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Author Topic: Hey girls :) just a thought on to how escorting has been beneficial to your life  (Read 1767 times)


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Okay this is a bit of a weird one girls bare with me .....
I've hit mid 20s and had a bit of what I like to call a quarter life crisis.
I have some escorting in the past but due to circumstances had to stop. Got blackmailed by an agency - would go to the police if that happened again but I think I'd try a proper go at being indie.
I currently work in a civvy job working 50 hours low paid job. And all of a sudden I've been hit with ambition to do well in life. Invest in perhaps a further education etc buy a house go on lots of holidays before I have children .... Yeah I'm still young .... But I wanna live the rest of my 20s (don't want kids till my 30s still a bit of a social able party animal) to the best I can and feel escorting is the way forward it can give me the freedom I need and the money to better my future in ways other jobs couldn't. Does anyone else get what I mean by this
The urge has become more and more recently and I feel that this is my chance to get where I wanna be. I don't wanna be a slave to a dull life. I kinda wanna show all the people that have ever put me down that I can be someone. I know that might sound bad. Haha! But I wanna watch people's faces that ever put me down see me succeed. Maybe even open a small business in upcoming years.
I'm pretty sure there are many girls that have gone through this ? I also want some plastic surgery ( as I have low confidence with my appearance - even though people say I'm pretty I don't feel it. ) I just wanna grow in confidence and be happy. Yeah money can't buy you happiness but it can eliminate stress!
That helps.
I just don't what's rush in to things but have been thinking about this non stop since I stopped ... ( I didn't do it very long not that experienced) It's all I think about it. Has anyone else ever quit then wanted to go back?? I work so hard all week and I could probably make as much in a few hours as an escort as I do all week in my civvy job. I have a great boss best I've ever had but would feel guilty for leaving him ../ has anyone experienced this ? I've only been here since summer but I feel like I'm wasting my life there's no chance for progression really ....and I wanna see people more as including travel it's 60 hours 5 and 6 days a week. I feel like my life isn't mine to live and that if I was doing that much work for my own business id be reaping the benefits. There is no way I could get a mortgage on this wage. It would take years to save. Time is precious in my eyes.
Any other ladies ever felt like this ? Or have I gone bonkers haha! I was thinking about leaving in 7-8 months my civvy job.
The only thing that I wouldn't like is feeling so isolated as this would have to be a massive secret almost like a double life ... I'd definitely have to make some escort friends. Some of you are very lucky to have good support around you! If I told some of my female friends I don't think they would ever look at me in the same light. I wouldn't wanna be judged or have it effect future job opportunities. Thank you for listening girls! Sorry the essay. I was wondering what experiences you ladies have had regarding these issues? I see some of you are very happy with where you are now :)


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If you have already tried working as an escort then you know how it is.

I am in the business to make good money, that is why I drifted into prostitution (although I find it exciting too).

You can make it in a normal life too, find another job if you do not like the one you have. I know some people on here say they work limited hours, I am available 24\7

Finally you talk about rubbing people's noses in your success, I doubt anyone will feel you have achieved anything if your a escort.

Suggest you go to Holland or Germany where the stigma is less and you have less chance of getting found out.


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The one thing you need in this business is a thick skin, be prepared that there's a chance your looks/sexual skills will be assassinated either online or to your face. There's days/weeks you can be dead and it makes you think am I too old,fat or whatever and it can dent even the biggest egos over time. Working at my own pace has been the biggest luxury this job has ever afforded me, the money is also great but save it's easy when you're paid daily to spunk it all on shit but it saves your arse when the shitty times of the year hit. I wish when I'd started I had saved more!. If you have close friends who are going to notice you're suddenly not working 60 hour weeks and have more disposable income tell them you do cam work from home and you probably won't be crucified as much for it if it ever gets out.

Green Carnation

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Today escorting is hardly lucrative is you are just starting out as an indie. of course it's better than working minimum wage, and yes you will make more money working a few hours easorting than a whole week in your normal job, but it's not going to bring you big bucks to open up a business in a year or so.