It is a very scary time to be alive. I've stopped seeing clients, because I've developed a cough and temperature
I'm hoping the UK government will announce a plan to help those of us who are now going to struggle...
Not really, because there's the 'flu' from, according to my doctor from Australia, that kills a lot more people than this virus that seems to. And then being self employed as escorts we charge the high hourly rates to cover for time off, illness and a myriad of other reasons to not be able to work. That means saving for these times. Anyone with savings will have to dip into them, hey ho such is life, for the rest who spend their earnings soon as they get them well there's a thing called the benefit system here in the UK so nobody is going to starve...Or be evicted.
Saying that though, we don't know how bad it's going to get, the scavenging toilet roll stock pilers are one thing, wait til the looting starts....