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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245492 times)

Nora batty

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #555 on: 28 March 2020, 12:32:26 pm »
My profile clearly shows I’m not available, yet I had a query for today.

My first thought - it’s a journalist.

My second thought - no a dumbass punter!

What BettyBoo says - yes I figured that there would be a blacklist going on not just in the punting forum community but generally.  Well I’m taking note of any queries I get during lockdown too!

I have removed escorting and my phone number from my profile and put a blog and explained it's for the entire time of the virus situation, I am still getting asked for bookings.  Some are being very sneaky saying they researching, they are clearly not, they are kerb crawling the Internet and hoping someone says yes.

What I have also said in my profile is I will name and shame every client who asks for a booking and expose their details, phone numbers and AW usernames and they are banned for life in blogs that Are not on AW that they cannot complain about and get removed.  I am also already sharing these details with several colleagues.

This isn't like a bad strain of an STD going around that you can choose to limit work or change this is a life threatening plague.  I personally feel anyone floun in the not stay at home rules, shouldn't be fined, they should be put on a list and refused medical attention should have they catch the virus.  That goes for clients and the many people who still have their green lights on and are working.  Although I am would be happier if the police who are going around shutting pubs down and removing licenses would also book these people and remove them from working too.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #556 on: 28 March 2020, 12:43:10 pm »
I've already had my regulars comment on how happy they are to see I have stated not available while CV lockdown is on.

Will AW take "escort" off and make us reverify if we mention this on our profiles? I want to untick the option but I don't want to have to faff about reverifying


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #557 on: 28 March 2020, 01:03:19 pm »
Very sneaky but punters are testing girls and asking if available. I have had a few text and tell them straight that it's a big NO. Now stated on my profile and blog that i will not be available and if anyone ask me they will be blocked.

But right now quite a few girls in my local area are still available either young girls early twenties or non british. And instead of those disgruntled punters who normally slag off high rates are now outing and slagging off girls who they text to test if available. Unfortunately and I feel for, But many ladies really do need the money. And I am lucky to off put emergency money to one side but I will be down 3 grand on rent and Bill's.

But I agree with the posts, Need to see how things pan out. And the smart and sensible ladies who are not available should find a respect from regulars and possible new clients. Definitely going to be hard this year.

I may share my flat to help with rent as it may be quiet anyway and in the past I have shared with another girl but prefer to Normally work alone, Very discreet and no drama.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #558 on: 28 March 2020, 01:10:54 pm »

I think it's ok to mention you will not be working during this virus. AW should encourage responsible behaviour. Obviously they must be feeling the loss with no one spending on feature page, Available and taking phone numbers off profiles.

English Green

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #559 on: 28 March 2020, 01:22:25 pm »

I think it's ok to mention you will not be working during this virus. AW should encourage responsible behaviour. Obviously they must be feeling the loss with no one spending on feature page, Available and taking phone numbers off profiles.

I have already put up notices i am not working at the moment. But no full on details as it is obvious why i am not working anytime soon.

Vintage Miss

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #560 on: 28 March 2020, 01:24:09 pm »
Hi there all - been on the forum in the past but decided to join back up now that I am bored from not working and social distancing. I also understand that there are some punters contacting women to see if they'll agree to bookings in ordered to 'catch them out'. I've stopped working but I know there are some women who have particular situations, such as only working part time and have debts or what have you, and so have no savings and feel like they have to work.  Its not their fault that the benefits system is not fit for purpose, has this ridiculous wait on getting funds all designed to dissuade people from sticking with their application. And yes you can get a loan if you get through but I have to wait until the end of the first week of April for my interview, there are that many people waiting. I hate all this social surveillance behaviour as well, its not healthy or helpful.

I'm still worried because even though I get all my income from escorting I am a full time student who wasn't entitled to grants or anything and so I have to wait to hear if Universal Credit will accept me, because under normal circumstances they wouldn't and if so I am going to have to hope that camming is at least profitable (which I doubt as more people offering it and lots of married men will be at home with wives and kids so difficulty in getting online, plus money worries for some people)  because my savings are limited as I only escort part time around my studies. Trying times.

Vintage Miss

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #561 on: 28 March 2020, 01:27:38 pm »
On top of which some of the women on adultwork will be being coerced and pimped or trafficked and won't have much say in whether they continue to work or not, judging those women or even refusing them and other vulnerable people (like homeless people  who have little choice but to break lockdown) medical attention would be diabolical.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #562 on: 28 March 2020, 01:28:49 pm »
Can we move on, please? I can see I'ce already got some tidying to do and slagging off other sex workers is (as mentioned countless times) not what we're here for..As ever, 'I would...' is fine. 'You/they should...' is not.

As for speculating about what punters might be doing and why somebody might have an 'available' sign on their AW profile (maybe to make their profile more visible and drum up some PG sales as has already been mentioned, or maybe because - clutches pearls - they're taking bookings) we can stick to first hand experiences rather than gossip :).


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #563 on: 28 March 2020, 01:40:50 pm »
I've stopped working but I know there are some women who have particular situations, such as only working part time and have debts or what have you, and so have no savings and feel like they have to work.  Its not their fault that the benefits system is not fit for purpose, has this ridiculous wait on getting funds all designed to dissuade people from sticking with their application. And yes you can get a loan if you get through but I have to wait until the end of the first week of April for my interview, there are that many people waiting. I hate all this social surveillance behaviour as well, its not healthy or helpful.

Amen to this. The virtue signalling not just here but everywhere generally (and that's bearing in mind I don't use facebook or Twatter, so God knows what the full extent is like) is making me boak. It seems one thing that's still in endless supply is halo polish.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #564 on: 28 March 2020, 01:51:11 pm »
Anybody else noticed a decline in private gallery sales? I have so thinking camming might also be quiet. Well I'm now only having to wear my M&S comfortable undies lol and make up free days and to hell with shaving and waxing too.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #565 on: 28 March 2020, 01:53:35 pm »
Some of these men need to get a life if they are simply just checking AW to “catch escorts out”, who the hell do they think they are?! Seeking an appointment with an escort as man and accepting bookings as an escort, are for 2 completely different reasons, the former isn’t a necessity yet the latter is.

I think these men need to find a different hobby for the foreseeable, honestly...
« Last Edit: 28 March 2020, 01:56:10 pm by TantricTease »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #566 on: 28 March 2020, 02:01:09 pm »
Will AW take "escort" off and make us reverify if we mention this on our profiles? I want to untick the option but I don't want to have to faff about reverifying

I have unticked/reticked/unticked etc multiple times over the last few years and have never been asked to reverify.

Vintage Miss

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #567 on: 28 March 2020, 02:02:07 pm »
Yes I am avoiding a lot of social media on this, can't cope with the curtain twitching, calls for the police to drag people about for being perceived to break the rules (how liberals quickly become authoritarians under conditions of anxiety contagion!) and general mud slinging.

I've had a few nice regs contact me to check I'm OK and say they'll schedule in once lockdown is lifted, other than that a few missed calls in the early hours of the morning but I'm not displaying my phone on AW at the mo so. I have a mild cough at present which might be 'it'  and so I hope when those retrospective tests come out I can think about getting back to a semblance of normality, if that is how this is going to work.

MY PG sales are non existent at the mo seeing as I don't have much in the way of nudes in there or anything so I think they mostly only get looked at my potential clients so that isn't really happen at the mo.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #568 on: 28 March 2020, 03:52:41 pm »
I have had a few clients whom I have never met in my life email me about how bored they are whilst on lockdown and hinting at me giving them some ‘naughty’ (hate that word) texts free of charge! I emailed one back and told him “I’m not a fucking sex Samaritan”, I can’t believe they think any sw would actually do this!

One guy asked for a face pic to have so that he can book me when all this is over and I said I had them in my pg and he wrote “well the thing is is that if I pay for your pg then it will show up on my statement as aw” and I wrote back “what the fuck do you expect me to do about it? Why not buy a pay safe card if you really need to see my face for a future booking”, again I have never met him in my life! I also said “what would be in for me if I sent you a pic” and he said “my money when I book you”, I replied that he would be getting a service in exchange for the money and he replied “oh yeah right enough” :FF

It’s so insulting when they think we are stupid, it’s actually them that are stupid for assuming that we are! I shouldn’t have swore at them but I couldn’t help it, can’t be bothered with their shite.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #569 on: 28 March 2020, 04:37:01 pm »
Thank God for regulars, I have also had some nice messages too. I have nudes in my PG and still a 80 % drop.