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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245654 times)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #780 on: 13 April 2020, 03:47:05 pm »
I just hope & pray to every god that it returns to some semblance of normality, eventually x


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #781 on: 13 April 2020, 05:15:31 pm »
I have always had the mindset that in life men will always come and go, Doors will close and open and as long as you have your own back things will come good. But the most important thing is that we care for our bodies and mind. I do feel that this year is going to be utterly rubbish for us WGs, I would love to be proved wrong. And I find that we are some of the strongest women mentally for sure from our life experiences. Thank you for letting me ask questions and fail with my rants or off topic stuff. But thanks for having a place to come and chat and ask questions.

We never stop learning and it's great to get some wisdom :)

Darcy may I ask how you are now finding you are better without escorting?


Of course. I've just realised that I don't need to bring in as much money as I'd previously thought, and camming is still going steady my end, so I'm still earning. I also feel a bit better mentally and physically too. My head feels clearer. I will probably start seeing people again in Autumn, but put my prices up...


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #782 on: 13 April 2020, 06:40:35 pm »
My friend worked over this past Easter weekend from her flat in London... She said it was slow but steady
I guess it’s ok for some during this period.
 I also understand most hotels in London like Travelodge , jury inn and ibis are being by the govt to house nhs staff and the homeless. And you have to show u an nhs staff or part of their vulnerable group they are helping.
« Last Edit: 14 April 2020, 09:37:15 am by Missyblue »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #783 on: 13 April 2020, 08:02:37 pm »
I'm just more bothered as I have to decide in 2 weeks if I keep my work flat or not, Landlord was trying to get me to stay for obvious reasons it's not going to be easy now renting out places. If I was just using hotels and such I'd be more chilled and focus on taking the summer off and start Autumn onwards. I just don't want to pay 2 months rent and not work as it will just be money going into landlords pocket and out of my savings. I been offered some part time work locally so that will keep things ticking over.

I think I need to go back to not reading online newspapers, Not help at all.

take a room short term! everything is cheap right now...maybe better than hotel?


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #784 on: 13 April 2020, 08:54:45 pm »
I'm just more bothered as I have to decide in 2 weeks if I keep my work flat or not, Landlord was trying to get me to stay for obvious reasons it's not going to be easy now renting out places. If I was just using hotels and such I'd be more chilled and focus on taking the summer off and start Autumn onwards. I just don't want to pay 2 months rent and not work as it will just be money going into landlords pocket and out of my savings. I been offered some part time work locally so that will keep things ticking over.

Is this a working/prossie flat where the landlord is knowingly renting it for you to work from, or a normal let (I know it's already come up when we were further back in the thread but I can't remember if you said)? Mine is a normal let with a secure tenancy and I'm keeping it unless I have no other option, but everybody's situation is different - my rent is already paid up for months, apart from anything else.

If it's the former I'd be inclined to call her bluff and tell her you can't afford to keep paying for it if you're not able to work and see if she would offer you a knockdown rate; she'll know fine well that she's unlikely to find anybody else and may not want the trouble of trying, as well as the risk of having it sit empty and costing her money? That's if you like the flat and want to keep it obviously - if you think you can easily find another once you're back at work and you have suitable hotels around you I would let it go.

I think I need to go back to not reading online newspapers, Not help at all.

Yes, that would be a plan :)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #785 on: 14 April 2020, 01:47:16 pm »
In korea and china people who had covid are testing positive again, many people are not becoming immune after infection or immunity fades quickly. Big trouble for older clients which are most clients, kissing transmits it so if I ever get back in the saddle I do not want to be responsible for putting anyone in intensive care or a coffin. The escort market will never be the same since a second wave of infection is inevitable.

Not sure what I am gonna do, my job ended due to covid and escorting ended. Deal drugs lol? Blackmarket toilet paper smuggler? :'(


Lola xxx

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #786 on: 14 April 2020, 03:31:09 pm »
Sorry if this has been already covered (tried to have a look through previous pages but my dyslexia makes it difficult to read a lot of text in one go and I often miss things anyway) but two of my regular clients have been bugging me about getting bookings recently. I’ve obviously said no, but they were persistent at first because they are obviously gagging for it but I stood my ground and accepted my decision. I’m just now reconsidering when this is all over if I want them back as clients, as they where prepared to risk their health and my own. I’ve never had problems with them before in anyway. One books an hour every month, sometimes another hour. The other books 45 mins every week. It would be a shame to loose them business wise. (Neither are hard work either)  But I’m not sure how I feel about them pushing for a booking at this time. I’m I being over sensitive?


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #787 on: 14 April 2020, 03:42:16 pm »
Hi Lola. I'm personally not offended that my regulars still want to meet me, and I'll be keeping them when I go back to work.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #788 on: 14 April 2020, 05:06:12 pm »
Thanks for advice Amy much appreciated, It is always good to get a different opinion to the one knocking about in my head. I just caught up with thread.

Landlord does not know I'm escorting so I think I will do as you said and call his bluff. I am paying way over for the flat and he didn't make me jump through loads of hoops or ask for references so I think he knows it will be hard to get what I pay now or future. His a business man so he might see that it's better to help me out and reap future income in a few months. He suggested I pay what I can and add the rest on to monthly ongoing rent say 1500 a month which I'm not sure about really. I'd have to be on my back and knees an awful lot lol And I got caring commitments too. But this current situations made me realise I should of worked a bit harder and smarter.

I suppose what will be will be and due to my ex saying he can check my AW profile as it's open to the public I will do a new profile, He is keeping a diary of my bookings thinking that when feedback is left that it's on the day the booking takes place. He definitely is not Miss Marple at his detective work but a pain in my derriere.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #789 on: 14 April 2020, 05:10:59 pm »
Of course. I've just realised that I don't need to bring in as much money as I'd previously thought, and camming is still going steady my end, so I'm still earning. I also feel a bit better mentally and physically too. My head feels clearer. I will probably start seeing people again in Autumn, but put my prices up...

Excellent that camming is going well. Had you already had experience? I've heard girls saying it's pointless without already having done it and a fan base. Plus I do not want my face on cam because it's easy for someone, my ex or ex stalker, to screenshot me. My private gallery and clips are starting to pick up but my daily viewing on graph is slashed 50% down. Like I mentioned I'm thinking of deleting my profile and starting again, Possibly like you start in the Autumn if I have to give up work flat.

But cool you are feeling positive :)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #790 on: 14 April 2020, 05:32:38 pm »
My view, when a client is pushy in any situation there's a control problem brewing. Particularly regulars.

Lola xxx

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #791 on: 14 April 2020, 05:50:39 pm »
My view, when a client is pushy in any situation there's a control problem brewing. Particularly regulars.

Absolutely agree with this in most occasions. If a client, regular or not has over stepped I haven’t paused in telling the where to go. But this is such I strange and different time, and again I have never had a problem with them before. The weekly has been a regular I reckon for at least 2 years ( don’t keep strict records lol) and I’ve never had a problem with him.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #792 on: 14 April 2020, 07:12:07 pm »
I'm finding it really hard to see how to continue escorting this year. All the uncertainty of no vaccine, Job loss and a year of financial struggle for a percentage of clients. No clear plan from goverment on when we are allowed to socialize and get up close and personal with strangers. Also the added stigma of working now working recklessly with CV-19. I think the goverment want to have us all using Cov tracking apps on our phone. I feel like freedom and privacy is really going to be a privilege of the past and already our profession is already still a taboo and most wish to keep it discreet.

I don't think we will be getting a full end to lockdown until after the summer.

Has anyone decided to give up in escorting this year and start next year or later this year?
On the flip side a lot of other escorts are declining to work/been put out of business so escorting may actually become more lucrative. Just wait until June, people will have lost interest in ratting on people by then. As for this app i've been hearing about just don't install it on your phone.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #793 on: 14 April 2020, 07:15:16 pm »
I'm just more bothered as I have to decide in 2 weeks if I keep my work flat or not, Landlord was trying to get me to stay for obvious reasons it's not going to be easy now renting out places. If I was just using hotels and such I'd be more chilled and focus on taking the summer off and start Autumn onwards. I just don't want to pay 2 months rent and not work as it will just be money going into landlords pocket and out of my savings. I been offered some part time work locally so that will keep things ticking over.

I think I need to go back to not reading online newspapers, Not help at all.
I stopped reading the news 2 weeks ago. Feel much better.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #794 on: 14 April 2020, 07:51:42 pm »
Sorry if this has been already covered (tried to have a look through previous pages but my dyslexia makes it difficult to read a lot of text in one go and I often miss things anyway) but two of my regular clients have been bugging me about getting bookings recently. I’ve obviously said no, but they were persistent at first because they are obviously gagging for it but I stood my ground and accepted my decision. I’m just now reconsidering when this is all over if I want them back as clients, as they where prepared to risk their health and my own. I’ve never had problems with them before in anyway. One books an hour every month, sometimes another hour. The other books 45 mins every week. It would be a shame to loose them business wise. (Neither are hard work either)  But I’m not sure how I feel about them pushing for a booking at this time. I’m I being over sensitive?

I have blocked regs for asking to see me during this time because I feel like if they don't take my/their health seriously now then they don't at other times either. However, that's my personal preference and if you can't afford to lose them/don't want to, then instead I'd be looking at how they handled it. Did they accept straight away when you told them no? If so, give them another chance when possible. If they're bugging you and not taking no for an answer, it's time to bin them. Not because of what's going on, but because they should respect your decision the first time you tell them.