Hey, I know some people have had luck getting vaccines in advance and/or through stating their working situation to get rushed ahead despite their age group so just wanted to query something.
I had my first one, booked via the NHS, on 30th May. My second isn't able to be scheduled any sooner than mid-august with the NHS booking system (12 weeks). Annoyingly as I had Moderna, a lot of the listed walk-in centres won't be suitable as they just have AZ, or don't actually specify what they have (I find this system of not naming the vaccines available such a shambles). Did anyone have any luck with Moderna in particular, using SW as a reason to bring forward the second dose? I know they're bringing over 40 and vulnerable categories forward to 8 weeks gap instead of 12 now.
I might try calling 119 to see if they will take my working situation into account to bring it forward, but I'm always wary of telling strangers over the phone about it, or having some swerf on the other end, so wanted to check here if anyone has had any luck first.