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Author Topic: Desperate client  (Read 5140 times)


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Desperate client
« on: 20 February 2016, 04:42:48 pm »
I have seen a guy once who has texted me since every day, just chit chat shite. Every time I am on AW he emails saying he is coming off there as he wants to only see me and he wants me to know he is serious about this (wtf). He says he wants to help me financially. He seems desperate to see me again.

Last time I saw him he said he was into 'school girl' and told me (at great length) about how he was abused as a boy.

He wants to see me again. Do you think I should say no?


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Re: Desperate client
« Reply #1 on: 20 February 2016, 04:52:02 pm »
Depends on how (un)comfortable you feel. If you feel quite safe and can cope with a client unloading all that stuff, why not? Keep your boundaries in place, get your money first (should be easy since he wants to 'help' you), and see what happens.
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Re: Desperate client
« Reply #2 on: 20 February 2016, 06:38:50 pm »
I'd be wary of seeing this guy again, if he's getting this clingy after just one meet I can't imagine it's going to get any better. How long will it take until he's asking why you haven't come off of AW yet? He seems like trouble to me.


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Re: Desperate client
« Reply #3 on: 20 February 2016, 06:47:05 pm »
I'd be wary of seeing this guy again, if he's getting this clingy after just one meet I can't imagine it's going to get any better. How long will it take until he's asking why you haven't come off of AW yet? He seems like trouble to me.

Yeh the 'helping financially' is a bit of a red flag too, could be a means of control. Sounds very OTT for someone you've seen once, best avoided methinks.


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Re: Desperate client
« Reply #4 on: 20 February 2016, 07:17:31 pm »
I get guys like that once in a while, and they mostly calm down and get more realistic. Ages back I had a client who was annoyingly clingy from the first day, but then turned into a really good regular for about 7 years, when he developed prostate cancer and stopped coming. It's not always easy to distinguish the spidey senses from paranoia (at least for me   ::) ), but the main thing is to not allow them to push your boundaries. Also depends on whether you work from home, a hotel or a rented flat.
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Re: Desperate client
« Reply #5 on: 20 February 2016, 07:36:46 pm »
The chit chat shite daily texting would get on my nerves alone. I think anyone who says they want to help you financially is just trying to keep you interested in him I would get rid asap.


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Re: Desperate client
« Reply #6 on: 20 February 2016, 08:14:51 pm »
IMO I would ignore as this can open up a whole can of nasty worms.


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Re: Desperate client
« Reply #7 on: 20 February 2016, 08:19:47 pm »
I would say red flag strait away with the chit chat.

I had a client who was super clingy from the first day we met, he poured his heart out to me after doing the deed, told me he had tried to take his own life and started crying whilst holding onto me  :-\ took me ages to calm him down. Then he wrote me a 2 page a4 letter posted it through the letterbox saying how we could be 'great friends' and could i help him 'make friends'.

I couldn't see him again after that as he was just too unstable, left me feeling quite sorry for him :-[

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Re: Desperate client
« Reply #8 on: 20 February 2016, 09:03:47 pm »
Yeah, this guy sort of opened his heart to me. I couldn't wait to get the fucker out of the door haha (heartless bitch).

I don't need to listen to people's bad experiences; I've had enough of my own to deal with ta.

No I won't be training as a counsellor don't worry haha


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Re: Desperate client
« Reply #9 on: 20 February 2016, 10:57:03 pm »
Its difficult isn't it when a client opens his heart up and you're just there feeling so awkward well i was anyway lol. I didn't dare say the wrong thing, but like you i wont be a councillor for a client either. I just cant deal with other peoples problems on my shoulders. xx
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Re: Desperate client
« Reply #10 on: 21 February 2016, 02:05:15 pm »
Its difficult isn't it when a client opens his heart up and you're just there feeling so awkward well i was anyway lol. I didn't dare say the wrong thing, but like you i wont be a councillor for a client either. I just cant deal with other peoples problems on my shoulders. xx

I don't mind listening sometimes but when a guy starts talking about how he was sexually abused as a boy I feel like saying 'TOO MUCH INFORMATION MATE' It's just not on. It worried me because he went on about famous paedophiles etc also. I do not want to know about all that. It traumatises me.



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Re: Desperate client
« Reply #11 on: 21 February 2016, 03:37:40 pm »
Give him the number for Samaritans and suggest they might be a more appropriate place to explore his feelings about abuse.


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Re: Desperate client
« Reply #12 on: 21 February 2016, 05:33:52 pm »
I started to wonder why he was so fascinated with paedophiles and people campaigning against them in the public eye to be honest. Worrying the types of people we meet doing this work. All sorts.


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Re: Desperate client
« Reply #13 on: 22 February 2016, 09:58:50 am »
I started to wonder why he was so fascinated with paedophiles and people campaigning against them in the public eye to be honest. Worrying the types of people we meet doing this work. All sorts.

He may well have been abused as a child and the recent media coverage about 'celebrities' being found out years later for their crimes could have possibly brought back all the bad memories for him. Although its terrible for anyone to be abused as a child it must be really difficult for men too, as they're 'not meant to' talk about their feelings, cry, etc. They supposed to be tough so I can only imagine a lot of them keep it a secret. He might not have dared to ever tell anyone else about it, but feels that as an escort you would understand, if you know what I mean? Sounds like he doesn't need an escort, but a good counsellor, if he's got money maybe suggest he books himself in with a specialist in that field.


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Re: Desperate client
« Reply #14 on: 22 February 2016, 01:19:43 pm »
given you're questioning it yourself, I'd say that says something for your gut feeling - I'd go with that. I've had to instances where people have gotten clingy and it brings nothing but hassle. I think someone who offers to "help financially" after one meet, is looking for more control over who you see and thinks you somehow need saving - I'd avoid!