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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245555 times)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1260 on: 26 May 2020, 02:15:36 pm »
Anyone have any information about hotel's like [hotel names removed - don't post these here] etc? I mean those in chains?
Will they increase precautions like early closing a door or checking guests? I'm wandering if all of those will still be workable like before the virus...
« Last Edit: 26 May 2020, 02:34:57 pm by amy »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1261 on: 26 May 2020, 02:52:40 pm »
Anyone have any information about hotel's like [hotel names removed - don't post these here] etc? I mean those in chains?
Will they increase precautions like early closing a door or checking guests? I'm wandering if all of those will still be workable like before the virus...

I'm assuming they will, however... a bit empty for a while. It's going to take months for all tourism to resume back to normal with all these 2 weeks quarantines for travellers placed in so many countries (UK included), so any traffic of clients to your room will be more "noticeable". Besides that inconvenence stuff like  glass/plastic pannels on reception, maybe bar area will be closed, more cleaning going on (aka: more nosey cleaning staff around) etc.. In my opinion they will be workable but WG's may have to be a bit more cautious than before for a while. I doubt they will check guests (but then I might be wrong).
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1262 on: 26 May 2020, 03:42:20 pm »
Sorry for asking but actual I am not staying in the UK: Is sexwork restricted in the UK by any act or regulation and could be fined right now? Or is it up to everbody's own choice or decision? Or just impossible because of social control?
In Germany sexwork in most areas is completely restricted. People will be fined up to 5K EUR if they get caught by the authorities (they use fake punter to catch sexworker). In some areas the government has just mentioned brothels but did not wrote escort services in the corona regulations. But in general everything is prohibited. Since a few days massage parlours which are official offering non sexual services are open again. But it is difficult to do so. It needs some legal help by lawyers to open the doors again. This power and enthusiasm most sex worker don't have.
Live is becoming on every day more and more normal again as even beauty shops and restaurants did re-open. But sex worker will be at the very very last end of the liberation guidelines which do not even exist.
Some German politicians try to use the corona climate for nordic model campaigns.
« Last Edit: 26 May 2020, 03:59:15 pm by Mel »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1263 on: 26 May 2020, 04:11:37 pm »
Sorry for asking but actual I am not staying in the UK. Is sexwork restricted right now in the UK by any act or regulation and could be fined? Or is it up to everbody's decision? In Germany sexwork in most areas is completely restricted. People will be fined up to 5K EUR if they get caught by the authorities (they use fake punter to catch sexworker). In some areas the government has just menstioned brothels but e.g. they did not wrote escort services in the corona regulations. But in general everything is prohibited. Since a few days massage parlours which are official offering non sexual services are open again. But it is difficult to do so. It needs some legal help by lawyers to open the doors again. This power and enthusiasm most sex worker don't have.
Live is becoming on every day more and more normal again as even beauty shops and restaurants did re-open. But sex worker will be at the very very last end of the liberation guidelines which do not even exist.
Some German politicians try to use the corona climate for nordic model campaigns.

Unlike germany brothels/saunas are ilegal here so there's no re-opening them ( they do exist though but are well hidden and most will get eventually raided). Massage places will open with nail saloons and hairdressers (not sure when but they're talking in two weeks time around 15 June?), however they will need to adhere to a lot of safety and higiene rules just like any other business. As per the sex trade openly operating on the internet is mostly indie. There's no governments talks regarding when escorts will be able to operate (but that's normal as no politician worth his salts would commit career suicide by telling hookers to go back to work). As per COVID business rules we don;t exist. End of. Women in the trade are playing mostly by ear, waiting for massage places to open, but everyone is trying to follow guidelines (even if they don;t exist for them). Police are certainly not going as undercover clients to escorts apartments and fining them (we don;t have enough police resources to do that anyway). I certainly wouldn;t reccomend you to come to the UK as there's no clients, and things are going to take a few months to get back to normal (and if). So you may be able to work without getting arrested here but you won;t have any clients  ??? If I were you i would look into touring other countries with more relaxed lockdown rules where the economy is not on shambles. Maybe Switzerland, netherlands?
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1264 on: 26 May 2020, 04:37:44 pm »
@Ana: Thank you!


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1265 on: 27 May 2020, 12:55:19 am »
Sorry for asking but actual I am not staying in the UK: Is sexwork restricted in the UK by any act or regulation and could be fined right now? Or is it up to everbody's own choice or decision? Or just impossible because of social control?
In Germany sexwork in most areas is completely restricted. People will be fined up to 5K EUR if they get caught by the authorities (they use fake punter to catch sexworker). In some areas the government has just mentioned brothels but did not wrote escort services in the corona regulations. But in general everything is prohibited. Since a few days massage parlours which are official offering non sexual services are open again. But it is difficult to do so. It needs some legal help by lawyers to open the doors again. This power and enthusiasm most sex worker don't have.
Live is becoming on every day more and more normal again as even beauty shops and restaurants did re-open. But sex worker will be at the very very last end of the liberation guidelines which do not even exist.
Some German politicians try to use the corona climate for nordic model campaigns.
As the other person said it's totally unregulated here so we don't exist i.e the government completely ignores us and has no data on our numbers or activities.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1266 on: 27 May 2020, 01:04:39 am »
Ref tours you need to be extra careful that the staff won't be invigilating all who enter the premises.  Clients will be expected to wear masks before entering the building.  Think of a business where you can sit in the room six feet apart or a viable business where men can legitimally meet you in your room and stick to that cover story. There will naturally be way less custom in the hotel chains owing to the economic deep recession so staff may be more on the alert of unknown visitors coming and going.  You will need to wear a mask when in communal areas also.

Many hotels will go out of business.

Not intending to be so bleak.  Just so you are aware.

I am going to just work quietly at home term time for another year and do tours from earliest next spring but if not definitely from June 2021.  I am giving the hotel industry a year to let the dust settle and clients to get used to wearing masks/social distancing limits etc.
It's interesting because I noticed two budget hotel chains were massively expanding recently. Also a certain 24 hour gym, they're screwed.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1267 on: 28 May 2020, 09:41:59 pm »
would you say that things are slowly picking up? today there's 1600+ girls showing as available today on aw whereas last time i checked few weeks ago was just below 1000.
why have cotton when you can have silk???


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1268 on: 28 May 2020, 10:35:21 pm »
Although I haven't returned to work yet, a few of my friends have and plan to work throughout June. I don't blame them as they can't afford to not make money for so long.

I read that dentists are allowed to reopen from the 8th June and surely they cannot social distance whilst providing treatment?

I think a lot of people have seen the recent relaxation measures as a green light to go back to work.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1269 on: 28 May 2020, 10:46:28 pm »
I think with the relaxations from Monday, shops re-opening etc. more escorts are bound to go back to work next week. I won't for at least a few more weeks, and have to say, track and trace is a concern.
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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1270 on: 28 May 2020, 11:24:20 pm »
I had an upturn in enquiries when the lockdown happened, and it's on it's way up again now. Guys wanting to see me NOW or tomorrow. Generally they're either OK or don't reply when I refuse their booking, but a couple have been a bit "off" in attitude, like it's MY FAULT or something. "well do you escort or not !" was one reply I got to a polite refusal earlier.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1271 on: 29 May 2020, 08:56:27 am »
I had an upturn in enquiries when the lockdown happened, and it's on it's way up again now. Guys wanting to see me NOW or tomorrow. Generally they're either OK or don't reply when I refuse their booking, but a couple have been a bit "off" in attitude, like it's MY FAULT or something. "well do you escort or not !" was one reply I got to a polite refusal earlier.

Yes I'm getting more enquiries aswell


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1272 on: 29 May 2020, 09:23:40 am »
I think with the relaxations from Monday, shops re-opening etc. more escorts are bound to go back to work next week. I won't for at least a few more weeks, and have to say, track and trace is a concern.

I agree the track and trace is a concern. But if we don't get the app, we aren't a part of it? And if one of our guys gets it, they will surely call us to tell us and if they have the app and we are contacted, we don't have to say we are escorts? I haven't read too much about this so I'm not sure. I've got to the stage where I'm not watching much of the news.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1273 on: 29 May 2020, 10:31:45 am »
Correct, many will be back to work next week following the rules relaxation or soon as their savings won’t last forever. Hopefully the little hitlers who love to lynch and dictate to others what to do with their own lives will get over it and get on with life as we all should. The way some people sniff around escorts decisions and wallets is a disgrace!


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1274 on: 29 May 2020, 12:04:20 pm »
I agree the track and trace is a concern. But if we don't get the app, we aren't a part of it? And if one of our guys gets it, they will surely call us to tell us and if they have the app and we are contacted, we don't have to say we are escorts? I haven't read too much about this so I'm not sure. I've got to the stage where I'm not watching much of the news.

The app isn't being used, and thank fuck for that. The 'track and trace' currently operating (from what I've seen) is more similar to that used by the GUMs, where they ask the person who tested positive to provide contact details for everybody they may have had sufficient contact with to infect them with something and then the clinic contacts those people directly and individually. I assume this is to stop everybody who walked past a bloke who sneezed in the queue at an ATM getting carpetbombed with pointless messages via their bluetooth, although it also doesn't cover those who might have been stuck next to him on a busy train for an hour. Nobody gives a toss what any of for a living - they have far more interesting things to think about.

Hopefully the little hitlers who love to lynch and dictate to others what to do with their own lives will get over it and get on with life as we all should. The way some people sniff around escorts decisions and wallets is a disgrace!

That sounds dreadful NS - I can't say I've had anything like that at all. Maybe you need to be a bit more choosy about the company you keep?