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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245619 times)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #645 on: 01 April 2020, 03:15:13 pm »
Yes mostly and mainly people who either haven't had any previous contact, or people I would call flaky/get drunk/late night callers.

I have had a few during the day send fairly sensible (meaning contact I would usually respond to or consider for a booking) messages, I just have a template response and a script. Also explained to some of the lakies that they might want to consider how they have approached me prior to this, that the whole social distancing and for some self-isolating is serious.

A few regulars have been in very respectful touch, just to check in and maintain a bit of contact.

I'm thinking ahead to the time when I can accept bookings again, in the meantime exploring other avenues.

English Green

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #646 on: 01 April 2020, 03:15:42 pm »
I had a few just at the start on lockdown but nobody now. Majority of clients will know it's serious and fines issued if caught out. So i would imagine any wanting services will mainly contact any women who have there number showing now as that means there open for business.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #647 on: 01 April 2020, 05:12:56 pm »
Today o got a WhatsApp to ask of I still do outcalls WTF. The guys in my phone as odd pest lol So Amyone else still getting asked if available?

Well, if you have an ad with VS they're extending them for free at the moment, so I've had a couple of calls from presumably that ad. Not that I'm answering any though  :)

Genuine men know the situation and it's only regs who seriously want to know whether I'm working now or not. I can't see very many unknowns being genuine.
These days there are no Prince Charmings. A girl just has to be her own hero


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #648 on: 01 April 2020, 08:20:13 pm »
Any ladies having any luck with webcam? I think it will be the only way guys will get a bit fun but so many girls going it. And I have no experience camming. Tried once and failed and found it boring having to sit by the laptop waiting for a ping.

Made £2.50 yesterday from AW texts lol Zero vid or PG sales.

Vintage Miss

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #649 on: 01 April 2020, 09:52:19 pm »
I had a go and it was terrible for me. I think it might be hard if you’re not a seasoned cam performer with a rep and regs maybe. I’ll give it another go on the weekend though in case it was just a bad time I chose.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #650 on: 01 April 2020, 11:24:20 pm »
I think you are right burlesque,  And I have my kids home now day and night. Spoken to a friend who runs a pub and they have been told not to expect to open for another 2 months. I have decided to give up work flat, I can't imagine my landlord will find anyone to rent it at 1200 a month. I'm going to ask if he could hold on to my deposit and if he doesn't find tenants in next 3 months could I resume. Otherwise I'll be throwing away a months rent on top of the month in advance. I've seen local [accommodation] for £50 a night I can book come the Autum. I worked hard to get a stable work flat on my own but what will be woll be. I'm lucky I have a roof over my kids head and saved for a rainy day.

This is so surreal
« Last Edit: 02 April 2020, 01:56:44 am by SAAFE »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #651 on: 01 April 2020, 11:28:13 pm »
I had a few just at the start on lockdown but nobody now. Majority of clients will know it's serious and fines issued if caught out. So i would imagine any wanting services will mainly contact any women who have there number showing now as that means there open for business.
I’ve just seen a post that West Yorkshire have set up a web form to report people. This is getting out of hand. Please be careful everyone

Vintage Miss

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #652 on: 01 April 2020, 11:30:03 pm »
I think you are right burlesque,  And I have my kids home now day and night. Spoken to a friend who runs a pub and they have been told not to expect to open for another 2 months. I have decided to give up work flat, I can't imagine my landlord will find anyone to rent it at 1200 a month. I'm going to ask if he could hold on to my deposit and if he doesn't find tenants in next 3 months could I resume. Otherwise I'll be throwing away a months rent on top of the month in advance. I've seen local [accommodation] for £50 a night I can book come the Autum. I worked hard to get a stable work flat on my own but what will be woll be. I'm lucky I have a roof over my kids head and saved for a rainy day.

This is so surreal

That is a good idea, I can't imagine anybody would want to be moving right now (or would even really be allowed to move practically speaking) into a flat so he might have a job renting it. Nifty idea. You're right, so, so surreal. I am already fed up of not being able to take bookings and its only been about ten days.

[quote edited]
« Last Edit: 02 April 2020, 01:57:57 am by SAAFE »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #653 on: 02 April 2020, 12:03:51 am »
I feel you there burlesque and I'm now extra fed up because I think things are not going to ease up soon, Have to really budget hard. But this gives us time to perfect our profile, New pics and recharge. I put on weight so I can set a goal to get back in shape
When we can work I think we will be busy with old regulars and guys are already saying how much they have saved from not drinking and eating out for a punt pot. So I will be prepared to be ready to work hard and be focused. 


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #654 on: 02 April 2020, 10:44:19 am »
Today o got a WhatsApp to ask of I still do outcalls WTF. The guys in my phone as odd pest lol So Amyone else still getting asked if available?

I've had 3 enquiries all week and was amazed anyone had asked to be honest.  Although looking at aw there are no ladies available in my area right now which is a positive sign (not judging anyone still working though).  Any enquiry is bloody annoying atm when I really need the money 😡

Dynamite Doll

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #655 on: 02 April 2020, 10:58:40 am »
There was a report on the news which is not escort related but I say so as it relates to us.

The lady was arressted in Yourk and been fined for breaching coronavirus restrictions after she refused to tell police who she was and why she was at a railway station.

So I do wonder those ladies who are still providing incalls or Outcalls still working during this time (NOT judging) if business comes their way as the police are asking questing those on foot and who are driving what their reason for their journey.

If there was no lockdown enforced I would still be working  outcall bookings but will not provide full gfe just doggy position and practice social distancig in the meet.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #656 on: 02 April 2020, 11:04:37 am »
I think Foxy lady that the punters worth seeing are the ones that don't ask now but keep in mind some guys are testing to see what ladies are not taking their health and others seriously and being irresponsible. So yes it very annoying indeed and I'm lucky I got to see my regulars before this all got very serious. Bit what's most annoying is we will get updates and reviews every 3 weeks which leaves us not knowing when we will be free to work. If big companies are putting employees on 80% pay for 3 months and Wimbledon and Olympics being cancelled this summer, Bog coronavirus hospitals being put together then I think we will be in limbo more than 3 months.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #657 on: 02 April 2020, 11:14:02 am »
I'm experiencing a high up-turn in booking enquiries and requests, of guys wanting to see me TODAY.

One guy asked when I was available, I told him it might be July but possibly September depending on what the government advice was, and he replied asking what my problem is....??


Dynamite Doll

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #658 on: 02 April 2020, 11:18:00 am »
I'm experiencing a high up-turn in booking enquiries and requests, of guys wanting to see me TODAY.

One guy asked when I was available, I told him it might be July but possibly September depending on what the government advice was, and he replied asking what my problem is....??


Wow there are some dip shit men in this world. Your reply was fine and sensible.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #659 on: 02 April 2020, 11:52:01 am »
Think we also have to remember that there are probably some sex workers out there that might be in complete dire straits and feel they have no choice but to work. Maybe they will soon find another way to earn money to tide them over until things get s bit better. Maybe they are still waiting to get through to UC.