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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245435 times)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #540 on: 26 March 2020, 02:54:24 pm »
Hi philippa and it is going to be hard times ahead and I crept up my rates over a year and will now have to go down. Annoyingly I know a group of undesirable men that wont pay the rates I charge will love the fact that out of this us girls will be cheaper. But our rents and family financial commitments will not be less and I predict everything will go up.

Anyone tried webcamming yet, I tried it once and failed at it. Would this be a way to make money now?

I have a agreement on my work flat until May and although I managed with regulars to make the rent for next week and just. I may need to share my flat in the future.

Us girls need to stick together now. Last year I had trouble with a stalker which cost me 3 grand loss from work and blackmail. My ex stopped paying any money for our kids and if I go to the csa will tell them and others I'm a "Whore" in his words.

I'm hoping that guys, Regulars will stick with us. Not to judge but I know many of my regulars will look at the fact I stopped working with outbreak as a reason to come back.

Sadly there are many men out there who are going to take advantage of us lowering rates, which is very frustrating and off-putting. I've stopped offering escorting now, and am giving webcam a go. It seems to be working out really well though - and long may it continue!


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #541 on: 26 March 2020, 03:28:39 pm »
Too many and I have had to get rid of my work phone WhatsApp now guys think that now I'm not having sex often that they need to sext me and send walking and penis pics lol

I will give camming a go
 Can it be done silent. I live with two teenagers and I can lock myself in my room but no naughty talk.

Is it easy to set up webcamming on AW. I got a laptop bit suppose I need a webcam.

English Green

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #542 on: 26 March 2020, 03:33:17 pm »
Sadly there are many men out there who are going to take advantage of us lowering rates, which is very frustrating and off-putting. I've stopped offering escorting now, and am giving webcam a go. It seems to be working out really well though - and long may it continue!

There only take advantage of lower prices if you lower the prices in the first place. When i go back i will not be lowering any prices they get too much as it is in my opinion for what they pay.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #543 on: 26 March 2020, 03:56:35 pm »
There only take advantage of lower prices if you lower the prices in the first place. When i go back i will not be lowering any prices they get too much as it is in my opinion for what they pay.

Totally agree. My services gets limited and I won’t be offering as much as I did before corona. My health comes first then money.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #544 on: 26 March 2020, 04:22:21 pm »
You normally can I think but obviously things are different now.

I have just applied for 3 supermarket jobs as they’re hiring just now so chances of me getting a job right now are quite high, hopefully I’ll get kept on afterward as I want out of this game, for a least a year anyway as I’m burnt out.

With all due respect I wouldn’t get your hopes up too high, supermarkets are obvious going to be inundated with applicants and there won’t  be jobs for everybody. I hope you get lucky, but  need to just be realistic it won’t be a given


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #545 on: 26 March 2020, 04:58:42 pm »
How has anyone managed to get through to UC I’ve tried a dozen time just today and it keeps cutting me off ...

Hi Eve,

I've been in the queue for two hours this afternoon and just gave up. There's no message telling you where you are in the queue do no idea how long we have to wait. I might try tomorrow morning.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #546 on: 26 March 2020, 05:07:00 pm »
Hi Eve,

I've been in the queue for two hours this afternoon and just gave up. There's no message telling you where you are in the queue do no idea how long we have to wait. I might try tomorrow morning.

Half a million people have made claims. No ones getting through. Ridiculous. And a 5 weeks wait til any payment, apart from advance payments if you can explain your situation - having no kids etc I doubt I’ll get that tho.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #547 on: 26 March 2020, 05:11:17 pm »
I applied through the website, and then they gave me two phone interviews with the JC. I think I must have got in before the mad rush, but I won't get paid till the 14th of next month.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #548 on: 26 March 2020, 05:31:24 pm »
For anyone that has to wait on the UC payments for 5 weeks; people in Scotland can get a Scottish Welfare Fund payment and it’s paid in a crisis and I count now as a crisis, your entitled to 3 a year and it’s not to be paid back, it replaces the old crisis loan that the DWP used to give out but it’s the councils in the area that you call for it now, of course the DWP don’t tell you about it.

I am unsure about the rest of the UK though.


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    • I should be updating this instead...
Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #549 on: 26 March 2020, 05:37:04 pm »
I've moved posts about the announcement of the 'Self-Employed Income Support Scheme' to their own thread - - because it's definitely a different topic.

The other benefits ones may end up in their own thread too, depending on how much work that is, but we can keep 'effect on bookings' posts here and 'benefits' posts there from now on.
« Last Edit: 26 March 2020, 05:42:02 pm by xw5 »
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #550 on: 28 March 2020, 10:54:42 am »
[off topic content removed]

Anyway I wanted to bring up the discussion of rates. Wide opinion is that due to financial difficulties, Job loss and ongoing fear that even after we get all clear to resume work, We will struggle. Will we have to lower prices due to the financial problems family guys will have from job cutbacks and panic buying on credit. Obviously we are all taking massive loss financially so to put up prices makes sense for us. I'm sure restaurants, Pubs and most companies will raise prices to make up for the loss of closing for business.

Just something that is playing on my mind. I first started at £100 and hour being nieve and not knowing anything about pricing. Then went to £120 and was having 50 calls a day. Then a reg8said I was too cheap for being a British girl so went to £150 an hour. Recently this year I was at £190 and doing ok and I found at that price better clients and my regulars did not complain.

So now I'm thinking the smart thing is to go back down to £150. [off.topicncontemt removed]. But still us girls put ourselves at a higher risk and we don't all get to work hours a day with family to care for. I myself have 2 kids with mental health problems and a ex who will not pay a penny.

I don't think webcam is going to be lucrative now so many have had to turn to it. And direct chat is dead.

Thoughts on future rates, Will we have to drop?

« Last Edit: 28 March 2020, 01:31:30 pm by amy »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #551 on: 28 March 2020, 10:59:19 am »
And hope it's ok to add long posts. I been escorting alone for so long and if I had been given advice from experience ladies in the beginning, I don't think I would of ended up in some of the bad situations I did.

Thanks Betty x


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #552 on: 28 March 2020, 11:25:07 am »
[off topic content removed]

Anyway I wanted to bring up the discussion of rates. Wide opinion is that due to financial difficulties, Job loss and ongoing fear that even after we get all clear to resume work, We will struggle. Will we have to lower prices due to the financial problems family guys will have from job cutbacks and panic buying on credit. Obviously we are all taking massive loss financially so to put up prices makes sense for us. I'm sure restaurants, Pubs and most companies will raise prices to make up for the loss of closing for business.

Just something that is playing on my mind. I first started at £100 and hour being nieve and not knowing anything about pricing. Then went to £120 and was having 50 calls a day. Then a reg8said I was too cheap for being a British girl so went to £150 an hour. Recently this year I was at £190 and doing ok and I found at that price better clients and my regulars did not complain.

So now I'm thinking the smart thing is to go back down to £150. [off.topicncontemt removed]. But still us girls put ourselves at a higher risk and we don't all get to work hours a day with family to care for. I myself have 2 kids with mental health problems and a ex who will not pay a penny.

I don't think webcam is going to be lucrative now so many have had to turn to it. And direct chat is dead.

Thoughts on future rates, Will we have to drop?

Some say there may be an increase, I would guess just as ever I'll find out by trial and error.

Some punters will be on the same wage, I have clients who are on pensions and or benefits some of which won't change. Also some may change jobs into priority sectors. Less eating out, less going to the pub could result in reduced outgoings of course these may be made up by the panic buying ::)

[quote edited]
« Last Edit: 28 March 2020, 01:32:21 pm by amy »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #553 on: 28 March 2020, 11:29:36 am »
My profile clearly shows I’m not available, yet I had a query for today.

My first thought - it’s a journalist.

My second thought - no a dumbass punter!

What BettyBoo says - yes I figured that there would be a blacklist going on not just in the punting forum community but generally.  Well I’m taking note of any queries I get during lockdown too!


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #554 on: 28 March 2020, 12:30:08 pm »
[off topic content removed]

Anyway I wanted to bring up the discussion of rates. Wide opinion is that due to financial difficulties, Job loss and ongoing fear that even after we get all clear to resume work, We will struggle. Will we have to lower prices due to the financial problems family guys will have from job cutbacks and panic buying on credit. Obviously we are all taking massive loss financially so to put up prices makes sense for us. I'm sure restaurants, Pubs and most companies will raise prices to make up for the loss of closing for business.

Just something that is playing on my mind. I first started at £100 and hour being nieve and not knowing anything about pricing. Then went to £120 and was having 50 calls a day. Then a reg8said I was too cheap for being a British girl so went to £150 an hour. Recently this year I was at £190 and doing ok and I found at that price better clients and my regulars did not complain.

So now I'm thinking the smart thing is to go back down to £150. [off.topicncontemt removed]. But still us girls put ourselves at a higher risk and we don't all get to work hours a day with family to care for. I myself have 2 kids with mental health problems and a ex who will not pay a penny.

I don't think webcam is going to be lucrative now so many have had to turn to it. And direct chat is dead.

Thoughts on future rates, Will we have to drop?

I too have had loads of clients texting me to say well done for not working and putting that clearly on your profile.

And it’s true what you say the clients are making lists of ladies who are still working and won’t be seeing them first after this goes away.

I think there will he less girls for a while when we go back to work lots have flown home some won’t be able to afford to tour due to being low on funds. I would say we would have the upper hand.
What’s the point in starting your rates low and then going up they won’t like that. Better to start high see the demand for a week or two then reduce if you need too.

It’s all supply and demand if there are less girls then before, prices would stick at a higher rate. And if there are loads of girls going cheap it will tip the scale the other way.

We won’t know until the virus has gone and that could be after Xmas if they sat there is a second wave coming in the winter time.

I hope to god this virus burns itself out and we can get back to normal very soon.
« Last Edit: 28 March 2020, 01:33:45 pm by amy »