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Author Topic: Closure of Edinburgh Saunas  (Read 6481 times)

Lil Lolita

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Closure of Edinburgh Saunas
« on: 26 July 2013, 09:53:09 pm »
It has come out in the past couple of days that at least four out of the six saunas in Edinburgh will be closed and the licenses won't be renewed.

One of the Edinburgh sauna's I worked at is getting shut, the boss has been found for drug offences (surprise surprise as he was always sneaking away to snort a few lines of coke in one of the rooms when quiet).

My emotions are a bit all over the place tonight and I am not sure if it's normal; I am actually glad he is being charged because he was a nasty little pimp. Of the ?50 I earnt in half an hour, he would take ?10-?20 of that. The nasty moron also left me insecure about my weight, telling me I was fat round the face and I had put on the beef.

Leaving that place was the best decision I ever made. I am very happy working for the current agency I am with. The owner is respectful, kind and calm unlike him who I found with his hands around one of the sauna girls necks one night.

The sauna boss did some dreadful things in that place and I am actually glad it's shutting so he can't exploit any more girls. One of the sauna's is being charged with human trafficking.

Am I horrid to be glad he's getting charged and his life is going to be in tatters? I know a lot of the girls are going to be without jobs now. But I just hate him for being a womanising prick, letting in drunk people and those on drugs, then being made to see them. I would never have to see anyone I didn't want in the agency, and if there has been any foul play e.g. clients trying BB, they blacklist them. The sauna used to invite the same old riff raff through the door who pushed BB.

How is everyone else (Scotland) feeling about the closure of these saunas? Do you think it's a good thing and pleased Edinburgh is following Glasgow's way? Or do you think it's bad?

(Small edit to title)
« Last Edit: 26 July 2013, 10:52:09 pm by xw5 »


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Re: Closure of Edinburgh Sauna's
« Reply #1 on: 26 July 2013, 10:16:51 pm »
I don't think it will affect anyone very much that is working independently.  Yes there will no doubt be more profiles added to those on AW over the next few days, but that is happening every day anyway so no changes there.

I think Edinburgh is the only place that is going to be affected as outside Edinburgh there aren't many saunas.
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Re: Closure of Edinburgh Saunas
« Reply #2 on: 26 July 2013, 11:08:06 pm »
I did wonder if this would happen when the police forces in Scotland merged into a single national force, but I was still appalled when I saw the story about this when I was in Edinburgh last weekend.

I will be amazed if this does not end up leading to a series of court cases around the licensing issue. Equally, I won't be surprised if the brothel offences do not get to court because of abuse of process.

Everyone knew that for these and the ones that are still open, sauna = brothel. That's the councillors, the police, and the wider community. One even featured in a tax case around the issue of whether the workers were employed or self-employed.

Obviously not all brothel managers are nice, but that doesn't stop brothels being a good place to work for some people.

Edinburgh proved over many years that having licensing for brothels being better for everyone than the alternatives. Well, apart from those who want to end sex work, or at least be seen to be trying. Argh.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

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Re: Closure of Edinburgh Saunas
« Reply #3 on: 27 July 2013, 12:32:25 am »
I have mixed feelings about this. Personally I think that we've moved on a little from Parlours with everything being online now and paid sex being so easy to get as I reckon there are more sex workers now than ever HOWEVER Parlours will always have their place in the industry as lots of men on nites out with the guys, stag do's and just sheer convenience as some guys find it too much hassle to search through profiles and pick up a phone.

When they closed the Parlours in Glasgow all it did was force the ladies who worked in them into apartment blocks all over the city in amongst family's and children so by getting rid of one issue they created another (far worse IMO)

So all in all I'm not sure what difference closing these parlours will make as the girls will simply set up else where in the city.

I agree scumbags such as who the OP was talking about should get whats coming to them but that aside, I'm not sure what the point of it all is.

 ::)  ::)


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Re: Closure of Edinburgh Saunas
« Reply #4 on: 27 July 2013, 02:11:13 am »
I have mixed feelings about this. Personally I think that we've moved on a little from Parlours with everything being online now and paid sex being so easy to get as I reckon there are more sex workers now than ever HOWEVER Parlours will always have their place in the industry as lots of men on nites out with the guys, stag do's and just sheer convenience as some guys find it too much hassle to search through profiles and pick up a phone.

When they closed the Parlours in Glasgow all it did was force the ladies who worked in them into apartment blocks all over the city in amongst family's and children so by getting rid of one issue they created another (far worse IMO)

So all in all I'm not sure what difference closing these parlours will make as the girls will simply set up else where in the city.

I agree scumbags such as who the OP was talking about should get whats coming to them but that aside, I'm not sure what the point of it all is.

 ::)  ::)

I'm nowhere near Scotland so I don't know what the overall effect is there. But it does seem to me to be another sign of the noose tightening. The story of the tomato man in Walsall seems to be an example of a new era of very aggressive policing. I've also seen stories recently of clients of street girls being arrested and handcuffed before being taken away in full view of photographers, who obviously are being tipped off in advance. There is something going on recently that is different.

I also don't agree that paid sex is easy for clients to get. Those in the know maybe, but I quite often have new clients that tell me they have found it very difficult to break into. Some have been thinking about it for many years before trying it, and they only do that when they are getting really desperate (my words not theirs lol). A common comment is that they didn't feel it was a safe thing to do. Adverse publicity about trafficking and exposing of clients etc all contribute to putting them off. A lot of potential clients don't feel comfortable and it's definitely much more competitive than five years ago and I think that is the reason why.


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Re: Closure of Edinburgh Saunas
« Reply #5 on: 27 July 2013, 09:56:40 am »
Well you'll maybe have more experience than me in the whole industry. I just know that when it came to me escorting I didn't have a clue either where to advertise, put it into google and within 2 seconds I discovered AW so I believe what your saying when you say some of them said they find it difficult but really it is NOT difficult. Of course the media doesn't help but for those who are so nervous you'd think they would find walking into a parlour to be far more nerve wracking than all those independent ladies who advertise EVERYWHERE!

I don't believe anything is difficult to find out about these days with the net. But I completely agree with you that there Is definitely something funny going on and I do worry where it will end.


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Re: Closure of Edinburgh Saunas
« Reply #6 on: 27 July 2013, 10:53:10 am »
Well you'll maybe have more experience than me in the whole industry. I just know that when it came to me escorting I didn't have a clue either where to advertise, put it into google and within 2 seconds I discovered AW so I believe what your saying when you say some of them said they find it difficult but really it is NOT difficult. Of course the media doesn't help but for those who are so nervous you'd think they would find walking into a parlour to be far more nerve wracking than all those independent ladies who advertise EVERYWHERE!

I don't believe anything is difficult to find out about these days with the net. But I completely agree with you that there Is definitely something funny going on and I do worry where it will end.

I take your points. But these are the things that clients say, and I can't change their experience or what they think until I meet them, nor can anyone else.

For some of them it can be admitting to themselves that they need to pay for sex. That is difficult for some of them, especially when they are uncertain of what it's going to be like for them. If their first experience is not good that will also put them off. I've also had men tell me, not so much recently, that they use the computer at work but can't risk accessing escort websites there. There are all sorts of accessibility issues that those of us who are used to dealing with it don't notice. I've only found this site a few months ago, and some girls don't even know it exists. You have to know where to look, and many sites are not a good introduction. Sites like AW are barred from mobile phones, and places like McD and starbucks, and anyone with a tablet is going to find they are excluded.

The closing of saunas in Edinburgh is something that could easily spread. I don't work in one and never have, but I hope it's not the thin end of the wedge. If the moralists who are trying to stop our industry working smell success, there's no telling where it will end.

Lil Lolita

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Re: Closure of Edinburgh Saunas
« Reply #7 on: 27 July 2013, 12:53:06 pm »
Well you'll maybe have more experience than me in the whole industry. I just know that when it came to me escorting I didn't have a clue either where to advertise, put it into google and within 2 seconds I discovered AW so I believe what your saying when you say some of them said they find it difficult but really it is NOT difficult. Of course the media doesn't help but for those who are so nervous you'd think they would find walking into a parlour to be far more nerve wracking than all those independent ladies who advertise EVERYWHERE!

I don't believe anything is difficult to find out about these days with the net. But I completely agree with you that there Is definitely something funny going on and I do worry where it will end.

I'm on the fence with this one. I see what you're saying, I found AW on a search engine too years ago when I first started, but I remember a lot of clients in the sauna said things like they didn't want their wives finding out e.g. on the computer (perhaps delete your history then?!). Scorpio Sauna for example, by the Hibernian football stadium was more "discreet" than say Blair St Sauna on North Bridge (right where everyone could see you walk in and by a very popular hotel with tourists!). There was a pub next to one of them and one of my old clients said the smokers outside the pub used to shout out things at him like "you dirty old man!" He apparently just used to give the thumbs up and wave. The smokers used to do that to me, even though I had my hood pulled right up and shades on to protect my identity when entering and leaving the premises, I just used to give them the finger and walk in (know that wasn't very professional but I thought, mind your own!)

All in all, the saunas were never very discreet. I think the hotels I visit clients in now are far more discreet. They are in their room and they don't have to venture out without being spotted. I don't get the guys who said they didn't want to use AW incase their wives found out... there was more risk of being seen going into a street sauna!


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Re: Closure of Edinburgh Saunas
« Reply #8 on: 27 July 2013, 01:07:37 pm »
This is my own opinion and nothing more I have never worked in a parlour although in my early days I worked for an agency.I don't understand parlours surviving or ladies remaining there to work because of the poor type of cliental it attracts and also the type of person that runs it and the very low amount of money ladies actually get..back in the day an agency I worked for caused themselves all kind of problems not for there behaviour towards girls but  the way they behaved towards a client..if girls are working in these places guys never know if the ladies are willing violence towards ladies in these places are  quite high from what I have read many times.. The rise in human trafficking where girls are duped into working in these places seems also to be high..Is it not time the government decided to licence these places like in holland and many other countries putting in measures to ensure owners treat the girls with some respect and force them to enforce the safety of girls against the parlour owners and the clients..closing them down will only lead it to return to back street  places with even less protection for the girls .. I feel in closing these places down they will only force it matter what they do it will still go on...


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Re: Closure of Edinburgh Saunas
« Reply #9 on: 27 July 2013, 01:14:20 pm »
Well you'll maybe have more experience than me in the whole industry. I just know that when it came to me escorting I didn't have a clue either where to advertise, put it into google and within 2 seconds I discovered AW so I believe what your saying when you say some of them said they find it difficult but really it is NOT difficult. Of course the media doesn't help but for those who are so nervous you'd think they would find walking into a parlour to be far more nerve wracking than all those independent ladies who advertise EVERYWHERE!

I don't believe anything is difficult to find out about these days with the net. But I completely agree with you that there Is definitely something funny going on and I do worry where it will end.

I'm on the fence with this one. I see what you're saying, I found AW on a search engine too years ago when I first started, but I remember a lot of clients in the sauna said things like they didn't want their wives finding out e.g. on the computer (perhaps delete your history then?!). Scorpio Sauna for example, by the Hibernian football stadium was more "discreet" than say Blair St Sauna on North Bridge (right where everyone could see you walk in and by a very popular hotel with tourists!). There was a pub next to one of them and one of my old clients said the smokers outside the pub used to shout out things at him like "you dirty old man!" He apparently just used to give the thumbs up and wave. The smokers used to do that to me, even though I had my hood pulled right up and shades on to protect my identity when entering and leaving the premises, I just used to give them the finger and walk in (know that wasn't very professional but I thought, mind your own!)

All in all, the saunas were never very discreet. I think the hotels I visit clients in now are far more discreet. They are in their room and they don't have to venture out without being spotted. I don't get the guys who said they didn't want to use AW incase their wives found out... there was more risk of being seen going into a street sauna!

Agreed. I've sort of had this argument a couple of times discussing this topic in other places. I have clients phone me to tell me discretion is most important to them yet they complain on other forums that there are no saunas in Glasgow which I think is far more exposed as you could walk in and your brother in law or boss is in there already.

One guy didn't want to see any indies in the city centre incase he was seen by someone he knew walking into the apartment block and had to explain where he was going so some other forum members directed him to the south side of the city to which he replied nope he knows too many people in the south side so then he was directed to girls in the west end and again he couldn't cause he knew so many people in the west end THEN he starts a thread on parlours and the lack of them in Glasgow, that he missed them and how walking into a parlour is so easy and convenient. I'm baffled at his previous worries of being seen walking into a normal apartment block yet he doesn't mind being sen walking into an established sauna  ::)

Men eh  :FF


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Re: Closure of Edinburgh Saunas
« Reply #10 on: 27 July 2013, 01:22:58 pm »
The sauna boss described sounds like a nasty piece of work and deserves having his licence revoked and prosecuted for any crimes committed.

But as long as they are run well, I think the saunas should be allowed to stay in Edinburgh.

They provide a safer working environment for women who would normally work on the street. Also good for those who can't work from home and don't want to become independent.

Hope this was just a clean-up of abuse and bad ownership rather than a first step in abolishing the saunas altogether or even worse a start of an anti-sex trade policy.
Unfortunately following on from Rhoda Grant MSP attempt to criminalise paying for sex in Scotland, I feel that it may be the latter.  :(


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Re: Closure of Edinburgh Saunas
« Reply #11 on: 27 July 2013, 01:40:43 pm »
Of course visiting an independent is a lot more discreet but from a client point of view they (possibly wrongly) feel it will be safer for them.
They also get to pop in on a whim or a quim and get a choice of girl.
Luckily for us indies a lot of men find the environment intimating and impersonal.


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Re: Closure of Edinburgh Saunas
« Reply #12 on: 27 July 2013, 05:54:00 pm »
Just read in the Herald that police have raided the remainder of the saunas. Looks like they're going for full closure  >:(


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Re: Closure of Edinburgh Saunas
« Reply #13 on: 27 July 2013, 07:46:13 pm »
I feel in closing these places down they will only force it matter what they do it will still go on...

They think they can stop it completely. That's what the Rhoda Grant proposal was all about, and it will be returning you can be sure of that. The next step will be to roll out the zero tolerance as they call it, UK wide. The limiting factor is police resources, but already from the example in Walsall it's clear what they plan to do. Similar things are happening in Luton and elsewhere. How it will affect indies isn't really clear to me. It may increase demand. But I think a lot of clients will be quaking in their boots as it becomes tougher for them, and not just the clients either. What worries me is that they might start raiding independent girls to intimidate them and put them out of business.
« Last Edit: 27 July 2013, 07:48:49 pm by roseanna »


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Re: Closure of Edinburgh Saunas
« Reply #14 on: 28 July 2013, 11:29:11 am »
Yes, there does seem to be a nationwide crack down at the moment. Hope it doesn't extend to hassling us indies.
I'm just making sure I'm all in order as it were, so they can't get me on anything. No flat sharing etc..

Erg, the sex industry is an easy target for them, they can feel like they're making a difference and get quick results but in fact they're making things worse and more dangerous for sex workers.