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Author Topic: This irritates me...  (Read 2066 times)


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This irritates me...
« on: 17 June 2010, 01:36:14 am »
I material probably. But I need to know if its just me.

People book, make plans...and then its always the excuse right around our meeting time, "stuck at work, not sure what time Im getting out".

Someone has been emailing me this afternoon about a 5-515 appt, then says it may be 530-6...and then says he stuck at work not sure when.

Is it a timewaster, or just nervousness? I asked him that


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Re: This irritates me...
« Reply #1 on: 17 June 2010, 09:03:05 am »
Is it a timewaster, or just nervousness? I asked him that

What it is, is a sure sign for you to end your communications with this guy with a very polite and smiley "Oh well! Another time hopefully!" in order to not end up sitting around in endless negotiations with someone who is probably not going to show up. There's nothing worse than spending an hour waiting around because that time's been taken from you by someone who's not going to pay you and that means you regret the whole experience and who wants to risk adding a(nother?) regrettable hour to their lives?!

On the other hand, I don't mind doing a bit of waiting around when I'm at home because I have so much else to get on with. I can get LOADS of cleaning done when I'm a bit worried that someone may turn up and see the state of my floors so that's a pretty good motivation, and then I'll probably risk sitting down and getting re-absorbed in whatever project I'm trying to make work that day, although that normally means two hours fly by and I don't even notice the no-show not-showing.

I know it sounds a bit cold to put it like this but if a client hasn't followed all my instructions, gotten to my flat and paid me, then I can't show him any more than polite but basic consideration. I sometimes apologise to real clients at the end of bookings that I tend to be a little brisk on the phone before I've met them only because for every great, real client there's half a dozen weirdos and morons so if I don't want to be on the phone, texting and emailing constantly, pandering to a bunch of guys who aren't even going to turn into paying clients, I have to keep things brief with them all. Real clients understand and I'm still getting my lovely weekly quota of them, all the more lovely for being understanding and perfectly capable of not having a big sulk just because they are politely informed that if they can't make a concrete appointment and stick to it, I can't spend the whole day responding to their vague (or worse, "flirty") texts.

Right, that was way too long a post just to say: Joey, if a potential client is making you spend this much time and effort thinking about him without even managing to fix up an appointment then he's not a very cost effective option, is he? It can be okay if you've got other non-escorty things going on at the same time but it's still not right for any non-client to be interrupting your day so significantly. I'm sure that if you explain politely and succinctly, he'll understand that you have real clients to be dealing with instead. :)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: This irritates me...
« Reply #2 on: 17 June 2010, 05:18:52 pm »
It is canceling without canceling. The min I hear this I reply, "Thanks for letting me know, but I am sorry my next appointment is right after you, so we will have to make it another time, thanks, gotta go, another call is coming through. Byeeeeeee" This removes the illusion that you are sitting around waiting for them, plus gives you control of the situation. Also do you make them confirm before the appointment? They need to call me a half hour before to confirm. The guys that confirm, 99.9% show up! It takes me about 10mins to get ready, so if they don't confirm, I don't get up and get ready.


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Re: This irritates me...
« Reply #3 on: 17 June 2010, 09:12:31 pm »

I would put it down as a time water. It might sound harsh but I really trust my instincts & I can read the difference between shy & plan ditherring, and that to me that is dithering! I am by no means suggesting that you don't have good instincts, it's just in this game you can be at the risk of giving too much at the cost of yourself & that can just lead to melt down.

Harlow x


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Re: This irritates me...
« Reply #4 on: 19 June 2010, 12:07:00 pm »
Sometimes I have clients who are trying to fit the appointment around work and don't know when they can get away. Thing is you wouldn't make an appointment with any other type of service provider on the same basis. ALl I do is advise them to let me know when they can definitely make it. If I'm stil free then fine, if not it will have to be another time.


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Re: This irritates me...
« Reply #5 on: 19 June 2010, 06:19:31 pm »

I would put it down as a time water. It might sound harsh but I really trust my instincts & I can read the difference between shy & plan ditherring, and that to me that is dithering!

well...he called yesterday morning. Just when I thought that I was being too harsh on him, he booked again and did it AGAIN! Says he called in cause a crisis at work. Lucky it was just an incall...but ragardless its irritating. Actually, that 2nd time I wasn't too irritated because I had 2 other clients later on.

But just goes to show. Anyone using work as an excuse...that shit is so old.


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Re: This irritates me...
« Reply #6 on: 20 June 2010, 12:53:17 am »
Read this email that I fired off to someone today:

Thanks for the reply but realize I am not by my computer all day checking emails...Its there on my ad that I prefer phone contact and there's a reason why my craigslist ad does not have an email link. Its too time consuming to communicate a same day appointment thru back and forth emails. You have my number, I dont have yours.
Now I realize its near 6 already, are you still interested in coming this way? Im at 1680 S. Colorado at the fairfield inn. Call me when you get this email and let me know what time you coming.
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