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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245526 times)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #855 on: 17 April 2020, 07:27:33 pm »
The thing is, the jury is out on whether having it already (as I have done) confers immunity, therefore there is a risk we who have had it can get it again.
I am not sure that my body or my lungs can handle that so I am not sure what to do at all until there is a vaccine?


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #856 on: 17 April 2020, 09:04:31 pm »
The thing is, the jury is out on whether having it already (as I have done) confers immunity, therefore there is a risk we who have had it can get it again.
I am not sure that my body or my lungs can handle that so I am not sure what to do at all until there is a vaccine?

Wait and see what the studies say? I fear this too that you can catch it multiple times, a vaccine could be years away and not 100% effective and I imagine any vaccine will be prioritised for ''essential workers'' or will be sold to the country that is the highest bidder.

[off topic content redacted - please keep the flat earth stuff off the forum]
« Last Edit: 17 April 2020, 09:40:40 pm by amy »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #857 on: 17 April 2020, 09:35:51 pm »
It's scary, If it's here to stay and it's a new reality for us then Everyday normal living will be a risk,Shopping, Hooking up and dating. Why didn't I work my arse off and buy a desert island or nuclear bunker lol We need to arm ourselves with what we need to do to boost our immune system. I take the best supplements but sometimes just working too hard or stress can lower our defences.

I was thinking of teaming up with another girl and doing a duo gloryhole service so just a hole and no need to see a face or kiss.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #858 on: 17 April 2020, 09:39:16 pm »
I have yet to read anything even remotely convincing that suggests reinfection is possible (and since my New Scientist subscription expired two days ago and I can't afford to renew it it's unlikely I will ;D), but nobody knows and we're getting into speculation now which does nobody any favours. I'm happy to take my chances, but if I wasn't I'd just ditch whoring altogether and do something else.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #859 on: 17 April 2020, 10:38:25 pm »
Most of the evidence suggests that most recoverees do have some immunity - that's why they're running trials of using some of their plasma to help very ill patients (i.e. transferring the antibodies). What is in question as it's a new infection is how long the immunity lasts. Some patients also appear to see a re-activation of their infection (rather than a re-infection).

Multiple companies, big and small, and academia are working on a vaccine. We'd be very unlucky if one wasn't available by the end of 2021.

COVID-19 could be like flu and come round once or twice a year from now on, or it could be like SARS and MERS and not really bother us again. We just don't know. But hopefully we'll at least have the antibody tests fairly soon so people will know if they've had it.

I'm not going to be paranoid once lockdown is over, and I will do bookings if my civvy job/time allows
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #860 on: 17 April 2020, 10:59:02 pm »
This is really what I meant - we've had threads here (with pictures, in one instance) over the years from people who've been unfortunate enough to catch herpes and suffer horrendous initial attacks; among those replying with similar experiences their repeat attacks have been sporadic, much milder and in many cases non-existant (even for years) but either way a repeat attack doesn't mean that somebody has caught herpes a second time, just that it never went anywhere in the first place.

Couple a completely unknown situation with less than favourable testing condtions and limited resources, and add an extraordinary amount of pressure to get it right and it's clear that nobody is going to have anything concrete for a while. Not that that'll stop the redtops printing endless bollocks about it ::)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #861 on: 18 April 2020, 12:09:39 am »
I suffer with cold sores on my lips or inside nose but not genital and once you get herpes it's for life and lives in the nerve endings. But attacks can be because of stress, Being rundown or other factors.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #862 on: 18 April 2020, 12:37:36 am »
Sorry, I obviously didn't word my post very well - I wasn't trying to derail the thread and start a discussion on herpes.

What I was getting at was that with viruses we're familiar with we know what to expect, so we know that if somebody is infected with herpes which then clears up and they later have another attack even years later, it's because the original infection has been lying low in their system and not because they've been 'cured' and then caught it again.

With a new pathogen everything has to be learned so it takes time, which means nobody can say whether apparent reinfections are in fact just a resurgence of the original, nor how accurate testing is and so on, because while there are likely to be similarities with existing knowledge it hasn't been seen before.

To try and drag it kicking and screaming back on topic, this also means that nobody will know if and when anybody else is contagious (including themselves) until it's been properly researched, so anybody who believes they would be at serious risk would probably be sensible to avoid working until there's more information.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #863 on: 18 April 2020, 10:03:33 pm »
Well , I think they're starting gagging for it .
 I'm not currently working  ( I am practicing social distancing  ) so my number isn't displayed but my mail box has been non stop for the last couple of days , all unknown to me , 90 % under the age of 30. Those kids thinks they're invincible....

hot flower

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #864 on: 19 April 2020, 10:02:11 am »
I have refused to see clients also who have called or messages me.
I've told them to be safer but it's probably pointless .
No money is worth risking my health for.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #865 on: 19 April 2020, 12:46:25 pm »
I had to call NHS 111 last week because of a crippling migraine attack, and I asked about whether it was possible to get Covid-19 twice, as I suspected that I had it about a month ago - high temperature, cough and felt like someone had tied an elastic band around my lungs - and the doctor said they're still testing, but it's quite unlikely in their opinion. I don't think there are enough studies to either confirm or deny though, but I reckon it's probably unlikely too. It'd be great to get the antibodies tests out, so we can see who has had it already. I think that might put some minds at ease... :-\


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #866 on: 19 April 2020, 10:16:46 pm »
Advice please ladies. So as I'm not working and decided to not continue to rent work flat, The tenancy ends 10th of may. The landlord advertised flat already and new tenants want to move in next Friday. Now I'm happy to move out if i get my two weeks rent back and deposit. Landlord and new tenants looked around flat and I've looked after it. Thing is i think landlord is going to try and do his best to not pay me back all I'm owed or BS me to stall it. I decided to send a formal email to leave a paper trail on what we agreed verbally. Now landlords not replied to confirm what we agree which is odd as up til now all been I emails to suit him. He wants to talk on the phone which a friend said I should record.

Thing is i want to make sure that the day before i hand over keys i get money transferred into my account. After all I'm leaving two weeks early and doing him a favour as the property won't be empty during lockdown.

I'm in my right to say I want to stay until the end of my tenancy agreement and he has no right to pressure me to leave or hold back my owed 2 weeks rent and deposit. I actually think his already taken a deposit from new tenants.

How do I play this and not end up out of pocket ?

Thanks betty


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #867 on: 20 April 2020, 04:33:22 am »
Advice please ladies. So as I'm not working and decided to not continue to rent work flat, The tenancy ends 10th of may. The landlord advertised flat already and new tenants want to move in next Friday. Now I'm happy to move out if i get my two weeks rent back and deposit. Landlord and new tenants looked around flat and I've looked after it. Thing is i think landlord is going to try and do his best to not pay me back all I'm owed or BS me to stall it. I decided to send a formal email to leave a paper trail on what we agreed verbally. Now landlords not replied to confirm what we agree which is odd as up til now all been I emails to suit him. He wants to talk on the phone which a friend said I should record.

Thing is i want to make sure that the day before i hand over keys i get money transferred into my account. After all I'm leaving two weeks early and doing him a favour as the property won't be empty during lockdown.

I'm in my right to say I want to stay until the end of my tenancy agreement and he has no right to pressure me to leave or hold back my owed 2 weeks rent and deposit. I actually think his already taken a deposit from new tenants.

How do I play this and not end up out of pocket ?

Thanks betty

Did your deposit not go in to the deposit scheme?

I would just say you are not leaving without the money.
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #868 on: 20 April 2020, 05:05:25 am »

Did your deposit not go in to the deposit scheme?

I would just say you are not leaving without the money.

Isn't there still a delay with the deposit scheme, was always at least a few weeks after I left that it was processed. That's assuming it's not disputed.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #869 on: 20 April 2020, 07:25:10 am »
Ref the SWARM query earlier up the thread mine is due in the next few days as they emailed me over the weekend.  They have processed mine i.e. application approved and bank details given to them.  Just waiting on actual payment which should be midweek or so. 

Ref the virus affecting our bookings yes there will be less enquiries but there will definitely be less escorts (I think it is far less likely new people will be starting sexwork now in addition).  So it may work out fine for some of us.

I am working on the basis that if 39 per cent of the actual UK population has reduced income now (according to Martin Lewis) then there will be at least that less in terms of enquiries and actual meets.  The 70 plus will be also far less likely to come out.  So maybe 50% less work all in but given that many will be actually leaving the industry or already have left hopefully some of us will still be able to continue without being too adversely affected.

I may do a one hour special price for a while however.  When I start again from September or so.  For now I am just seeing a new regular who is miraculously seeing me twice a month for two hours plus he pays the hotel room.  He is a godsend!