I think a lot of these men need to go on a course on how to wash properly and how to make themselves more inviting by using deodrant, spraying some man fragrence on themselves. I think all my clients i have ever seen less then 5% even use men's fragrence. Zero effort made.
Why don't they want to smell nice? I love smelling nice and make sure i use deodrant, nice body spray and perfume and i like to spray my clothes and bed sheets and that happens when i am not working too just on days off.
I 100% agree EG, I think many of them genuinely think a rinse under plain water is enough, pretty sure he didn't apply the shower gel provided as there was no fresh, clean smell to him anywhere.
I provide all the male toiletries needed, and they're openly on display, to ensure they come out smelling fresh so why the hell are so many of them reluctant to use them!?
You'd think it would be common sense that they will be more appealing to us smelling good so enjoy a better service, possibly common sense flies out of the window when their little brain takes over.
I too love to smell fresh and lovely like you EG and am often complimented on it so why do they think we deserve any less from them?
Maybe I'll have to be less subtle in future but really, you'd hope full grown men wouldn't need telling in such an intimate situation.