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Author Topic: Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid  (Read 2553 times)


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Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid
« on: 08 May 2020, 06:09:56 pm »
I have a long term reg who is sometimes beyond patronising, but I tolerate it as he is classic textbook Aspergers. Normally everything he says goes over my head but he sent me an email this week to 'suggest' ways to improve my business by doing digital stuff. The things he said were so obvious even a five year old could understand. I don't mind constructive criticism/advice so long as it's justified, but after reading the two page email I was fuming by the things he came out with. His arrogant tone is just so infuriating and I can't believe he thinks these things have never occured to me. What made my piss boil the most though is he said he hopes the government will help me out next month. I can't recall the exact wording, but he made it sound like it was very much 50/50 whether I'd get any help at all.

Another 'know it all' who happens to know fuck all  >:(  ::)  >:(

The current situation everyone is in hasn't helped my mood, so I sent him an email straight back telling him what's what and I got a very sheepish reply  ::)

It feels sooo good though to put these fools straight  ;D :D

« Last Edit: 08 May 2020, 06:12:00 pm by Gypsy »
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Re: Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid
« Reply #1 on: 08 May 2020, 06:15:04 pm »
You lost me at

reading the two page email

My rule for emails, texts and even posts here is that if I have to scroll down to read it, it's too long and I don't have time. The arrogance of people who think we have nothing else to do astonishes me sometimes.


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Re: Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid
« Reply #2 on: 08 May 2020, 10:29:13 pm »
For me if a client gets my back up he's blocked, I may be selling my body, time and hand holding skills but I still respect myself more than the custom and money. In life if something grates on you and makes you feel even slightly shit or unhappy, Get rid. I had a good paying client that kept digging at me and when he pointed out my stretch marks( silver and 18 years old) looked like someone had poured boiling water over my stomach and scared me :/ I threw him out but first gave him a big lecture l, And I can be scary germaine Greer lol He left apologising. And I hope he won't be such a shallow shit again.

Yes I did feel a bit crap for a while, I've had body dysmorphia and still do, But with age I know I dont need to look perfect . Our scars make us who we are and I've been told I'd be perfect if I got a boob job lol My nipples still face forward but I'm not a blow up sex doll lol

He was the first and only person ever to point that out, My imperfections that are scars from carrying two babies and giving life and still caring for those lives.

Like someone else said on here, You can't do this job and not be hard, But if you love yourself and the imperfections.

I see imperfections men daily and they never go on about what's wrong with them. Its us women who feel we need to be this image, perfection to be viable. And I know our job means we need to be a certain vision of Male perfection but does one size fit all?

Sorry for the long essay but I personally dislike women being criticized on looks or service. I'll wind my knock in now. Although I feel bad I chose prosecco over working out lol

He was late forties, Rich, No real friends and upset he never had kids.


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Re: Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid
« Reply #3 on: 08 May 2020, 10:32:17 pm »
Neck not Knock lol Sorry tipsy posting please forgive :)


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Re: Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid
« Reply #4 on: 09 May 2020, 07:47:21 am »
I think some enjoy it as an ego trip. I had one guy who questioned my bra size then said later he’d had the “best” night of his life. Don’t think I’ll be letting him book again.
He’s probably trying to help but due his issues he doesn’t realise it’s rude and blunt. It’s your business and your choice. He don’t need to be accountable for his hang ups.

I’ve huge hang ups on scars I have and so far not one person has mentioned so I’ve been lucky.

Ps good call on the Prosecco


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Re: Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid
« Reply #5 on: 09 May 2020, 08:49:06 am »
I think some enjoy it as an ego trip. I had one guy who questioned my bra size then said later he’d had the “best” night of his life. Don’t think I’ll be letting him book again.
He’s probably trying to help but due his issues he doesn’t realise it’s rude and blunt. It’s your business and your choice. He don’t need to be accountable for his hang ups.

I’ve huge hang ups on scars I have and so far not one person has mentioned so I’ve been lucky.

Ps good call on the Prosecco

Yes, the Aspergers thing is why so much of what he says goes over my head ... but at the moment I find his 'advice' irritating because he isn't actually doing anything useful  ::) He's not a paying customer or said he would help me out. Not that I would take any money because I'm not struggling, but it's the thought that counts.

It's a good job I'm so understanding of these conditions otherwise I would have ceased all bookings ages ago  ;D ;D ;D
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Re: Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid
« Reply #6 on: 09 May 2020, 08:56:13 am »
Question is do you need his mind f**k in your life. Maybe just challenge him outright and explain he’s on a last warning.


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Re: Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid
« Reply #7 on: 09 May 2020, 08:56:56 am »
Some people think they are being helpful, I just try to smile and ignore if it doesn't apply to me. That doesn't mean some guys haven't been helpful, but usually they wait until I ask them (which is rare).

When I changed the way I operated some years ago I remember one client emailing wondering why I was giving up my 'idyllic' life - he thought that I sat in a bed of roses waiting for lovely clients to turn up at the appointed time. Also didn't recognise I might have my own personal-life/outside life needs. He went to to try encourage me to bring my other life skill to his part of the country citing a shortage in that occupation and high hourly rates. Knowing that sector I explained that wasn't/isn't the case and also advised him to advise the friends he cited as experiencing the shortage that there are plenty of services available at a fraction of the rate. Also that the proposed commute he suggested for perhaps a day's work at that rate in that sector wasn't viable nor physically possible. At the same time I also explained the nuances of sex work, of letting strangers into your property (which he knew was my home), vigilance and security measures involved not least because I had experienced being targeted by criminals so it's very real.

Others advising me I could rent a flat and pay the rent with just 2 x 2 hour bookings per month, forgetting other costs and paperwork associated with renting a second property.

Some clients/punters are very good they either are aware of what is involved or they just don't get involved.


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Re: Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid
« Reply #8 on: 09 May 2020, 09:16:29 am »
The trouble is when you have one who thinks he knows it all but doesn't have a clue of how anything operates  ::)

Because this man is single he thinks all my other clients are too. His mindset is very much 'what applies to me applies to everyone,' and as everyone else knows that isn't the way life is at all.
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Re: Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid
« Reply #9 on: 09 May 2020, 10:03:27 am »
Slightly off point but although I am borderline Asperger's I don't sound arrogant (I hope) to others.  As for long emails I used to have a problem with this but have now learned to think of the other person and to cut it down.  The same with facebook messages and texts.  Less is more.

It did take a lot of working at though.  Most of my friends can usually cope with it but I still decided to sort it out once and for all and to reduce the length of emails. 


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Re: Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid
« Reply #10 on: 09 May 2020, 01:50:17 pm »
Slightly off point but although I am borderline Asperger's I don't sound arrogant (I hope) to others.  As for long emails I used to have a problem with this but have now learned to think of the other person and to cut it down.  The same with facebook messages and texts.  Less is more.

It did take a lot of working at though.  Most of my friends can usually cope with it but I still decided to sort it out once and for all and to reduce the length of emails.

I know some other Aspergers people myself - I think my own mother is one. I don't however think arrogance is part of the syndrome. That's just a personality problem  : ::) :) ;D
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Re: Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid
« Reply #11 on: 09 May 2020, 02:32:12 pm »
I've met many condescending and narcissistic idiots who love to talk down to me, which is why I take great delight in telling them that I'm doing a PhD part time. That usually shuts them up.


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Re: Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid
« Reply #12 on: 09 May 2020, 08:30:58 pm »
This thread reminds me of a client from back in February.

He originally contacted me via email on AW about a 2 hour booking and I emailed back and advised him that I only take bookings with new clients over the telephone and he emailed back that “that’s not necessary as I have an AW account”, I said that may be but it means nothing really and that my screening procedure IS to talk to the guy first, no exceptions at all. 

He tried to get out of giving me his number and what he wanted to do, and wait til you hear this, was for me to email him my postcode and then when he was close to it he would then call me from a callbox near to mines and I would be able to talk to him and to give him me address! I said that giving him my postcode was just giving him my address without the door number (I have no major landmarks close by so it has to be my street) and that without speaking to him then I was going against my own screening procedure, and he replied with “well it all depends on how much you trust me doesn’t it”, and that was the point where he thought I was fucking stupid, yet it’s him being stupid for insulting my intelligence!

I replied “well considering up to now that you have only emailed me on a sex for sale website and to me your just a random so I don’t trust you one iota”, and he emailed back “yes quite right” and eventually called me, booked me and he was absolutely okay but I did pull him up in the booking and asked if he presumed I was stupid because I was a hooker, his face went red and he started to splutter and I then added, “now imagine if I made a sweeping statement about you just because you pay for sex, if that was the case then you would be a fat old smelly man who wanted to talk about teenage girls and wanted bareback sex, how would you feel then”, he glared at me and said “yes point taken”!

I don’t think he will be back as I got the feeling he likes his birds to only speak when spoken too! Prick that he is!!🤣🤣


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Re: Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid
« Reply #13 on: 10 May 2020, 07:06:45 am »
Unfortunately many a male can be arrogant.  Although this does apply to women sometimes but less often.


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Re: Clients Treating You Like You're Stupid
« Reply #14 on: 10 May 2020, 09:06:34 am »
This thread reminds me of a client from back in February.

He originally contacted me via email on AW about a 2 hour booking and I emailed back and advised him that I only take bookings with new clients over the telephone and he emailed back that “that’s not necessary as I have an AW account”, I said that may be but it means nothing really and that my screening procedure IS to talk to the guy first, no exceptions at all. 

He tried to get out of giving me his number and what he wanted to do, and wait til you hear this, was for me to email him my postcode and then when he was close to it he would then call me from a callbox near to mines and I would be able to talk to him and to give him me address! I said that giving him my postcode was just giving him my address without the door number (I have no major landmarks close by so it has to be my street) and that without speaking to him then I was going against my own screening procedure, and he replied with “well it all depends on how much you trust me doesn’t it”, and that was the point where he thought I was fucking stupid, yet it’s him being stupid for insulting my intelligence!

I replied “well considering up to now that you have only emailed me on a sex for sale website and to me your just a random so I don’t trust you one iota”, and he emailed back “yes quite right” and eventually called me, booked me and he was absolutely okay but I did pull him up in the booking and asked if he presumed I was stupid because I was a hooker, his face went red and he started to splutter and I then added, “now imagine if I made a sweeping statement about you just because you pay for sex, if that was the case then you would be a fat old smelly man who wanted to talk about teenage girls and wanted bareback sex, how would you feel then”, he glared at me and said “yes point taken”!

I don’t think he will be back as I got the feeling he likes his birds to only speak when spoken too! Prick that he is!!🤣🤣

This is brilliant.
Glad he turned out to be okay - although I’d have been so pissed off with his lack of respect for my screening, he wouldn’t have got a booking!