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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245362 times)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1080 on: 07 May 2020, 05:50:51 pm »
I'll point out that the link above I removed was to a scum red top, and likely has as much credibility as a nine pound note. Either way, I'm struggling to see why traces of (not necessarily infectious) virus in semen is harder to avoid for us than those an infected person is breathing out just being in the same room - I would have thought it's the easiest thing to mitigate since most of us are likely to have some condoms lying about?


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1081 on: 07 May 2020, 06:19:52 pm »
I'll point out that the link above I removed was to a scum red top, and likely has as much credibility as a nine pound note. Either way, I'm struggling to see why traces of (not necessarily infectious) virus in semen is harder to avoid for us than those an infected person is breathing out just being in the same room - I would have thought it's the easiest thing to mitigate since most of us are likely to have some condoms lying about?

Maybe the scummy red top has no credibility bu these two British professors do

Prof Allan Pacey, Professor of Andrology at Sheffield University, said: “It shows that RNA for the virus responsible for Covid-19 can be detected in the semen of a proportion 16 per cent of men with a confirmed infection.

“This opens up the possibility that one route of infection may be through sexual contact, although this was not confirmed in the paper.

so does

Professor Richard Sharpe, from Edinburgh University and a Member of the Society of Endocrinology, said: “It found a minority of men who have had Covid-19 infection diagnosed in a hospital, also exhibit the presence of Covid-19 virus in their semen.

I would think the fact it looks like covid can possiblybe passed on via semen is very relevant to coronavirus affecting bookings especially the potential regarding OWO and CIM bookings. Hopefully even though it is in semen it cannot be passed on this way since 16% of infected guys is quite high in my books anyway. Condoms are not used by everyone but maybe they should be when restrictions are relaxed and OWO should be out of the question


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1082 on: 07 May 2020, 06:24:59 pm »
Maybe the scummy red top has no credibility bu these two British professors do

Prof Allan Pacey, Professor of Andrology at Sheffield University, said: “It shows that RNA for the virus responsible for Covid-19 can be detected in the semen of a proportion 16 per cent of men with a confirmed infection.

“This opens up the possibility that one route of infection may be through sexual contact, although this was not confirmed in the paper.

so does

Professor Richard Sharpe, from Edinburgh University and a Member of the Society of Endocrinology, said: “It found a minority of men who have had Covid-19 infection diagnosed in a hospital, also exhibit the presence of Covid-19 virus in their semen.

I would think the fact it looks like covid can possiblybe passed on via semen is very relevant to coronavirus affecting bookings especially the potential regarding OWO and CIM bookings. Hopefully even though it is in semen it cannot be passed on this way since 16% of infected guys is quite high in my books anyway. Condoms are not used by everyone but maybe they should be when restrictions are relaxed and OWO should be out of the question

Didn't it say that all but 2 were still infected?

Also if I'm going to be kissing I think I'm going to get it if it's there anyway.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1083 on: 07 May 2020, 06:35:13 pm »
Maybe the scummy red top has no credibility bu these two British professors do

Then quote them rather than breaking forum rules and creating extra work for forum staff. And as ever, since nobody is (or should be) in a position to dictate how other adults have sex, it's a non starter anyway - we can all.choose the level of risk we're prepared to take, just as we always have.

Didn't it say that all but 2 were still infected?

Also if I'm going to be kissing I think I'm going to get it if it's there anyway.



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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1084 on: 07 May 2020, 07:40:23 pm »
I'm about to loose my sh-t too  >:(

I believe the most important issue here is: when will kids go back to school. With kids at home parents can't go to work. I know a few people trying to work from home and they're finding it very challenging being in the same apartment with their kids and their job. Many clients will be stuck at home unable to escape having to monitor their kids online education.

What I'm pretty sure is that once kids are back to school and adults are allowed back to work guys are going to be quite desperate and our phones will be ringing of the hook (assuming they still have their jobs that is).
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1085 on: 07 May 2020, 07:45:49 pm »
Even if active virus is in semen, if you swallow quickly with CIM you should kill it. As with other nasty things in semen, the safest thing is not to hold it in your mouth for any length of time, and not brush your teeth just before or after.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1086 on: 07 May 2020, 07:59:21 pm »
Oh god Kay that's interesting. I always spit and then use a strong mouthwash to rinse and then gargle. Sorry if you're having your tea.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1087 on: 07 May 2020, 08:51:47 pm »
I tried to put on a bra yesterday for the first time in ages, and it wasn't easy. I have done nothing but bake things and eat them for weeks :D.

If it’s any consolation I have too. Saw two regulars who have both lost weight (how!) and they both said I looked amazing. I know they were desperate but still felt good.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1088 on: 07 May 2020, 09:00:41 pm »
Ditto. I’ve cried pretty much every day for the last 3 weeks. I’m losing my shit and i feel like a bad mother not being able to entertain from 7am til 8pm every day. It’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel! I have no motivation to do cam or create any content, i never knew how much my happiness relied on my regular routine!
We will all get there though, eventually.

Edit - having said that though, I’m not in a rush to return to taking bookings and am thinking I won’t be back for a while, I’m just too nervous about potentially catching and passing on to my child.

Honesly I started off for the first 3 wks running every day and thinking I was gonna web cam all night and make a fortune. Then the last 3 wks haven’t even opened the web cam or done a run and am now hardly getting out of pj’s.
I do hope my original enthusiasm will come back.

Up until corona happened I was working a lot and feeling burned out. I think the rest is doing me good but I think at the back of all of our minds is when is it safe to get back to work.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1089 on: 07 May 2020, 09:08:26 pm »
There was NO WAY I was doing any cam work (I feel awkward on camera anyway) or phone work (more in my wheelhouse) with these nosy kids at home, now that the youngest just learnt to read rather well, she has started to read over my shoulder now too so I can't even check messages around her. money being made here....

I really feel the bra thing, it hurts like hell now.  I am wearing my soft cup indoors.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1090 on: 07 May 2020, 09:41:33 pm »
Me too and despite having a rowing machine lol But it's my fault I've been indulging in red wine. But before I go back to work I need to whip my arse into shape or I won't feel confident escorting. I'm a apple so yay for tits but not for belly fat :( Plus now I'm late thirties I realise I actually need to watch my diet.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1091 on: 07 May 2020, 09:51:05 pm »
So the professors checked semen lol That seems extreme. I can't comment on this until I Google the F out of it lol That and how to shed my belly fat and back fat.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1092 on: 07 May 2020, 09:52:32 pm »
Plus now I'm late thirties I realise I actually need to watch my diet.

Wait until you get to late forties and no longer care because you know you are fabulous :D


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1093 on: 08 May 2020, 03:29:30 am »
I know this will sound utterly selfish, but I'm getting to where I'd rather catch the damn virus, live with the consequences, so I can get back to some normality and not be caged in like an animal  :(


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1094 on: 08 May 2020, 10:40:12 am »
Again it doesnt matter if you catch the virus.  Even if you do catch the virus it doesnt make you immune to it.  You can still catch it again  :FF