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Author Topic: Describe your last booking  (Read 754903 times)


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2085 on: 02 June 2019, 07:47:35 pm »
Bit of a bellend, may have been nerves but I doubt it.

Newbie - barely spoke two words to me, avoided eye contact and body language was off. Asked if he liked kissing to get things going but he wasn’t keen. Got on with the job in hand. Tried to make small talk at the end and he told me that he’s never wanted to book anyone before in case he catches something.

Of course, it’s a valid concern but still a cockish thing to say after he just fucked me.


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2086 on: 02 June 2019, 07:59:36 pm »
Bit of a bellend, may have been nerves but I doubt it.

Newbie - barely spoke two words to me, avoided eye contact and body language was off. Asked if he liked kissing to get things going but he wasn’t keen. Got on with the job in hand. Tried to make small talk at the end and he told me that he’s never wanted to book anyone before in case he catches something.

Of course, it’s a valid concern but still a cockish thing to say after he just fucked me.

I had to respond to this!  Reminded me so much of the man I saw just the one time, we were about 15 minutes into the booking and 5 minutes into the action when he asked the lovely question I won't catch anything will I?

I was inwardly fuming and if he had asked that at the outset I would have sent him packing.


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2087 on: 02 June 2019, 08:03:19 pm »
Greatful to have one firstly as it's quiet. Bit odd.
Stand offish no smiling .
I was very nice to him but just to get through the booking ,glad when he left .

Boots lady

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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2088 on: 02 June 2019, 08:11:24 pm »
Had a regular today, booking beforehand was a bit flat.
Was very cautious, in the first booking today.
Probably a bit to worried to enjoy it.
More relaxed later and made sure I cum in that booking.  ;D ;D


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2089 on: 02 June 2019, 08:11:37 pm »
Yep Justine, I’ve had it a few times. Generally think the sense they may have had in the head upstairs has wandered off to their nether regions so I’ll brush it off, but this one was so off with me throughout it pissed me off.

Never mind, I got paid and it was otherwise unremarkable so no harm done.


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2090 on: 02 June 2019, 09:11:13 pm »
Much nicer client. Young lad, scammed out of his paid time with someone else so was a little apprehensive. Said I warmed his heart. Cute


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2091 on: 02 June 2019, 09:14:40 pm »
Much nicer client. Young lad, scammed out of his paid time with someone else so was a little apprehensive. Said I warmed his heart. Cute
that is lovely x


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2092 on: 03 June 2019, 03:26:51 pm »
Geordie ~
I'll be damned if I didn't have the same thing happen last week😡....grrrrr. Talk about shutting the barn door after the horse has been stolen🙄!

So we've done our thing & he'd done RO which I allow & as he leaves he says, "Uh, you're clean right? Bc I went down on you, & I'm married & uh, uh, uh..."

I was infuriated, & bc I have the complete inability to filter my thoughts (sigh), I said, "Don't you think it's a little late for that question? And if you're so concerned about it perhaps you should take up quilting." *glare*

I THEN said I have regular STI testing done & am STD free, but now you've given me concern to be worried about you (I'm just screwing with him at this point LOL). He fell all over himself saying he was clean.

Whatever. :FF Douchenozzle.
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2093 on: 03 June 2019, 03:45:02 pm »
3 nice guys I one after the other all decent chatty and fun x
Busy I like it this way  :D


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2094 on: 03 June 2019, 03:47:41 pm »
I suspect it’s their guilt taking over once they’ve unloaded their balls, rather than anything to do with us. Still a silly question/thing to say though!


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2095 on: 03 June 2019, 04:00:46 pm »
One nervous guy struggled with putting the condom on and used a black elastic ladies hair band around the cock base! Just left


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2096 on: 05 June 2019, 10:21:24 am »
I'm gonna be daft and ask...don't hotels have those secure metal clamps over the door that prevents people walking in even if they've got the key?
Dunno what it's called, got one fitted on my front door. They'd have to be a herd of rhinos to get in.

8.00 booking this morning, I'm a night bird so staggered around at 7.0 getting ready. He booked many xtras which I totted up to a nice juicy fee, spanking, role play, oral, rimming, sex, cum on face, crawling on the floor like his duurty bitch. I walked 45 minutes there. We did all the bits for 30 seconds each. I was on the pavement in 15 minutes wondering what to do with myself ;D  Polite, well mannered guy too.
« Last Edit: 05 June 2019, 02:45:11 pm by saltysweet »


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2097 on: 05 June 2019, 03:04:20 pm »
Ugh ugh & ugh. This ain't short girls, so bear with me; it's giving me a migraine just going over it again *scowls*.

Outcall. Mother/son roleplay (double, triple ugh but whatever. I charge more). Donation clearly texted to him. Clearly understood by his reply. We spoke on phone, I advised him of additional $50 Uber charge, he says ok.

I'm 1/2 way to his house, he texts, says he only has XYZ amount, about $100 less than agreed upon amount😡😡.

NP I'm thinking, I'll get there, get $$, stash it & pull a Seinfeld Soup Nazi on him ~ "NO ROLE PLAY FOR YOU!"😆

I arrive, chaos ensues🤦🏼‍♀️. I'm "ripping him off". Not at all I say, you're the 1 who agreed to a role play at ABC $$ amount, then decided you didn't have it when I was on the way. I've told you we can do a regular hour, just no RP.

"But that's X amount & I gave you Y!" (It was extra $25, you guys🙄) It also cost me more than $50 to get there & back, so I'd already decided that was getting rolled over into the Uber cost.

This is where it got ugly. He actually stepped towards me & my purse 👛 ~ I was standing up bc I was thisclose to leaving his silly ass & *put his hands on it* (the purse)😡.

He's a smaller guy, I don't think I'd have had the courage (or stupidity) to do this with a larger man, but I butted up against him, nose to nose & SHOUTED, "I'm not giving you a damn thing back! You lied to me! YOU are ripping ME off!"

Surprisingly he backed down; my heart was going a mile a minute but I was ok, meaning calm. He was not getting $$ back $ I'd have fought if I had to *scowls again*.

Anyway, we finally went in the bedroom & started but he couldn't get it up OR pop (haha, serves you right). I was very fair & stayed the entire hour & did everything I could to help him, but nothing doing.

An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2098 on: 05 June 2019, 03:38:25 pm »
You get my reps big time Celeste!
1 for headbutting him :o
2 for being so alluring, he still wanted to 'hit it from the back to the front'

I like to think we all have a bit of the Sienfeld Soup Nazi in us when the going gets tough. ;D
« Last Edit: 05 June 2019, 06:31:54 pm by saltysweet »


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #2099 on: 05 June 2019, 04:14:38 pm »
SaltySweet ~

It wasn't the smartest thing to do & please kids, don't try this at home🚫❌🛑.

Yeah, he was getting it (eyeroll); he paid for it, so he WAS getting it but that didn't work out so well for him, hmmm? *giggling*

An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉