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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245475 times)

Vintage Miss

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #600 on: 30 March 2020, 06:00:46 pm »
Have tidied it up since you quoted but yes that’s what I mean. The same holier than thou angels just now will still use AW later.

Yep yep, I imagine they will  :angel:


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #601 on: 30 March 2020, 06:33:06 pm »
Ok I see now. Well I don't agree that it's a good idea to work now because it's in all our best interests to get this virus under control and then we can resume work again.The way I see it its each individual WGs choice and if guys are of the mind to want to still see girls during CV then they are welcome to each other. We all have different standards. It's not up to AW to hold our hands and tell us what's right or be responsible for girls still going available. Individual choice. I have seen the girls in my area who are still offering work, And one is deemed high class at £250 an hour and young girls and an older WG and a few EU. None seem desperate or come across not intelligent but they want to still make money and they do not see the bigger picture. All I would say is that for my health I would avoid seeing any guys who have given them feedback well into this CV lockdown week. But really guys would have to be addicted to punting to risk it right now. And for most girls I think it's a smart choice and a good choice for our future bookings to take the responsible choice to not work. Most of us see the benefit for ALL to not work, We all will be down financially. Saying we think the ladies working now should not get medical attention is like saying that about all the WGs who offer BB which can spread all sorts. We all make choices as a escort what we offer and with knowing we risk our health too.

The girls working now will shoot themselves in the foot and that is their doing so no point in getting angry about it. Takes two to tango and plenty of people take risks sexually outside of escorting.

But for all of us to get back to work we all need to stop until CV cases drop. Even people in supermarkets don't care about the advice and 6ft space. As a country we are not use to all this and it is hard to change habits and be restricted.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #602 on: 30 March 2020, 06:50:10 pm »
I think some sex workers who "still want to make money" might, just might be up shit creek without a paddle if they can't get through to UC and don't have any money to last until June. There is definitely an 'im better than you and them" vibe going on here.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #603 on: 30 March 2020, 07:02:33 pm »
Is anyone else starting to feel really anxious and panicky about it all? I'm feeling the pinch now I've stopped seeing clients, and I've been an anxious wreck for days. I feel like crying...

Vintage Miss

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #604 on: 30 March 2020, 07:08:33 pm »
I think the point is not whether it is AW's job to stop workers or not, the point is that it is arguably hypocritical for people to finger wag at escorts for taking risks at this point (and to justify those judgments based on inferences cultivated from slender evidence) but still be willing to utilise websites that profit directly from those risks.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #605 on: 30 March 2020, 07:13:11 pm »
I think the point is not whether it is AW's job to stop workers or not, the point is that it is arguably hypocritical for people to finger wag at escorts for taking risks at this point (and to justify those judgments based on inferences cultivated from slender evidence) but still be willing to utilise websites that profit directly from those risks.

Couldn’t have put it any better myself.
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #606 on: 30 March 2020, 07:13:48 pm »
Is anyone else starting to feel really anxious and panicky about it all? I'm feeling the pinch now I've stopped seeing clients, and I've been an anxious wreck for days. I feel like crying...

I was like this at first for many reasons partly because it wasn't just the sex work I lost, also I was trying to get things in place against a few tides. Much is now resolved and I feel better, not perfect but OK for now.

And yes I wanted to give in, cry and at some points die. I've had those thoughts and tried it years ago, it was tempting but I have plenty of arguments against doing something like that again.

So no tantrums yet, but there have been tears. Also the fear affected my digestive tract which is a normal stress response for me along with raised heartbeat, flushing and generally feeling sick as well as wierd.

Life has just changed hugely, loss of work, identity, hopes, goals just gone.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #607 on: 30 March 2020, 07:34:43 pm »
AW have stopped online bookings, I think, and are not tweeting about escort of the day, just cam and phone chat. So pretty negligible but guess they are at least paying lip service to the lockdown. Obviously there are other platforms and I don't know what steps they've taken, if any.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #608 on: 30 March 2020, 07:52:10 pm »
To everyone, Be strong and we will get through this. Yes we are going to face hard times but even making the choice to do this work takes courage and strength and drive. We are always stronger than we give ourselves credit for. Today I bumped into a mate that's a very successful PT and works almost every hour of every day 5 days a week. His work just like WGs totally dried up but he was positive and said after a few weeks it will be ok. So maybe more optimistic than most but I'm sure like the popular coffee shops People will want to have their fix. In life we have but a few pleasures and food, Booze, Coffee and sex are always going to make money. Already guys I know are climbing the walls, I myself want all the things I can't have. I will have a few grand loss but I hope to work harder now in the future than I have because I know appreciate how things can so quickly change. Last year I had a big crisis and lost 3 grand due to a dangerous situation I had to run from. Sure all of us have got through a time and at that time felt alone and helpless and like we had no way out. Then we get through it and so thankful we didn't go to that dark place. Let's all support each other. We may not be in a position to help each other financially but we can give advice and support the best way we know.

The main thing is having a safe place you can call home and sod the Bill's they can wait for now.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #609 on: 30 March 2020, 07:55:17 pm »
I was like this at first for many reasons partly because it wasn't just the sex work I lost, also I was trying to get things in place against a few tides. Much is now resolved and I feel better, not perfect but OK for now.

And yes I wanted to give in, cry and at some points die. I've had those thoughts and tried it years ago, it was tempting but I have plenty of arguments against doing something like that again.

So no tantrums yet, but there have been tears. Also the fear affected my digestive tract which is a normal stress response for me along with raised heartbeat, flushing and generally feeling sick as well as wierd.

Life has just changed hugely, loss of work, identity, hopes, goals just gone.

Please never give up hun, We have all wanted to die and I even planned it one weekend going back 4 years. Glad I had the strength to ask for help. Like I said we are stronger than we know and always a part of us that somehow pulls through. I hope you have someone, Friends to support you x

Vintage Miss

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #610 on: 30 March 2020, 07:55:50 pm »
Oh I didn't realise that, interesting. The AT and phone number function is still there which is I guess where the money is. But for those who have no savings and have to wait until they get whatever financial support they are entitled to need those functions if they rely on AW, which many do.

I'm still hoping that when all this lifts there will be lots of blue balls being dragged around that will burst out of lockdown  and I can take a break from my studies (upside of all this is I get to work on that stuff for a while with little distraction!) to have a few weeks working full time to make up for losses. That is if the economy isn't knackered by then.  :(

Vintage Miss

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #611 on: 30 March 2020, 07:57:40 pm »
To everyone, Be strong and we will get through this. Yes we are going to face hard times but even making the choice to do this work takes courage and strength and drive. We are always stronger than we give ourselves credit for. Today I bumped into a mate that's a very successful PT and works almost every hour of every day 5 days a week. His work just like WGs totally dried up but he was positive and said after a few weeks it will be ok. So maybe more optimistic than most but I'm sure like the popular coffee shops People will want to have their fix. In life we have but a few pleasures and food, Booze, Coffee and sex are always going to make money. Already guys I know are climbing the walls, I myself want all the things I can't have. I will have a few grand loss but I hope to work harder now in the future than I have because I know appreciate how things can so quickly change. Last year I had a big crisis and lost 3 grand due to a dangerous situation I had to run from. Sure all of us have got through a time and at that time felt alone and helpless and like we had no way out. Then we get through it and so thankful we didn't go to that dark place. Let's all support each other. We may not be in a position to help each other financially but we can give advice and support the best way we know.

Yes, this. And there are some positive signs in the press about potentially the lockdown already starting to show slowing numbers of cases (cross fingers) so maybe it all won't take too long for things to ease up a bit.

English Green

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #612 on: 30 March 2020, 08:02:04 pm »
AW are still taking money per day for phone number display and available today and probably other advertising platforms too like Viva street.

So there all still cashing in on Coronavirus without them nobody would get many bookings at all.

Funny if they have took away the booking system then or stopped it working but not available today or phone number. Very crafty but not surprised at all.

If Universal credit had more in place or other benefits as so many have still not got through to get the claim maybe be less sex workers being available. But nobody knows for sure  why some sex workers are continuing to work, there could be a number of different reasons and we will not know all of them. Some will be very justified reasons and some not so.

But let them get on with it. Not for other sex workers to police them.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #613 on: 30 March 2020, 08:03:36 pm »
And maybe guys locked up with sexless relationships and with those blue balls will be banging down our doors lol I'm asking the universe to spin something good out of this. I want to imagine in a month a big sigh and we are all doodling along 🤞


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #614 on: 30 March 2020, 08:10:36 pm »
Best thing is to tick the box to not show number and then AW can't charge.

I imagine many WG have apartments that they pay for with escort work. I also imagine most WGs are single so no partner to share the burden. End of the day to continue working now must be because they need to. Yes a few will because they are greedy or opportunistic due to a massive lack of available. I'm just lucky I saved for hard times as I've had times before where I only had a few pounds in my overdraft and not because I was spending beyond my means.