2010, 01:39:12 am »
You need to go to a clinic post haste Hun and get checked out for illnesses after you get checked you will feel a lot better


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Re: Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!
« Reply #11 on: 02 December 2010, 06:06:28 am »
It lasted at most a minute, then he was done (not inside). It is hard to expect I didn't catch anything so I can only hope it is a thing that is curable. 
Any thoughts and advice would help. xxx

My advice is stop. Right this instant, you're overreacting. Its not like he was doing anal sex with you for a minute. The walls of the vagina are 10 cell layers thick, while the ass has only 1. Its just not likely that you would have contracted something from that short period of time BUT...if he was a big pre-cummer, then perhaps I would be worried.

I think you are overthinking when you say he "picks up girls off the street and does bareback". He was probabaly as drunk as you were and probabaly felt just as paranoid. You both were careless, but I doubt its a life and death situtation. Honey, I'm sure you're going to be fine


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Re: Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!
« Reply #12 on: 06 December 2010, 06:33:55 pm »
yes, stop beating yourself up honey. It's done - you can't take it back - just try and relax until your test results come through. and promise yourself never to put yourself in such a position again! Best of luck and my heart goes out to you (I've done many stupid things in my time too :-[ - we all do) xxxxx


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Re: Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!
« Reply #13 on: 07 December 2010, 02:56:14 pm »
Please get checked as soon as u can babe. I wud be really worried & I don't think I wud forgive my friend if she let someone do that to me. And u say she knows him - in wot way work or personal!? I will only have 1 or 2 glasses of wine with a client if its a dinner date I wud never let myself get drunk or even tiddly, it just goes to show wot can happen. I don't agree with drinking while working at all.

I hope you're ok hunni plz keep us up to date.

Take care.

Luv Kate xx


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Re: Did smth totally awful and stupid, please help!
« Reply #14 on: 07 December 2010, 11:51:41 pm »
thanks everyone! I know I might be overreacting but can't really help it. it's been a week now so I am going for the first tests tomorrow, at least those that can be already done. will let you know how it goes. take care xxx