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Author Topic: Clients who come but don't stay  (Read 9158 times)


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Re: Clients who come but don't stay
« Reply #30 on: 19 May 2010, 05:33:05 pm »
Well I've been a size 14 twice in my life and both times my bodyfat levels were completely normal as I tend to be quite athletic. Somehow at 5'4" I can make 14 appear 12, 12 10, and 8 too skinny as well as take a stone off my weight.

Back to the point I've never had someone leave because of my looks - it's always been nervousness which is bonkers as I'm known for being a genuine, soft sort without much to hide. I have however experienced the scripted "phone call" where said chap has to dash after 20 minutes. That was actually during his second appointment but was so obvious, he simply was incredibly uncomfortable being in a prossy's company!


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Re: Clients who come but don't stay
« Reply #31 on: 19 May 2010, 07:10:44 pm »
I was just so fed up that he wasted my time because:
1. my profile goes into quite a lot of detail about how im a curvy girl with big boobs and a big bum etc
2. I have lots of up to date nude pictures of myself which clearly show im not a size zero
3. I state that im a size 12 twice on my profile

Id spent an hour getting ready for the booking and he had booked for 2 hours so I was looking forward to the money. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR

He kept apologising and repeating himself "that he had just wanted someone slim". He also tried to give me a kiss goodbye on his way out but I made it very clear I didnt want him touching me and he needed to leave immediately for being so rude. Oh and he asked for the bottle of wine back which he had handed me upon his arrival.

I might have beat him to death with the wine after all that.


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Re: Clients who come but don't stay
« Reply #32 on: 27 May 2010, 05:08:20 pm »
Its only happened to me once, but it happened when I was fairly new to the business so I was completely taken aback by it.
The guy arrived, was looking rather nervous, so I was chatting away to him trying to make him more relaxed when he suddenly turned round to me and said "You're not pregnant are you?".
Now I'm a size 12 and I was wearing quite a tight fitting dress so I said "I think you can see I'm not pregnant". He obviously wasn't convinced and asked me to lift up my dress to show him. I didn't like his attitude and refused and basically he left.
It made me feel totally rubbish at the time and I ended taking the rest of the day off work.
I think I've probably toughened up a bit since then so hopefully if it happens again it wont upset me so much.


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Re: Clients who come but don't stay
« Reply #33 on: 14 June 2010, 03:36:59 pm »
I've already had one of these. Met up with me, had a drink, said he had to take a call, then ran away and texted me from a few blocks away: "So sorry, can't do this. I understand, but I'd wasted a lot of time getting ready and put off other appointments for this.

He then texted me a few times that I was too nice a girl for this...


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Re: Clients who come but don't stay
« Reply #34 on: 14 June 2010, 04:40:29 pm »
I've already had one of these. Met up with me, had a drink, said he had to take a call, then ran away and texted me from a few blocks away: "So sorry, can't do this. I understand, but I'd wasted a lot of time getting ready and put off other appointments for this.

He then texted me a few times that I was too nice a girl for this...

Oh god, the worst of the Whiny Ones - usually attempts to turn into an Emotional Manipulator but his attempts are too clumsy and his conscience keeps getting in the way.

For the record (although I know it's annoying to receive unsolicited 'helpful advice') I don't meet up with nervous clients for drinks in a public place ever, due to exactly these sorts of weird situations. I've had quite a few requests to do so: "Can we meet for a quick coffee first? I'd like a chance to break the ice" or "How about we start at the bar? Then it'll be more like a date" - and I mean, okay, great, break the ice, have a date. Those things are great! I'm 100% in support of both! But they must happen AFTER we have met in private and you have paid me in full, sir, otherwise you can go and have an ice-breaking date with yourself. I'm not a frickin' Single Lady Looking For Dates, am I? I'm a prossie and as much as some guys might need their egos soothed with the whole date-pretence thing, I'm not prepared to sacrifice my hourly fee for anybody's ego.

Also, some timewasters have a thing about seeing the escort - they might call you to a hotel room and then not answer their door, but they'll be looking at you through the spyhole and possibly wanking. Or just going "OMG a real live sex worker!!!!!" and texting their mates. I dunno, lol. I think the guys who want to meet in public first might be a slightly braver extension of this - they get their thrills from making you do something and not having to pay you for it, perhaps? All I know is that when I politely and smillingly explain than they need to pay in full at the very beginning of any appointment, no matter how much time they want to spend staring at me while I drink a glass of wine, they mysteriously have something come up so they can't make the booking after all.

I like clients who do what I say when I say it and there isn't a shortage of them so far so I'm not going to start jumping through any hoops for the chance to perhaps (or perhaps not) get paid. If the client can't follow my safety procedures and meet me in private to pay the fee first, then they will just have to try to manipulate someone else into a free date. And don't get me started on the White Knights! Arrrgh! "Oh, you're so pretty and sweet, you're too good for this job!" Madonna/whore complex much, you stupid man? :P
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Re: Clients who come but don't stay
« Reply #35 on: 14 June 2010, 09:53:41 pm »
Emily, you rock!

Yeah, I texted him back that if he wanted to save me he could start by paying for my time. No response. :)


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Re: Clients who come but don't stay
« Reply #36 on: 14 June 2010, 09:58:10 pm »
Yep I've had the "let's meet for coffee" ones. Next time I'm going to make it afternoon tea in one of the very expensive hotels in the lakes.



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Re: Clients who come but don't stay
« Reply #37 on: 14 June 2010, 10:06:36 pm »
Emily, you rock!

Yeah, I texted him back that if he wanted to save me he could start by paying for my time. No response. :)

Good for you. ;D The only guy who's ever walked out on me at the beginning of an appointment started sending me loads of emails right afterwards saying that he left cos he thought I was pregnant (and therefore presumably unfuckable, like the virgin Mary herself?). I think I'd just had a big dinner. But yeah, he got right on with lecturing me about how to be more safe and careful and I shouldn't be doing this job blah blah. I told him I wasn't pregnant and no, I don't have any STIs and I do have regular checks, er, thanks for asking, now please don't email me anymore, you tosser - and then he asked me out for dinner. ::) I told him if he really wanted to apologise for his rudeness he could stop by and put some cash through my letterbox! And then didn't hear anything more. Thank God.

Ha - edit to add I totally already told this story in this thread (I think) so very sorry to anyone who just discovered that nothing new ever happens in my life. ;D
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Re: Clients who come but don't stay
« Reply #38 on: 15 June 2010, 03:11:21 pm »
Let's meet for a coffee! When I hear this I want to crack up, what the cheap bastard means is he wants to get an eyeful, and then go home and jerk off to your. No thanks. When some idiot suggests this to me, I gleefully say, that is wonderful, I will have a latte, just pick one up for me when you are on your way over, oh and make sure you get change. I am still waiting for that latte.  ::)


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Re: Clients who come but don't stay
« Reply #39 on: 15 June 2010, 07:45:14 pm »
I have had at least one guy who has actually been 'genuine' of sorts regards the coffee - basically they thought that was the polite way to do things, and also some used to parlours do like to get a 'nosey' beforehand. That's not to say it's the right thing to do and to protect ourselves of course we just don't do it.

I am itching to arrange a meeting that's going to cost the chap a lot more than a latte in Costa though.


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Re: Clients who come but don't stay
« Reply #40 on: 16 June 2010, 08:23:50 am »
I have had at least one guy who has actually been 'genuine' of sorts regards the coffee - basically they thought that was the polite way to do things, and also some used to parlours do like to get a 'nosey' beforehand. That's not to say it's the right thing to do and to protect ourselves of course we just don't do it.

I am itching to arrange a meeting that's going to cost the chap a lot more than a latte in Costa though.

Hrm. Surely after a quick glance at our websites they'll see the polite thing to do is arrange the type of booking that we prefer? Oh well. I'm notoriously unforgiving and can't say I'm too sad about all those coffees I must have missed out on. ;D How delightful it would be to miss a real booking because I'm out touting myself in Costa!
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Re: Clients who come but don't stay
« Reply #41 on: 16 June 2010, 09:53:02 am »
Don't worry I didn't do it!!!!!

Just informed them on making a proper booking.

Still trying to decide between afternoon tea at Storrs Hall, Sharrow Bay or Miller Howe for the time I may decide to accept. If it's dinner they are offering then I have somewhere even better as a surprise.



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Re: Clients who come but don't stay
« Reply #42 on: 16 June 2010, 10:26:33 am »
Still trying to decide between afternoon tea at Storrs Hall, Sharrow Bay or Miller Howe for the time I may decide to accept. If it's dinner they are offering then I have somewhere even better as a surprise.


Ha, yes. I'll go for your cheesy old dinner-at-the-Ritz-please, and I'll say that if I peer in the window and don't see a huuuuge steak on my plate and a bottle of whatever wine it is that costs ?900 then I will carry on walking right on past. ;D Oh, what do you mean you'd rather go for a cheap old regular booking now?! Ha.
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Re: Clients who come but don't stay
« Reply #43 on: 19 June 2010, 09:00:55 am »
WHEW.....was about to create a new thread when I remembered this one. Guy came in...after I showed him my face photos, and then left literally within 5 seconds.

Most upsetting. I played it off...but I couldn't understand why he would even waste his time coming to me if he wasn't attracted to me. I thought it was weird that he asked if I lived alone...

I think some guys just like to visit escorts for the hell of it and then leave to make us feel ugly. He was very young too, around my age...