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Author Topic: Clients who adore you until they have come.  (Read 5029 times)


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Re: Clients who adore you until they have come.
« Reply #15 on: 21 May 2016, 08:31:22 pm »
I've a few similar clients, they're overly keen then soon as they've come they just want to get away from me a quick as possible...One young man often dashes out after rushing to get his clothes on, literally with his top inside out or back to front, bless him  :)

 I don't take it personally, its better when they're like that than when they get too comfortable and never want to leave!

Agreed so easy to overthink/take this personally. Not that I like it when it happens to me, far from it. But usually it's simply that the guy all of a sudden feels awkward or guilty, they probably don't realise they are doing it half the time. I've never known it to be deliberate or malicious. No point in getting in a tizz about it.

mature helen

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Re: Clients who adore you until they have come.
« Reply #16 on: 21 May 2016, 08:38:13 pm »
After all this time it doesn't bother me if they speak or not, obviously its less awkward when you can have a friendly chat afterwards and a peck on the cheek when they go but hey as long as theyve paid and been respectful during the meet its they choice how they deal with their feelings afterwards.
It takes all kinds.


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Re: Clients who adore you until they have come.
« Reply #17 on: 21 May 2016, 10:28:33 pm »
It does take all kinds yes...some are polite and some are rude. Manners cost nothing x


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Re: Clients who adore you until they have come.
« Reply #18 on: 21 May 2016, 10:36:21 pm »
Yes, manners don't cost a penny.  Being respectful comes first.  I generally dislike weirdos into certain set / fixed fetishes who treat wgs like objects.  We have feelings.   Ok, it's just me.  We are all different. 


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Re: Clients who adore you until they have come.
« Reply #19 on: 22 May 2016, 12:26:43 am »
There is this man I have been seeing for around 4 years. As soon as he is in my place he worships me and I mean really worships me, to the point of him going on his knees and kissing my feet and legs! He is all over me during the booking and while it is rather over the top it is also ok with me because that is just the way he is. He is reliable and on time and never oversteps the mark in any ways other than the excessive adulation.
When he has come the second time he will not even look at me,hardly speaks while he dresses but as I am still in the room I attempt to make polite talk rather than just have a silence. I see him to the door and it is always the same, I go to kiss him goodbye and he turns his head away so I can only kiss his cheek.

I am sure others will experience similar but how to do you deal with it? I have been on the brink of refusing bookings because it is just so rude to do that to me. This man is single, never been married or had a proper girlfriend so it cant be the guilt? Or can it?

Some clients definitely feel guilt for all sorts of reasons whether that be because they have a family at home or whether it be because they feel guilty for using your body for the hour. As long as he's a decent client and not a complete arsehole then I wouldn't look into it too much.

I even have clients that book me for companionship rather than anything sexual because they feel guilty for using my body even although I'm completely independent, work as an escort off my own free will and even although I enjoy my job but they still think it's disrespectful to me.



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Re: Clients who adore you until they have come.
« Reply #20 on: 22 May 2016, 08:43:24 am »
Yes, that's also so true. 

Marital / relationship status has a lot to do with it.  If his wife / long-term partner finds out, it will wreck the marriage / relationship.  Family money being used for his "other lady" etc.    ::)  Having said that, I would still feel offended by his poor manner.   Probably, that's also his personality.  Socially incompetent.  (We can generally show appropriate behaviour at given time / place).  He ought to know his behaviour is hurting the original poster's feelings.  An idiot, still.  I bet he's like that to his wife or partner.  :(   ::) 


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Re: Clients who adore you until they have come.
« Reply #21 on: 22 May 2016, 12:37:44 pm »
Yes, that's also so true. 

Marital / relationship status has a lot to do with it.  If his wife / long-term partner finds out, it will wreck the marriage / relationship.  Family money being used for his "other lady" etc.    ::)  Having said that, I would still feel offended by his poor manner.   Probably, that's also his personality.  Socially incompetent.  (We can generally show appropriate behaviour at given time / place).  He ought to know his behaviour is hurting the original poster's feelings.  An idiot, still.  I bet he's like that to his wife or partner.  :(   ::)

Yeah I guess if it bothers the OP that much, it would be worth mentioning to him politely if she values him as a client. Sometimes they don't realise they are doing anything wrong x


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Re: Clients who adore you until they have come.
« Reply #22 on: 22 May 2016, 01:25:40 pm »
I am not losing sleep over it but wanted to post about it to see others' thoughts and actions when it happens to them.

If it was a "normal" booking with this man it would not be any kind of issue with me, but the initial over the top adulation, the cuddling and "we are good friends arent we, we know each other so well and are very close arent we, would you come out one evening with me" from him, is just the polar opposite to the end of the booking just an hour later.

One time last year I did an outcall to his home, he always comes to me otherwise. I know so much about him because he is open and honest and says he trusts me without question. His mother who he lives with was away for the night and he told me that no lady has ever been in his/their home. Yes he is a mummy's boy aged 43.

Any old way I have decided to play him at his own game next time, rather than ask him outright why he ignores me. I will sit and say nothing while he dresses, not even leave the room. It should be interesting.  ::)


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Re: Clients who adore you until they have come.
« Reply #23 on: 22 May 2016, 01:44:39 pm »
I am not losing sleep over it but wanted to post about it to see others' thoughts and actions when it happens to them.

If it was a "normal" booking with this man it would not be any kind of issue with me, but the initial over the top adulation, the cuddling and "we are good friends arent we, we know each other so well and are very close arent we, would you come out one evening with me" from him, is just the polar opposite to the end of the booking just an hour later.

One time last year I did an outcall to his home, he always comes to me otherwise. I know so much about him because he is open and honest and says he trusts me without question. His mother who he lives with was away for the night and he told me that no lady has ever been in his/their home. Yes he is a mummy's boy aged 43.

Any old way I have decided to play him at his own game next time, rather than ask him outright why he ignores me. I will sit and say nothing while he dresses, not even leave the room. It should be interesting.  ::)

Or if he irritates you that much, don't see him again. I never see a client again that I don't like for whatever reason same as they don't see us again if they don't like us x


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Re: Clients who adore you until they have come.
« Reply #24 on: 22 May 2016, 01:55:48 pm »

Or if he irritates you that much, don't see him again. I never see a client again that I don't like for whatever reason same as they don't see us again if they don't like us x

I am hoping it does not come to that but if it does I will manage without him, he is one of those who books perhaps every 2 months, so I am not exactly relying on him for bills etc.


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Re: Clients who adore you until they have come.
« Reply #25 on: 22 May 2016, 02:08:27 pm »
I don't like it when they do this but it's pretty common i think. It's like when they watch porn, have a massive wank and as soon as they've cum they can't look at the screen lol.  It's rude because we are human beings, not porn films.


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Re: Clients who adore you until they have come.
« Reply #26 on: 22 May 2016, 02:14:46 pm »
I don't like it when they do this but it's pretty common i think. It's like when they watch porn, have a massive wank and as soon as they've cum they can't look at the screen lol.  It's rude because we are human beings, not porn films.

A massive wank  ;D


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Re: Clients who adore you until they have come.
« Reply #27 on: 22 May 2016, 02:38:25 pm »
This is how I am when I watch porn. As soon as it's done it's job, I can't click off and get on with my day quick enough ( not guilt, just total lack of interest anymore ).
But, my computer screen is not another human being. It doesn't hurt to be polite and I would have to call him out on his rudeness. I find that most people will respond to a little positive criticism, if used in a fair way.
 I wouldn't be happy to continue seeing him if he didn't. That's just me though  :)


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Re: Clients who adore you until they have come.
« Reply #28 on: 22 May 2016, 07:59:56 pm »
I had that kind of client last night. Was a very odd experience as he booked me for an overnight, but was basically done in 20 minutes haha!
And then he just passed out and slept next to me for the rest of the night. Snored like crazy, I got no sleep. But I basically got paid an overnight rate for 20 minutes of barely doing anything. Made me feel a bit incompetent, because after he came he was dead to the world!  ???

Sound like my perfect booking.  getting paid for no work.  If he weren't satisfied  he wouldn't  Have fell asleep.  :)


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Re: Clients who adore you until they have come.
« Reply #29 on: 23 May 2016, 08:54:48 am »

Or if he irritates you that much, don't see him again. I never see a client again that I don't like for whatever reason same as they don't see us again if they don't like us x

Lack of respect is one big reason why I block some idiots.  I don't care if they are loaded. If they were disrespectful once, they can keep their money and my door is locked.  These punters aren't above us.  They have no power / control over us.  Even if they beg, I won't take them back.  These (disrespectful) clients / punters do seem to think they are rich / wealthy and are "doing their favour" by coming to see you and it shows.   If they are not nice (unable to keep the social decorum), they can go else where.  I don't wanna deal with their SHITE.    8) :-X