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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 240378 times)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1815 on: 01 January 2021, 10:15:17 am »
Just for curiosity some of you guys are working in the pandemic and is so tempting as I am not working because of the pandemic I was just wondering how you guys are keeping safe while escorting have you encounter with any covid contamination just for curiosity and all comments are welcome.
Stay safe guys and love you all.😚😘

Regulars only at the moment.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1816 on: 01 January 2021, 02:14:10 pm »
In addition throughout the pandemic I have always vetted their occupation.  High risk occupations are no go.  I don't meet with those who work in warehouses factories or offices either right now.

Even assuming that the punters tell the truth (and I know I wouldn't), how are these 'high risk' occupations compared with (say) teachers, paramedics, supermarket workers?

And does 'meet with' mean incalls or are you actually going out and meeting them somewhere in the fresh air? (I only ask because I keep getting emails from numpty central AW asking me to 'meet up' with them and they go straight in the bin.)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1817 on: 01 January 2021, 04:55:50 pm »
I don't think that apart from not working you can be sure that you won't catch covid even if just seeing regulars, We really have no idea if they are just seeing us and also what they get up to in their daily life. I haven't done anything different, I do feel a bit more worried with the stories of people with no underlying health problems dying from covid and if we go into tier 5 I will just stop working as it's such a hassle and I think it's going to get quiet. I personally try and take supplements that helps my immune system and N acetyl cysteine is something to look into as protective supplement but apart from washing hands and Hand sanitizer that's all I'm doing. I don't have any family to shield or any serious health concerns of my own. I have refused to see anyone I know has health problems but knowing this with New clients would require asking them. Working next week but not feeling super enthusiastic or sure if I'll have work. But I don't think there's anyway to be 100% safe and work it's a risk but so is working in a supermarket or having kids go to school.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1818 on: 01 January 2021, 05:50:18 pm »
Just for curiosity some of you guys are working in the pandemic and is so tempting as I am not working because of the pandemic I was just wondering how you guys are keeping safe while escorting have you encounter with any covid contamination just for curiosity and all comments are welcome.
Stay safe guys and love you all.😚😘

Especially with the new, more contagious variant, it's impossible to do physical meets 'safely' in my view.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1819 on: 01 January 2021, 11:42:56 pm »
I don't think that apart from not working you can be sure that you won't catch covid even if just seeing regulars, We really have no idea if they are just seeing us and also what they get up to in their daily life. I haven't done anything different, I do feel a bit more worried with the stories of people with no underlying health problems dying from covid and if we go into tier 5 I will just stop working as it's such a hassle and I think it's going to get quiet. I personally try and take supplements that helps my immune system and N acetyl cysteine is something to look into as protective supplement but apart from washing hands and Hand sanitizer that's all I'm doing. I don't have any family to shield or any serious health concerns of my own. I have refused to see anyone I know has health problems but knowing this with New clients would require asking them. Working next week but not feeling super enthusiastic or sure if I'll have work. But I don't think there's anyway to be 100% safe and work it's a risk but so is working in a supermarket or having kids go to school.

I don’t think the risk compares to working in a supermarket! how would you know if they have health problems? they are unlikely to be completely honest? Just curious what tier you are in?


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1820 on: 02 January 2021, 12:44:24 am »
Tier 4 and the disabled clients that I have seen pre covid I have had to turn a few down and I would hope that anybody who knows they have health problems would be sensible and not risk their health visiting me. I don't ask them if they have health problems they should be responsible for their own health.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1821 on: 02 January 2021, 02:02:15 am »
Tier 4 and the disabled clients that I have seen pre covid I have had to turn a few down and I would hope that anybody who knows they have health problems would be sensible and not risk their health visiting me. I don't ask them if they have health problems they should be responsible for their own health.

You completely disregarded my comment about the comparison between this and working in a supermarket?
Tier 4? really? It’s not for me to judge


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1822 on: 02 January 2021, 02:21:54 am »
You completely disregarded my comment about the comparison between this and working in a supermarket?

To be fair TT, your comment didn't make your point clear?

I've read it again and I don't understand what comparison you're making between sex work (close physical contact but brief and with relatively few people and far more control over what happens, the environment and the circumstances) and retail/supermarket work (less close physical proximity but with exposure to many times more people over a far greater time period, and little or no control over either their behaviour or the environment) either?

I do know which job I'd pick if I was concerned about catching a bug, and I've done them both.

Tier 4? really? It’s not for me to judge

No it certainly is not, and thanks for reminding everybody else :).


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1823 on: 02 January 2021, 02:50:33 am »
To be fair TT, your comment didn't make your point clear?

I've read it again and I don't understand what comparison you're making between sex work (close physical contact but brief and with relatively few people and far more control over what happens, the environment and the circumstances) and retail/supermarket work (less close physical proximity but with exposure to many times more people over a far greater time period, and little or no control over either their behaviour or the environment) either?

I do know which job I'd pick if I was concerned about catching a bug, and I've done them both.

No it certainly is not, and thanks for reminding everybody else :).

Amy you know exactly what I’m saying!


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1824 on: 02 January 2021, 10:04:21 am »
I have also worked in a supermarket and I feel much happier to have the choice to see 2 or 4 people a day than hundreds of strangers. Both my physical and mental health is much better in my chosen work escorting. And yes I'm working while in tier 4 and I really couldn't care if anyone did feel like judging me for. My choice and those clients that see me during tier 2, 3,4 or 5, They have made the choice. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything they don't want to. I didn't work at all in the first lockdown but that was a personal choice and I didn't struggle with money as I'd saved. I didn't look down on anyone who did work because we can't judge a person's situation we don't know. So let's not make this about who's working what tier, Who cares as long as it's not forced and I'd rather someone work and pay bills and look after themselves and family rather than fear judgement and suffer financially.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1825 on: 02 January 2021, 12:55:28 pm »
Still working I’m not mixing with anyone personally so wouldn’t spread the virus


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1826 on: 02 January 2021, 02:15:03 pm »
Still working I’m not mixing with anyone personally so wouldn’t spread the virus

Of course you could still be spreading it. What if you see a client that has got it (before symptoms are showing) He gives it to you that day, you then see five other clients that day and you give it to them and then they take it home to their family. So how would you not be spreading it? I’m not judging you for working but don’t be naive about how a virus spreads.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1827 on: 02 January 2021, 02:17:02 pm »
I have also worked in a supermarket and I feel much happier to have the choice to see 2 or 4 people a day than hundreds of strangers. Both my physical and mental health is much better in my chosen work escorting. And yes I'm working while in tier 4 and I really couldn't care if anyone did feel like judging me for. My choice and those clients that see me during tier 2, 3,4 or 5, They have made the choice. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything they don't want to. I didn't work at all in the first lockdown but that was a personal choice and I didn't struggle with money as I'd saved. I didn't look down on anyone who did work because we can't judge a person's situation we don't know. So let's not make this about who's working what tier, Who cares as long as it's not forced and I'd rather someone work and pay bills and look after themselves and family rather than fear judgement and suffer financially.

as long as you are ok with that and understand how the virus is spread

English Green

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1828 on: 02 January 2021, 02:32:25 pm »
Thick thighs. The one's that are working know by law there not supposed to and know the risks and know the virus is getting worse and hospitals getting crowded.

They do it for different reasons
1. Because they are struggling and have no money to survive on and no access to grants.
2.  Because they have limited savings and don't want to get in a worse position and still have work flats to pay for etc and other debts.
3. Just greedy, they earn a lot, have plenty of savings but just money mad.
4. Ones that just don't care about the virus.

On the first lockdown i knew 1 lady that worked all the way through it and caught it and ended up in hospital in a bad way she thought she was going to die. She recovered but now has quit the industry and hated herself for not taking it serious. I think unless you catch it and are very ill or know people that have died you might have a different out look.

It is what it is just like all the ones that we're hanging out around pubs in high streets in there hundreds singing all on top of each other with no masks on. Some just don't care and nothing we can do about any of it. Just look out for yourself that is all you can do.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1829 on: 02 January 2021, 03:38:24 pm »
Thick thighs. The one's that are working know by law there not supposed to and know the risks and know the virus is getting worse and hospitals getting crowded.

They do it for different reasons
1. Because they are struggling and have no money to survive on and no access to grants.
2.  Because they have limited savings and don't want to get in a worse position and still have work flats to pay for etc and other debts.
3. Just greedy, they earn a lot, have plenty of savings but just money mad.
4. Ones that just don't care about the virus.

On the first lockdown i knew 1 lady that worked all the way through it and caught it and ended up in hospital in a bad way she thought she was going to die. She recovered but now has quit the industry and hated herself for not taking it serious. I think unless you catch it and are very ill or know people that have died you might have a different out look.

It is what it is just like all the ones that we're hanging out around pubs in high streets in there hundreds singing all on top of each other with no masks on. Some just don't care and nothing we can do about any of it. Just look out for yourself that is all you can do.

Yes I get all that and appreciate that we all have different circumstances etc, but Escortx comment saying she is still working but not mixing so won’t spread the virus is very naive as clearly she is mixing