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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245473 times)

Vintage Miss

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1095 on: 08 May 2020, 10:40:16 am »
I know this will sound utterly selfish, but I'm getting to where I'd rather catch the damn virus, live with the consequences, so I can get back to some normality and not be caged in like an animal  :(

I understand how you feel, it’s normal I think, we’ve been stuck for 7/8 weeks now it’s tough going.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1096 on: 08 May 2020, 10:50:32 am »
There's a chance  you may have had the  virus already as some cases are symptomless apparently.
 A bit OT but a lot of information re corona seems to be conflicting and the measures introduced are being enforced inconsistently to say the least (packed trains during rush hour while people in parks are being apprehended by the police)

I mean its not like the virus is capable of cognition and distinguishes where social contact absolutely essential.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1097 on: 08 May 2020, 12:47:32 pm »
Again it doesnt matter if you catch the virus.  Even if you do catch the virus it doesnt make you immune to it.  You can still catch it again  :FF

Given that the most eminent scientists state not enough is known to give authoritative answers to the question of immunity, what is your source for this? Are you saying that you know more about it than they do, because if so you surely ought to be on the team with Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance rather than knocking out £40 quickies somewhere?


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1098 on: 08 May 2020, 12:54:01 pm »
There's a chance  you may have had the  virus already as some cases are symptomless apparently.

It's come up already earlier in the thread, but given the nature of our job I would be amazed if a significant number of us hadn't had it already, especially anybody who was working in Londom towards the back end of February/start of March. I wouldn't have put the symptoms I had down to CV unless my friend had told me that a number of them were textbook, because I never had a fever or a cough - I'm as certain as I can be that I've had it (and so was the NHS symptom checker when I looked) but whilst I felt dog rough for a couple of days and under the weather for a couple of weeks I was far more ill.when I had norovirus and also when I had flu in my twenties.

The problem is that until there's widespread antibody testing, this fear is going to continue and the endless whipping up by the media to sell their shitrags isn't helping.

Vintage Miss

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1099 on: 08 May 2020, 01:10:09 pm »
Again it doesnt matter if you catch the virus.  Even if you do catch the virus it doesnt make you immune to it.  You can still catch it again  :FF

Recent news reports from the current science say having had it won’t definitively make you immune, the juries are out, but you may have over determined and oversimplified this. Having had it is still likely to offer some amount of protection from it in the future and immunity is still a major focus on improving the situation. It is wrong to say we definitively can catch it again.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1100 on: 08 May 2020, 02:51:07 pm »
It's come up already earlier in the thread, but given the nature of our job I would be amazed if a significant number of us hadn't had it already, especially anybody who was working in Londom towards the back end of February/start of March. I wouldn't have put the symptoms I had down to CV unless my friend had told me that a number of them were textbook, because I never had a fever or a cough - I'm as certain as I can be that I've had it (and so was the NHS symptom checker when I looked) but whilst I felt dog rough for a couple of days and under the weather for a couple of weeks I was far more ill.when I had norovirus and also when I had flu in my twenties.

The problem is that until there's widespread antibody testing, this fear is going to continue and the endless whipping up by the media to sell their shitrags isn't helping.

I 've had  the symptoms Nov last year, but back then corona wasn't the 'thing'


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1101 on: 08 May 2020, 03:49:01 pm »
I had an awful sore throat due to a headcold, lost my voice for a few days end of February but I am still convinced it was simply a cold. Person I share a household with didn't get it, and well according to current guidelines that person is in a risk group so surely they'd be whammed by it if I had?Same with any colds/feeling off I had prior to that.

Or perhaps not.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1102 on: 08 May 2020, 06:23:13 pm »
Well nobody is going to be laid low because somebody else has a bug - they have to catch it first. And nothing's guaranteed (see Nadine Dorries who was far more ill than her mum, despite her mum being in her mid-eighties, I think). But yes, that sounds like a cold. From the information I could glean from the symptom checker, if you don't have any symptoms below the neck itt's unlikely to be a lower respiratory infection.

Back on topic, I had three variously dumb emails on AW this morning all wanting bookings either today or over the weekend - my autoreply will have got them and I don't plan to log in before the middle of next week at least, but I obviously overestimated the reading and comprehension ability of the site users as ever, and I'm going to have to sledgehammer it in words of one syllable.if I want any peace ::).


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1103 on: 08 May 2020, 09:57:08 pm »
Wait until you get to late forties and no longer care because you know you are fabulous :D

I'll look forward to that day :) I will say I'd rather be this age that in my twenties. But still I'm a bloody chunky monkey right now lol But my motivation is at a all time low.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1104 on: 08 May 2020, 10:14:03 pm »
And now I don't think anything we have been drip fed regarding info on this virus is really worth believing 100%. I personally research stuff and read scientific papers and studies because I am deeply into nutritional health. And the guy that's advised our government on what we should do had his bit on the side visit him during lockdown for a bunk up, Makes me questions the experts that have been employed to give advice. We need to get natural immunity( just my personal opinion) because we can't live like this any longer than a month and it's down to our immune systems and our mental health too. The financial loss for us WGs and so may professions is going to be huge.

In my village today VE day street party gatherings. I think common sense is needed and I don't plan on living isolated and in fear. Be interesting to see in six months time if anything comes to light.

I've personally had and dealt with anxiety myself and family. So I do feel for anyone feeling anxious right now, Its a horrible feeling and unless you've had it, you cant understand how something like lockdown and isolation can magnify things plus the worry of financial insecurity and routine. I do hope anyone with anxiety can have some support right now.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1105 on: 08 May 2020, 10:27:13 pm »
I personally feel lockdown damaged
us on many fronts, economy,
eduction for kids, "forgotten people" like,
men who need paid companies, people,
Who are already isolated socially and physically..
disabled people..

The virus was alerted a few years ago,
It must have been going around much,
much longer, I agree, many of
Us had it and recovered, or body
learned to live with it etc. lockdown was a
stupid idea.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1106 on: 09 May 2020, 03:03:51 am »
I personally feel lockdown damaged
us on many fronts, economy,
eduction for kids, "forgotten people" like,
men who need paid companies, people,
Who are already isolated socially and physically..
disabled people..

The virus was alerted a few years ago,
It must have been going around much,
much longer, I agree, many of
Us had it and recovered, or body
learned to live with it etc. lockdown was a
stupid idea.

It's only been around a few months, not years - that's why we locked down, because we don't know all the ins and outs of the pathology, epidemiology etc. It's always been a case of balancing public health versus the economy.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1107 on: 09 May 2020, 10:58:03 am »
at a risk of being off topic.

This sort of lockdown is unprecedented and its probably safe to say the effect it has on our economy can't be positive.
I would disagree  that its money vs health. More like its health vs health.
 When/ if we come out of this the country will be seriously economically damaged that is sure to have an effect on funding public services NHS included and public health will be affected in the long run due to underfunding, lack of staff etc.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1108 on: 09 May 2020, 12:47:03 pm »
i was thinking about booking a hotel next weekend is it to soon?


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1109 on: 09 May 2020, 12:52:12 pm »
i was thinking about booking a hotel next weekend is it to soon?

If you can get a hotel to take your booking there's nothing stopping you Ex, but be prepared for anybody entering to be quizzed as to where they're going and what they're doing - I can't imagine you'll be able to work easily and as it stands at the moment you'll still be breaking the law.

As for the rest, can we please follow the above example and get back on topic? Turning everybody's favourite current buzz word from a noun into a verb doesn't make it either accurate or less annoying, and as we've just seen there are still sex workers here who need support :).