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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245335 times)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #465 on: 24 March 2020, 12:34:51 am »
Got to look on the brightside, the punters can't spend any money on pubs, bookies, sporting events etc so when the virus is over/ under control, we will all be super busy as they'll have money in their pockets and purple balls!!!

I am not too optimistic.  Where will punters get that money? Businesses are shutting down everyday and going bankrupt, people getting laid off everywhere. Stocks have plunged. It will take some time for things to go back to a "normal" state, I estimate a year at least. The global economy is in a dire state. Fed is printing trillions of dollars to keep the ship afloat but that money will go to corporations not the average Joe. The dollar will most likely be devalued in the process. They estimate unemployment will be at 30% very soon in the US. That can't be good for us. 4 of my regulars are out of work since last week and scrambling for Centrelink right now, there are probably loads more of my clients in the same situation but I won't know as I am the last thing on their mind.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #466 on: 24 March 2020, 01:43:56 am »
Just read all your messages, so very reassuring as I was worried what to do as I keep getting booking requests still!!  Hate letting people down but this is a very serious situation we are in just now and we all need to be safe as frustrating as it is.  Thank you ladies for your very helpful comments.  A x


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #467 on: 24 March 2020, 03:38:22 am »
« Last Edit: 17 April 2022, 03:15:42 pm by Honeyxx »

Busty Laila

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #468 on: 24 March 2020, 04:03:19 am »
I'd be pretty happy to get £95 a week even just to put a small dent in things, but then I'm not eligible for anything (in common with a fair few self employed people who own property that counts as capital, despite it being neither edible nor legal tender for paying bills with, I would suspect).

There are still people advertising rooms/incall places in Seeking/Offering here including some that have been posted pretty recently. I would say that anybody planning to continue after this evening might want to bear in mind that you're not exactly going to be hard to track down, and we as yet  have no idea how the fines discussed will be applied.

Thanks for the heads up I did not even think of this. I will put a note on my AW advert and I have edited the one here to say long term live in accommodation only. I am sure this keeps me within the new rules but if anyone knows/thinks different please let me know thanks x
« Last Edit: 24 March 2020, 04:20:44 am by Busty Laila »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #469 on: 24 March 2020, 06:34:38 am »
Thanks for the heads up I did not even think of this. I will put a note on my AW advert and I have edited the one here to say long term live in accommodation only. I am sure this keeps me within the new rules but if anyone knows/thinks different please let me know thanks x

I didn't think of that either. I was talking about the people who still want to continue working in the event the hotels shut and how they might find places to do so - the people who will likely now be lining up to take full advantage will be getting very short shrift if they decide to take the piss on here, at least. Either way, helping people rent places out is not what the forum is for.

What is dwp? Xx is rent going to be put on hold like what’s going to happen if we can’t make rent ? Xx

Legislation to protect renters from being evicted if they can't pay due to loss of income was one of the first things that was announced.

Busty Laila

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #470 on: 24 March 2020, 07:22:40 am »
I didn't think of that either. I was talking about the people who still want to continue working in the event the hotels shut and how they might find places to do so - the people who will likely now be lining up to take full advantage will be getting very short shrift if they decide to take the piss on here, at least. Either way, helping people rent places out is not what the forum is for.

Legislation to protect renters from being evicted if they can't pay due to loss of income was one of the first things that was announced.

I have put a note on to say its not available for short term let but if you want to delete the whole advert off work away.. The only reason its being let in the first place is because the escort is pregnant with leukaemia and i was helping her out looking after it while she recovered so she had an incall place to come back to and not lose everything while in recovery. I am certainly not some rich landlord with numerous properties taking the piss. I have been helping her out by letting a room from her myself occasionally and while she is ill I am trying my best to help in what ever way i can because to have the stress on losing her incall on top of everything else is not what she needs. I thought this was a place to help and support sex workers. Everything was going back to pay her rent and help with bills. Not everyone is in it to make a quick ££££ on the back of someone else but thanks for the heads up anyway it was appreciated.

A lot of normal escorts will be struggling to pay the rent on their incall places so renting a room out a few days a week does not automatically shift them into being a Greedy landlord. Times like this we should be offering each other as much support as possible
« Last Edit: 24 March 2020, 07:40:20 am by Busty Laila »

Busty Laila

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #471 on: 24 March 2020, 07:31:08 am »
What is dwp? Xx is rent going to be put on hold like what’s going to happen if we can’t make rent ? Xx

The DWP is the department of work and pensions. You can claim benefits from them if you are sick or not working. Depending on what part of the country you are in you may be able to claim universal credit from them which will have an housing element in which will help with your rent otherwise you can claim housing benefit through your local council along side council tax support. This link may help you


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #472 on: 24 March 2020, 08:26:29 am »
who is going to carry on now ?


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #473 on: 24 March 2020, 09:18:40 am »
who is going to carry on now ?

I'm sure some people will and that is their choice as far as I'm concerned. Safer having one on one sex than standing in the middle of a busy supermarket where people ignoring the two meter rule....maybe. Ideally no one will but different people different situations.

Edited to add. Mind you, just looked online and quite a lot available today which isn't good. I've just put Currently Unavailable on my profile.
« Last Edit: 24 March 2020, 09:28:04 am by EnglishAmy40 »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #474 on: 24 March 2020, 09:31:54 am »
I reckon once this is over and the media are looking for angles to stretch cv stories out  "how CV changed my life" etc, they might write about sex workers. I said this to someone a week ago. I bet some are browsing this thread.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #475 on: 24 March 2020, 10:21:26 am »
I’ve received text messages which doesn’t seem fake and comes from Uk_Gov (that sort of message when you cannot see the number). Message says:
New rules in force now: you must stay at home. More info & exemptions at gov dot uk/coronavirus Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.

Anyone who is still working, thinking about ways to work is pure ignorant.
who is going to carry on now ?


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #476 on: 24 March 2020, 10:27:24 am »
[ople rent places out is not what the forum is for.

Legislation to protect renters from being evicted if they can't pay due to loss of income was one of the first things that was announced.

 Ah okay so do we just message our landlord and say we can’t make rent because of loss of income as I’m self employed and he just can’t do anything about it ?


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #477 on: 24 March 2020, 10:28:02 am »
I didn't think of that either. I was talking about the people who still want to continue working in the event the hotels shut and how they might find places to do so - the people who will likely now be lining up to take full advantage will be getting very short shrift if they decide to take the piss on here, at least. Either way, helping people rent places out is not what the forum is for.

Legislation to protect renters from being evicted if they can't pay due to loss of income was one of the first things that was announced.
The DWP is the department of work and pensions. You can claim benefits from them if you are sick or not working. Depending on what part of the country you are in you may be able to claim universal credit from them which will have an housing element in which will help with your rent otherwise you can claim housing benefit through your local council along side council tax support. This link may help you
[ople rent places out is not what the forum is for.

Legislation to protect renters from being evicted if they can't pay due to loss of income was one of the first things that was announced.

 Ah okay so do we just message our landlord and say we can’t make rent because of loss of income as I’m self employed and he just can’t do anything about it ?


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #478 on: 24 March 2020, 10:31:34 am »
I’ve received text messages which doesn’t seem fake and comes from Uk_Gov (that sort of message when you cannot see the number). Message says:
New rules in force now: you must stay at home. More info & exemptions at gov dot uk/coronavirus Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.

Anyone who is still working, thinking about ways to work is pure ignorant.

I received it too this morning.

There’s 952 girls with their ‘available today’ light on Adultwork!  :FF


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #479 on: 24 March 2020, 10:48:16 am »
The text is genuine it's on the BBC news website.