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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245478 times)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #570 on: 28 March 2020, 04:55:27 pm »
Thank God for regulars, I have also had some nice messages too. I have nudes in my PG and still a 80 % drop.

I don’t think I even want to see regulars in all honesty, I don’t truly know them and some of them are so desperate for sex that they would lie to me just to get a shag. I already have one regular that is gonna get dropped once all of this is over (I mean I’m going to tell him to do one, in a nice way of course😬) due to his texting me every fucking day, yesterday it was “take care please” and I just ignored him like I usually do, I am sick of him thinking we are pals, every night this week around the back of 9pm then he texts me “goodnight xxx” and it’s doing my fucking head right in! He is the type of guy that I suspect has many pals and work colleagues that he gets along with so why can’t he fucking text his pals or colleagues rather than me, he is another deluded one that pays an escort for sex and then thinks that they’re buddies with her after that, it’s almost like they think they have the right to do so as if they just give us money for nothing...god they are so annoying.

He also hinted at a booking a few days ago and I told him no way (I was working at first but deffo not now) and he didn’t reply which makes me think he was very pissed off, we all have that one client that acts like Mr Nice yet you just instinctively know they’re hiding a Mr Horrible underneath...well me thinks he is one of them....and laugh all you like girls at this but I am an avid follower and believer of horoscopes and tarot cards (I don’t believe them all though but I can tell the genuine ones from the charlatans) and in 2 tarot readings that I’ve had in the last 6 weeks then they both said that there is a man around me just now who is considerably older and that I should watch as he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and I seriously think it’s him, he keeps saying in texts that he has never met anyone like me before and that I’m so different, different to what or whom I have no fucking idea but I think he may well get obsessed with me, my gut instinct is barely wrong and I do think he could turn out to be dangerous...
« Last Edit: 28 March 2020, 05:00:57 pm by TantricTease »

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #571 on: 28 March 2020, 05:21:10 pm »
Thank God for regulars, I have also had some nice messages too. I have nudes in my PG and still a 80 % drop.

Possibly also men spending less time on adult sites if he, wife kids and everyone is at home all day locked in together. I’m going on cam tonight hoping the single guys are online bored because they can’t go to the pub. Meh.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #572 on: 28 March 2020, 05:52:05 pm »
I think that's most definitely the case. If you dont mind burlesque could you let me know if camming is worth doing. It's something I could try even if to just top up funds to go available when we can go back available.

Thanks and hope you have some success camming. First me tonight after doing a workout and feeding the kids its pjs and a glass/bottle of wine lol


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #573 on: 28 March 2020, 05:58:01 pm »
I think that's most definitely the case. If you dont mind burlesque could you let me know if camming is worth doing. It's something I could try even if to just top up funds to go available when we can go back available.

Thanks and hope you have some success camming. First me tonight after doing a workout and feeding the kids its pjs and a glass/bottle of wine lol

Apparently camming has been crap, especially on adultwork. High commissions and you have to pay for featuring. It's okay to make some credits but not for a living


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #574 on: 28 March 2020, 07:08:52 pm »
Phone chat is dead too. I just don't think guys have any privacy atm.

I had hoped for some PG sales but it's just not happening either.

I'm just looking on the bright side, which will hopefully be a brusque trade between September and Christmas.  (I suppose we might be able to tour before then but I think more freedom of movement will occur when the schools go back, fingers crossed).


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #575 on: 28 March 2020, 07:24:59 pm »
From my PG and clips I normally make enough each week to go available 3 times or feature my profile. But I suppose right now guys are at home with partners and possibly kids, Stressing about money and work and that probably kills libido too.
But I still am positively hoping that once we get the all clear guys will be wanting a fix.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #576 on: 28 March 2020, 10:49:35 pm »
[link removed - do not post these here]

The daily star have run an article saying girls are still working in the pandemic naming Adultwork etc. Oh dear.
« Last Edit: 28 March 2020, 11:43:23 pm by amy »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #577 on: 28 March 2020, 11:21:16 pm »
[quote removed]

Oh god, I feel a name and shame coming on, surely there are other professions that have physical contact and they’re still working yet they pick on us hookers as per.☹️

Watch out girls, if any of you are still escorting with proof, as in lights on and numbers showing, then some client whose ego you didn’t blow up enough or whose ego you dented, will surely get his ‘revenge’ on you and call some bloody rag! Be safe and only see men you know, like and trust.
« Last Edit: 28 March 2020, 11:44:13 pm by amy »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #578 on: 29 March 2020, 12:08:00 am »
I'll also remind those who were here of the last time we had the pondlife scum of the gutter press crawling all over this forum, when I wound up spending an entire weekend (and seven solid hours at one point) trying to sort out the mess and stem the tidal wave of troll registrations.

Many people, some vulnerable, deleted their accounts for fear of being identified and since we're not going through a similar situation ever again, if there's a repeat we'll take the forum down altogether until it blows over.

The next person to post a press link/URL on this forum gets a month long ban. And to any who might be reading, bear in mind that anything you write about this forum will lead to the above and potentially the temporary loss of online support for people who badly need it. Since Tim Martin has already raised the World's Biggest Cunt bar to unattainable heights, there's no point even trying. So don't.
« Last Edit: 29 March 2020, 12:12:09 am by amy »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #579 on: 29 March 2020, 12:12:01 am »
I apologise Amy and had no idea that that happened and I only put the link in to quote my comment.



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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #580 on: 29 March 2020, 12:13:40 am »
I apologise Amy and had no idea that that happened and I only put the link in to quote my comment.


No, that's fine. It's a good idea to check whether anything in a post you're quoting breaks the rules, but the twenty minutes I spent this morning tidying up earlier posts in this thread proves yet again that nobody does :)

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #581 on: 29 March 2020, 06:46:13 am »
Phone chat is dead too. I just don't think guys have any privacy atm.

I had hoped for some PG sales but it's just not happening either.

I'm just looking on the bright side, which will hopefully be a brusque trade between September and Christmas.  (I suppose we might be able to tour before then but I think more freedom of movement will occur when the schools go back, fingers crossed).
Your right there I usually get early morning calls but I guess although you can't catch Corona down the phone many do not feel turned on enough and don't have enough privacy .
I am not offering escort services at the moment


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #582 on: 29 March 2020, 09:59:43 am »
I think now it's a good idea to state on AW profiles that you are not working. I have removed my contact number too. And stated that anyone asking to book during this serious health crisis will be blocked.

Its awful but we know everyone likes a story or a scapegoat not matter the profession.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #583 on: 29 March 2020, 10:06:09 am »
And Tease, I also had a really nice guy client and he turned very nasty and stalked me and had stalked other girls. But not until it was too late did I get any gut feelings he was bad.He targets new girls. And I have had to block many clients who start to text me like mates.

Thankfully my regulars have not asked to see me since lockdown.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #584 on: 29 March 2020, 10:12:56 am »
I think now it's a good idea to state on AW profiles that you are not working. I have removed my contact number too. And stated that anyone asking to book during this serious health crisis will be blocked.

Its awful but we know everyone likes a story or a scapegoat not matter the profession.

I've left my profile as it is but anyone who emails me will get my auto response saying I'm not working until further notice. I'm not displaying phone number or anything else either.
These days there are no Prince Charmings. A girl just has to be her own hero