SO! Coronavirus is still affecting bookings for me, and here's how.
Throughout the lockdown I had a massive upturn in enquiries and booking requests (not AW booking requests as they'd suspended those, I mean general messages and emails requesting a booking).
The lockdown ended but I was still isolating as much as I could, including not seeing close family, but still had emails from guys as "the pandemic's over" and "you won't die" and "I can show you my negative result" etc. I batted them all away, with nice/friendly replies such as "save me to your hotlist", "hope to see you very soon", "contact me in a month" etc. I promised them all that as soon as I was ready to return, I would announce it on my profile.
Which I eventually did.
That was almost 2 weeks ago. And I have gone from numerous requests per day, pre-announcement, to literally ONE. In total. ONE (seemingly) *GENUINE* request in almost 2 weeks. Which I couldn't accommodate because he wanted a date I can't do.
Apart from that it's been almost dead, apart from: man who wanted hardsports (NOT OFFERED), man who wanted "smelly farts" (NOT OFFERED), man who called me "princess" (WTF is this, Eastenders?!) and also wanted hardsports (IGNORED), man who messaged "hi"(IGNORED), man who messaged "hi how you doing" (IGNORED), man who told me his wife's away and he likes women who are the same age as him and he wanted hours of fun sex at his hotel (NOPE, NONE OF THIS (apart from the age) OFFERED), and a man who said "I guess I should accept you just don't want to meet me" (which I pointed out we're in a FUCKING PANDEMIC!!!!).
I know it's August, school hols, quiet time, etc. It's just this year is definitely loony tunes time.
Interestingly, almost all (I'd guess at 90%?) of the messages I received through AW during the lockdown came from accounts that are now DELETED/no longer active.