I'm worried about how cash now is frowned upon now with germs and reading a comment recently that implied anyone using cash after covid is either a criminal, Tax dodger, Drug dealer.Prostitute was not mentioned lol I was sneered at by a supermarket cashier when I paid with cash and not card, She asked if I could pay card instead and I said I can't.
I hope we don't end up having to use only banks for our money, With card payments everything you do, Go is logged online. I don't like the idea of that.
If they try and make us a cashless society then what would that mean for our line of work. Most guys don't want unexplained transactions to pay for a escort on statements.
None of the above is set in stone to happen, Is a personal pondering of what might happen and at this time cash is seen as dirty tender and more places now only want card payments. I don't really like self service but at least you can feed those cash.