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Author Topic: Criminalisation of prostitution  (Read 5958 times)


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Criminalisation of prostitution
« on: 22 October 2012, 05:58:30 pm »
It had me wondering after reading the bill that Rhoda Grant has put forward as to what would make a woman want to go so far as to have prostitution criminalised.

I can understand that governments want to tackle sex trafficking but surely they should tackle that aspect of it instead of penalising those of us who are genuinely making a living out of it and not causing harm to anyone.

What is her bone with prostitution?

if they criminalise it surely this will ultimately have the reverse effect by that us legal gals will be forced out of the industry and the illegal traffickers will prosper as that is all that will be left for men to visit.


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Re: Criminalisation of prostitution
« Reply #1 on: 22 October 2012, 06:15:52 pm »
Well we know that  ;D  Unfortunately the media view is still very much the stereotype - the trafficked women; the junkies; the street girls and girls like us who work sedately from flats/hotels because of economic reasons/because we want to and whispers some of us actually like it...are just too boring to mention.

Its far easier to crack down on us than the huge amount of time, resources etc it would take to tackle the real problem - trafficked women.  This way they can be seen to be doing something

I doubt very much whether Ms Grant has met anyone she knows to be a prostitute or punter in her life. 


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Re: Criminalisation of prostitution
« Reply #2 on: 22 October 2012, 06:23:05 pm »
I'm guessing it stems from insecurity ("they'll be stealing our men!") and some sort of feminism ("women who sell their bodies are objectifying themselves!") and the idea that women can't surely be doing this as a CAREER CHOICE :o ::)


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Re: Criminalisation of prostitution
« Reply #3 on: 22 October 2012, 07:51:49 pm »
I'm curious on what's her excuse is for criminalizing women for an activity that doesn't affect this lady one gram (unless her husband is a punter) and that has been chosen on a voluntary basis. I can understand making laws against pimping and trafficking but putting a woman in jail because she can't pay her mortgage, needs to support her kids etc.. is like going back to 1950. What's next, banning us from voting?
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Re: Criminalisation of prostitution
« Reply #4 on: 22 October 2012, 09:03:05 pm »
On her page she says she is making it her lifes work to have it criminalised.  Women like that do not understand the industry or us ladies.  They need to take a step back and look at the wider picture. 

Like you said we support our families with the money we make, we actually do enjoy intercourse, most of us pay our taxes and are not on benefits.

If they legalised prostitution and made all girls register and pay tax can you imagine the tax income they would be raking in yearly.

If foreign girls and trafficking is the main focus of her doing this why not deal with those issues.  Making it illegal will just be making the problem worse as there wont be anymore girls who do it out of free will and the only option for guys will be the trafficked girls. 


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Re: Criminalisation of prostitution
« Reply #5 on: 22 October 2012, 09:56:03 pm »
If I said what I really thought of this women the air would turn blue, I think what she is proposing is incredibly stupid and shortsighted.

This could well contribute to trafficking spiralling out of control, but no responsibility for this will be taken by Ms Grant and her supporters.
« Last Edit: 22 October 2012, 10:15:48 pm by LadyLove »


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Re: Criminalisation of prostitution
« Reply #6 on: 23 October 2012, 12:29:37 pm »
The problem is she knows fuck all about prostitution , in any way whatsoever,   

She is not a prostitute and she isn't a punter therefore i see no reason why she should have a say in what effects thousands of womens lives and work but sadly she dose

she may very well be able to criminalise it but it won't stop it at all  all it will do is push up the prices ( hooray) and make it harder for girls to report crimes against them  but  i wouldnt stop working and i doubt very much if the rest of us would 

trafficking and the like won't stop because there is million and millions and millions of money being made  people that make there money from this aren't all of a sudden going to stop because its against the law - what they are doing now is against the law so its not going to make much difference to them they will just go around it in a different way

most likely one of the big head honchos in trafficking will probably pay someone to take a contract out on her to get rid of her permanently  ( I'm not joking either ) and then it will all be back to normal


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Re: Criminalisation of prostitution
« Reply #7 on: 23 October 2012, 01:29:08 pm »
The problem is she knows fuck all about prostitution , in any way whatsoever,   

Yup yet she and her ilk think they have the right to decide 'whats best for us'  In fact how fucking dare she be so patronising and ignorant and try and impose her 'norms' on us  (sorry mini rant)

most likely one of the big head honchos in trafficking will probably pay someone to take a contract out on her to get rid of her permanently  ( I'm not joking either ) and then it will all be back to normal

Heres hoping (heavy sarcasm of course)


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Re: Criminalisation of prostitution
« Reply #8 on: 23 October 2012, 02:49:44 pm »
Allot of the organisations and people who agree with her are using phrases like 'gender inequality', 'most prostitutes were sexually abused as children', 'young women groomed into prostitution' and so on, these are disgusting claims and very patronising, it makes me think most of the people who agree with her have no clue what they are talking about.


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Re: Criminalisation of prostitution
« Reply #9 on: 23 October 2012, 03:12:36 pm »
most likely one of the big head honchos in trafficking will probably pay someone to take a contract out on her to get rid of her permanently  ( I'm not joking either ) and then it will all be back to normal

As an insider joke I don't think this is funny, but that's just me.

Personally I wished big heads trafficking honchos were not around AT ALL. I can't think of any lowest form of life than these utter horrible beings.
« Last Edit: 23 October 2012, 03:56:32 pm by Ana30 »
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Re: Criminalisation of prostitution
« Reply #10 on: 23 October 2012, 03:19:38 pm »
most likely one of the big head honchos in trafficking will probably pay someone to take a contract out on her to get rid of her permanently  ( I'm not joking either ) and then it will all be back to normal

As an insider joke I don't think this is a funny, but that's just me.

Personally I wished big heads trafficking honchos were not around AT ALL. I can't think of any lowest form of life than these utter horrible beings.

No one on here has contradicted your second point.  And I think the arguement was that these (I hestitate to use the term humans) 'people' would also take it extremely seriously.

All of us in one way or another have made the point 'if only they could target trafficking' not us ordinary WGs


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Re: Criminalisation of prostitution
« Reply #11 on: 23 October 2012, 03:54:48 pm »
I didn't say that it was funny and I'm not joking about it either -  its just my opinion  of what i would imagine those people that are making millions and million out of trafficking would do   ( they might not of course  - they  might invite here around for a cup of tea and cakes and talk it over in a civilised manner  but its probably more effective and easier for them to just do away with the problem as they see it)
    The thing is those big head honchos are around sadly and won't go away, girls don't get trafficked on there own unfortunately so there is little point in thinking otherwise and while there is millions and millions of pounds  to be made in this business by trafficking alone,
 its  not going to stop either new laws or not they will find another way around it maybe more difficult but it won't stop 
    However  getting rid of the person who is causing the most problems and noise and making it harder for them to make money  would be simply a business decision for those people who are making millions from it , nothing more or less  simply the price of doing business to them   
Sounds callous and cold of me to think like this,but I'm also a realist when it comes to human beings and money , i honestly think that what could happen if she pursues this sort of law and agenda all the way

  its not really unrealistic to expect something like this to possibly happen at some point if  those laws get the go ahead  or keeps on campaigning for prostitution to be criminalised 

   i cant remember the ladies name but she was an Irish reporter who was digging out lots of stuff on a crime family in ireland  in the early nineties and she was close to bringing it to the papers so she was assinated  while driving her car  to shut her up there was a big film made on it, but i cant think what it was called .   She was killed because what she was writing was bringing to much heat on the family and there business  and it was costing them money in lost revenue so to them it was a business decision to get rid of the problem

most likely one of the big head honchos in trafficking will probably pay someone to take a contract out on her to get rid of her permanently  ( I'm not joking either ) and then it will all be back to normal

As an insider joke I don't think this is a funny, but that's just me.

Personally I wished big heads trafficking honchos were not around AT ALL. I can't think of any lowest form of life than these utter horrible beings.
« Last Edit: 23 October 2012, 04:00:22 pm by ParisB »


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Re: Criminalisation of prostitution
« Reply #12 on: 23 October 2012, 03:57:39 pm »
Veronica Guerin  was the reporter name who was shot dead by a crime family in Ireland   for simply doing her job as an investigative reporter in  Ireland
« Last Edit: 23 October 2012, 03:59:26 pm by ParisB »


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Re: Criminalisation of prostitution
« Reply #13 on: 23 October 2012, 04:44:07 pm »
I'm guessing it stems from insecurity ("they'll be stealing our men!") and some sort of feminism ("women who sell their bodies are objectifying themselves!") and the idea that women can't surely be doing this as a CAREER CHOICE :o ::)

I agree with this, its obvious just from reading mumsnet how a lot of society and other women see the situation

1. we are 'letting down' other women by playing into the notion that women are 'objects to be bought by men'  ;D
2. we steal husbands and destroy families, we also take money from childrens homes and food off their tables  ::)
3. we dont know whats good for ourselves, cant make our own decisions and are allowing ourselves to be 'abused'
4. probably the most bullshit one of the lot- all clients are monsters who dont respect women and are potential woman killers that need to be criminalized

I'll be extremely annoyed and upset and let down by the government if either we or our clients are criminalized, at the end of the day if they criminalize clients all the decent guys (most clients) will be too scared to visit us through fear of being arrested and subsequently outed, seeing as a lot of them have families and jobs

so the only clients left that will have the guts to see us will be the unsavory ones who dont care about breaking the law, thus putting us in danger as we are forced to see clients we wouldnt normally see in order to make money

I also think some women are threatened by us as above, they know that we are only ?100 or so away from their husbands cock and the only women who dont rip us apart for breaking up families and fucking husbands are the ones that believe were all drug addicted hopeless cases that need help

a lot of women have sympathy for the wg they see as trafficked, abused, forced or drug addicted but the odd thing is that whenever a wg announces to other women shes happy with and enjoys her job she is ripped apart, its very sad


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Re: Criminalisation of prostitution
« Reply #14 on: 23 October 2012, 05:22:42 pm »
« Last Edit: 18 March 2013, 11:26:13 pm by Roxychu »