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Author Topic: Dating a client???  (Read 7496 times)

Alexis P

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Dating a client???
« on: 16 March 2013, 12:49:41 pm »
I know,I am being so so dumb,it is a job,a business which pays all my bills and I should ignore every kind of feeling,and to be honest I never really expected any of my clients to make me feel this way. Then once I opened the door and I was shocked,how handsome he is,I can't even describe but probably you all know that feeling when you meet someone for the very first time and you just feel like you want to know him more...
He was coming quite often,since we met for the first time he was not going to see any one else,though from his feedbacks I could clearly see that he liked to try as many girls as many he could manage.
After a while I let him overstay because that was just so good to be around him,have a chat,a laugh,once he came and I could not take the envelope,it just felt very wrong as I wanted him to be there with me.
I am being single for a while now,more than 2 yrs and started escorting in mid october,then a long break from early december til mid january. When I started again in january,he was the first who came to see me,he was looking forward to see me,as he had told me,even in my long break he did not see any one else,though he is single.
And I dont know how,the next week I was meeting him out of the bedroom,went for a coffee,a dinner,like a proper couple,and I think I fell in love. It could be a happy end if everything went right between us. As I got know him better  had to realise we are not looking for the same thing. He said he wants something what is not called relationship,he likes me but he is still just after sexual experience,he doesnt need more,but me...I need some kind of emotional support,and just emotions,something what makes it different from my job. But we are still meeting for 2-4 hours only saturday evening,and he prefers to come to mine (coffees and dinners are gone) he never stays with me for a night,just a few hours. I get less and less from him,but now I need him. We had some arguments already,stupid arguments and it clearly doesnt work between us,we want 2 very different things,he wants a non paid escort,and i want someone who behaves as a boyfriend.
I was crying a lot because I feel cheated,in the beginning he was different,seems like it was just the marketing...
When he asked me what the hell do I expect from him,he could not introduce me to his family,not even if he wanted to,for me that was hurt,and that was a wake up call as well,so now I just have no idea what do I expect from him?
He has seen 2 other girls in the last 2weeks,he said he just left feedbacks for them,did not go to see them...I dont know what to think. But I miss him a lot...
what do I do now???


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Re: Dating a client???
« Reply #1 on: 16 March 2013, 01:09:03 pm »
Alexis this may sound harsh, but this guy is not worth missing.  To me it sounds like he has done this often before, he got under your skin, he allowed things to develop between you, and only late in the day did he say he didn't want a relationship.  However you also allowed this to happen and you assumed that a proper relationship was developing.

He has now told you that is not what he wants, he clearly sees other escorts.  So you know what to expect from him - very little. I know you won't want to beleive this but it sounds to me that he was just looking for free sex with you.  He clearly views escorts as not worthy of a relationship, hence his comment about never introducing you to his parents (very hurtful I can see).

Do you really want to allow someone like this in your life, someone who is clearly just making you miserable.  You both want different things, and that is not going to change.  Clearly you have feelings for him which he does not return. 

Of course it is up to you what you do, but my advice, for what its worth - cut all ties with him, don't let him have his cake and eat it.  Take a break from relationships and put yourself first for a while.


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Re: Dating a client???
« Reply #2 on: 16 March 2013, 01:28:48 pm »
1000% what Nameless said ^^.
YOU deserve someone who will make you happy, accept you for who you are, who wants the same things as you. Never ever accept anything less.
As Maya Angelou famously said....?Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.?    and in his case you're a free option too:-(

Cut all ties asap.



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Re: Dating a client???
« Reply #3 on: 16 March 2013, 01:38:15 pm »
This is why to be cautious with clients, after all they use escorts for nsa fun that's all. So he sounds like that is all he wanted to begin with and still now. Also I don't see how woman can trust clients, they will say any thing to make things swing their way. It's a bit like trusting a stranger off the street come to think of it.


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Re: Dating a client???
« Reply #4 on: 16 March 2013, 01:58:35 pm »
basically your good enough to shag but most defiantly not wife or girlfriend material to take home and introduce to his family 

First of all it taking your out for coffees and lunch and then it dwindle to only visiting you at your place where its convenient for him

You have become a friends with benefit for him,   although i wouldn't class him as a friend in the slightest 

He seems to be using you for free sex or somewhere to go when he has nothing else on

When you meet a man in civilian life relationships are hard enough  when you do it through escorting its generally a thousand times harder   

Alexis P

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Re: Dating a client???
« Reply #5 on: 16 March 2013, 02:03:36 pm »
i liked him a lot,and I thought may be if it works between us I would even stop escorting and look for another kind of job. Now I feel very disappointed,if I was looking for a fuckbuddie then he would be just the perfect guy for me,but I need something more,something different,someone who treats me well,treats me like a normal girl. It seems like this is something what I do not deserve.
Thanks for the support girls,and I know you are right in what you are saying and I should really just ignore him and forget about it,and i am trying to do so,but i miss him a lot,and the thought of not to see him any more hurts...
i know it is complicated as he has a daughter ( lost the mum in an accident) and probably he would never let someone close to his daughter like me...
I am doing the job what I am doing,actually trying to save up for studies and supporting family,it is not something what I want to do for ever,it is just the way how I am trying to ensure a better life for myself and my siblings.
I would need someone to talk to,the lonliness is killing me sometimes,but he is not interested in that,he is interested in sexual things,he told me he used to go for sex parties and such...I thought he is getting closer to me because he got tired of his lifestyle and may be he wants to change.
I was so so wrong  :'(


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Re: Dating a client???
« Reply #6 on: 16 March 2013, 02:09:53 pm »
Alexis it doesnt matter how much you liked him, the feelings werent reciprocated.

Move on .......................................

I can only echo what the other girls have said, but somehow I dont think that is what you want to hear.

He is after a free shag and nothing else, sorry.

Time IS  a great healer, it WILL pass.
Beauty is nothing to do with having a pretty face.
It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart,
And most importantly a beautiful soul.


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Re: Dating a client???
« Reply #7 on: 16 March 2013, 02:11:18 pm »
what do I do now???

You can continue seeing him BUT charge him. Every single time for every minute. And enjoy the ride (it's nice to have a client who you  have fun with). If he's not willing to pay BlOCK HIM. Seeing this guy for free is only going to bring pain to your life. You don't need that.

He is after a free shag and nothing else, sorry.

Seconded. And you're not going to change him.
« Last Edit: 16 March 2013, 02:13:45 pm by Ana30 »
Mornings were made for sleeping, wild sex and bacon.

Alexis P

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Re: Dating a client???
« Reply #8 on: 16 March 2013, 02:28:18 pm »
Thanks again. I know that I have to move on,we are not really talking now,maybe a have a good night or have a nice day,but that is it really.
To be honest I dont want him to pay,it's not what i need from him. It would hurt me every time when I see him. There is only one way to forget him,to ignore him and not to talk at all. I will try my best.


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Re: Dating a client???
« Reply #9 on: 16 March 2013, 02:39:33 pm »
sweetie, hes manipulated you. Hes sweetened you up and now hes reaping HIS rewards.. what exactly are you getting out of this.. a broken heart, being spoken to like gum thats stuck to his shoe .. you deserve better.. client or no client, hes using you and the fact that hes cut the lunches etc and jsut doing the sex.. hes a complete arsehole. any decent guy client or no client that was discussed one has feelings and the other is looking for something else, should have by the very least left you alone..

it may not feel like it now, but cut ties, delete his number, block him on AW if you met him on there or any place else, mark his emails as spam so you dont even see them.

you deserve way better than what hes giving you. you wouldnt take a new client trying to do this for free and treat you like this, so dont let this one.

hugs hun i hope your ok xx

Nobody Interesting

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Re: Dating a client???
« Reply #10 on: 16 March 2013, 03:10:13 pm »

I can't really add to the advice you have been given about this man, but I did want to say...Do not beat yourself up. As Lady Lust says, it WILL pass.

Someone's been a bad girl


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Re: Dating a client???
« Reply #11 on: 16 March 2013, 03:18:01 pm »


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Re: Dating a client???
« Reply #12 on: 16 March 2013, 05:08:58 pm »
It seems like this is something what I do not deserve.

Well he sounds to me like a Grade A manipulative tosser, or maybe even a sex addict.

But I know you won't want to hear that. Most people have been there - I certainly have with men in the past.

But the part above concerns me - of course you deserve to be treated well, like a partner / girlfriend if this is what you want. Of course you do. Perhaps you could look into why you feel you don't deserve a proper relationship with a man? Maybe get some counselling x x x 

"Good things come to those who hustle" Anais Nin

Alexis P

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Re: Dating a client???
« Reply #13 on: 16 March 2013, 07:23:43 pm »

I am fucked up...the hardest is when I work and suddenly he comes into my mind and it is hard to hold back my tears...I dont really know how to control it. Last time when we had an argument  he said he hopes I will finally hate him and I will not want to see him any more...does this mean that he hopes that because now i am not interesting for him and he does not want to hear about me any more???


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Re: Dating a client???
« Reply #14 on: 16 March 2013, 07:36:30 pm »
Just remember he can only manipulate you if you allow it.  He has shown that you mean nothing to him other than a release of sexual tension, just remember that every time you get upset about him.

He is playing mind games with you because he cannot take reality ie. a real person showing real emotions. Its time to take control and realise that you are worth so much more than this kind of treatment.  I think for your own sanity you should cut all contact with this guy, that is the only way you are going to get over him.