Posts split and merged with relevant thread
I was warned once to be careful with getting AW feedback as it could be used by tax office to see if what you declare as earnings matches work on AW. Might be rubbish but got me a bit worried especially as ex is apparently keeping a eye on my AW profile and threatening to report me to DWP.
I'd be very dubious about this being any sort of yardstick (according to feedback I've only ever done 15 bookings
), but there's no reason for anybody to worry about the tax office unless they're not declaring their income as they should be? Provided we all keep proper records there's no need for HMRC to have to play guessing games and I'd imagine the benefit people would probably just want to see an example of an ad, which would be far easier for those who only have a single listing on one directory site and no website or other ads?
I'm sure there must be a maximum amount anybody can earn per week/month if claiming, so if you work less than that it ought to be fine