Regardless of this virus and lockdown. As WGs we actually put ourselves at risk from owo and DFK orally unhygienic mouths, Risk of clamydia and HIV from and CIM, I have offered all myself. But it's our own choice and in the last 7 years of having many sexual partners and always OWO and the same with work, Never got anything and actually hardly get a cold.
My point is life and Everyday we take risks, A trusted boyfriend can create and give a partner something. I read on closer today of a woman that drink sperm because she thinks it is good for her immune system. For me CIM gives me a upset stomach so no thanks.
I like that we can have a choice, Right now it feels like we are being judged daily. But really the info we are fed is from the media and we will never get total clarity
We all have our reasons to not work during lockdown or to work. Be interesting to get feedback after this how many girls working since lockdown actually got ill, I think ironically not many.
I personally never believe everything I am told or else I'd be a sheep. So its important to have our own way iof dealing and feeling safe during lockdown but to also support each other and give advice. We may not always agree.
The fact we have chosen to be escorts shows we are independent and gone against the rules and judgments of others. Many if us had to because we needed to provide and pay bills. But we all come from different backgrounds and not all WGS madecthe choice
I will never feel ashamed that I have sold my body and time for money because as adults and in this industry it's not just about sex and it's not about being used or exploited, Its the female power we have over men. For most it's a choice and fron what I have read on here, We Educated women and it's still a mans world so us women need to still find ways to make things work for us and for our families.
And nothing is black and white, We may agree to not agree and sometimes be too high and mighty. But it's a blessing to be free to have an opinion.