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Author Topic: How do you deal with "THE looks"?  (Read 3731 times)


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How do you deal with "THE looks"?
« on: 21 May 2016, 02:49:21 pm »
So, question guys. I'm a fairly newish escort, and do only outcalls in hotels. Every time I'm walking through a hotel lobby, or whenever a porter opens the door for me, they always give me that look of "ooh hallo there lady, I know EXACTLY what you're up to tonight" *subtle wink* ;)
Or when I meet a much older gentleman in a bar for my booking, and I can just see that look of disdain/amusement/annoyance on the staff's faces.

This morning I was coming out of my overnight booking at 7.30am and this porter (bastard) as I came through the door and was already walking away, practically yelled behind my back "Good morning Madam!"
I almost spontaneously self combusted. It's amusing on one hand because you know that you've just made almost as much in a night as they've made in a month, but it still makes me feel uncomfortable.

Mind you, I always dress very classy, no excessive make up, nothing trashy, but still, is there a way to attract less attention? How do you deal with it? How do you think people who work in hotels/bars feel about people like us?

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Re: How do you deal with "THE looks"?
« Reply #1 on: 21 May 2016, 03:30:48 pm »
Most hotel staff know there are extra marital affairs taking place at their hotel so they may not necessarily associate you as being a working girl but someone's mistress.  Some of the staff at the high-end hotels in London are more respectable to guests.

Maybe the next time you have an overnighter, pack some casual jeans and flats in your bag so you enter/exit casually; and change into something nice when you are in the room with your client.

April Showers

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Re: How do you deal with "THE looks"?
« Reply #2 on: 21 May 2016, 03:35:01 pm »
They are trained to greet the guests they all say it and have eye contact with you when opening doors etc even when you are not escorting  ........

I think because we now what we are doing we assume everyone else does ...they maybe admiring your shoes  or looking at the person behind you ... i still can get paranoid years later it is just that guilty feeling

People socialize in bars/hotels  of various ages together is quite common in the world so dont over think it ...when i have met a older work collegue in a hotel or family member i have never felt guilty for one min.

in my previous job we would have a team  ( mostly guys) staying in a hotel and i could have had about 9 different guys come to my room for paperwork or a piece of equipment or just to chat and i never once thought anything of it or once asked what i was doing/asked to leave .....


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Re: How do you deal with "THE looks"?
« Reply #3 on: 21 May 2016, 04:52:29 pm »
Never really thought about it much. Even asked at a desk if they can tell my client I've arrived  so they can either come meet me or they'll ask the staff to let me upstairs. I'm sure in some situations they are sure I'm a prostitute or somebodies sugar baby but as long as they aren't giving me hassle I don't care if it gives them a giggle or whatever that some guy especially if it's a known regular guest is hiring himself some entertainment.

Most staff at these hotels likely don't have a clue who you are, could be a relative, work colleague etc.  Also the staff say that to everyone in the morning as you pass even in a crappy hotel the cleaners or whoever will probably greet you. I actually find the nicer the hotel the less hassle you are likely to get though that probably varies by hotel. I just found at cheap places more staff seemed to bug me about who I am and where I'm going.


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Re: How do you deal with "THE looks"?
« Reply #4 on: 22 May 2016, 01:17:17 am »
1. If it's during the day wear sunglasses when you enter and exit. When your eyes are hidden you generally give off the message of not wanting to be disturbed and doormen are less likely to give you enthusiastic welcomes. Wear a long nondescript black coat and flat shoes.

2. Fiddle with your phone/ipod. Pretend you're on the phone/texting etc. when you go through the door so you have an excuse not to talk to them. They probably won't say anything if they think you're focused on something else anyway.

3. It's all about body language, if you give off the vibe of normalcy people won't have a reason to think you're doing anything strange. Walk into the hotel lobby briskly and confidently as if you're familiar with the place. Along with covering my eyes I stick my hands in my coat pockets which sends the signal that I don't want to talk to anybody. When you meet your client at the bar be aware of the vibe you're giving to other people. Try to look like you're comfortable and familiar with him, like he could be a family friend. Of course that's more difficult if your client wants to be all over you.

The staff probably don't know you're a WG, at my first booking I was certain everybody in the lobby from the concierge to the doormen knew but it's just the paranoia taking over. It's possible the porter was just trying to be friendly or chat you up. I don't know if there are lots of WGs where you live but London's full of them so most hotels/restaurants don't bat an eye. They're more focused on their jobs anyway. 


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Re: How do you deal with "THE looks"?
« Reply #5 on: 22 May 2016, 01:53:13 am »
So, question guys. I'm a fairly newish escort, and do only outcalls in hotels. Every time I'm walking through a hotel lobby, or whenever a porter opens the door for me, they always give me that look of "ooh hallo there lady, I know EXACTLY what you're up to tonight" *subtle wink* ;)
Or when I meet a much older gentleman in a bar for my booking, and I can just see that look of disdain/amusement/annoyance on the staff's faces.

This morning I was coming out of my overnight booking at 7.30am and this porter (bastard) as I came through the door and was already walking away, practically yelled behind my back "Good morning Madam!"
I almost spontaneously self combusted. It's amusing on one hand because you know that you've just made almost as much in a night as they've made in a month, but it still makes me feel uncomfortable.

Mind you, I always dress very classy, no excessive make up, nothing trashy, but still, is there a way to attract less attention? How do you deal with it? How do you think people who work in hotels/bars feel about people like us?

When I first started out, I did outcalls but only to hotels as I wasn't comfortable going to private homes but then I stopped doing outcalls altogether because of the paranoia of everyone looking at me not to mention walking into a glass lift at the Raddison one time and being seen waking into a booking only to come out and see a post on my Facebook from and acquaintance saying they just seen me in the Raddison 😁 so in the end, the paranoia of being seen by people I know and being known in my own home town as a hooker to all the staff and things was too much for me so now I don't go outside of my own 4 walls.

To try and not stick out like a sore thumb is quite difficult for me as I have a very made up look, hair and makeup wise so I tried to dress down slightly for example I would wear jeans, heels and a smart top or wet look leggings and a top or something but try to avoid dresses and skirts altogether. I just think you draw even more attention when bare legs and things are on show.



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Re: How do you deal with "THE looks"?
« Reply #6 on: 22 May 2016, 01:08:52 pm »
I just act normal as I would if meeting a person who wasn't paying me.

I stay in hotels for a sorts of reasons, with/without partners, friends some of whom check in before I get there. Years ago I've also met affairs in a hotel room. No one in my experience has ever given me any sort of look.


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Re: How do you deal with "THE looks"?
« Reply #7 on: 22 May 2016, 02:11:13 pm »
Lol yes I know the feeling, walking into hotels looking glam with a big weekend bag, and leaving precisely an hour later! I haven't noticed looks but I am very brazen, I smile and say hello to the door staff and reception as I breeze by, I think confidence tends to prevail in these situations.  Plus if it's an upmarket hotel and you're dressed to fit in, nobody is going to say a word - can you imagine that in the Evening Standard, 'woman accused of prostitution in Claridges'  ;D

Green Carnation

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Re: How do you deal with "THE looks"?
« Reply #8 on: 22 May 2016, 09:04:33 pm »
What's wrong with saying 'good morning madam'??? I would be annoyed if he didn't say anything and just stared. I always smile at them and say hello, 99% of doormen are super polite, and most likely they don't give a shit that *yet another* hooker just walked in.


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Re: How do you deal with "THE looks"?
« Reply #9 on: 23 May 2016, 12:05:10 am »
What's wrong with saying 'good morning madam'??? I would be annoyed if he didn't say anything and just stared. I always smile at them and say hello, 99% of doormen are super polite, and most likely they don't give a shit that *yet another* hooker just walked in.

Doesn't even sound like a doorman from what she said she left a hotel room and a porter said good morning and it upset her because apparently he said it too loud or whatever


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Re: How do you deal with "THE looks"?
« Reply #10 on: 23 May 2016, 12:47:11 am »
I've never noticed any looks. I could be going to see anyone & have stayed in lots of non escorting situations as well as being booked too. Staff are always friendly as they are to anyone. I don't know of your exact experience but I think there could be a possibility there might be a small amount of paranoia because of the fact you're thinking of your exact arrangement going on.

The only time I have noticed some looks was out of town for a week with a client...but I think it was more looks at the age difference, I just ignored it and acted as if I would if I was his girlfriend or date or something. It's no ones business remember but always just smile, be polite, discrete where you can and move along.


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Re: How do you deal with "THE looks"?
« Reply #11 on: 23 May 2016, 12:50:21 am »
I would have just said good morning back in a friendly way lol. He could have just been in a bad mood & said it too quiet to start with for you to hear...