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Author Topic: Clients: the good, the bad and the *******  (Read 6618 times)


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Clients: the good, the bad and the *******
« on: 08 August 2009, 09:57:16 pm »
We've all had our fair share of gentlemen and to$$ers so why not share a few anecdotes...!
Most of my clients have been charming and have showered me with gifts. But I had one awhile ago who was an arrogant sh*t  who insisted he was, I quote, "the bomb in the bedroom"!! Needless to say, I hope I don't see him again!

I'm not sure how long this thread will stay up for but lets make the most of it!!


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Re: Clients: the good, the bad and the *******
« Reply #1 on: 09 August 2009, 03:31:49 pm »
I think I am incredibly lucky with the gentlemen I have met tbh!

I've never had one issue with hygiene, only one no show, and a couple who I've had to stop seeing as they were too OTT for my comfort.  I've never encountered any arrogance or attitude beyond that.

Evie Touches wood 300 times to be on the safe side and make sure it stays that way!!

« Last Edit: 17 August 2009, 07:16:17 pm by Evie »


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Re: Clients: the good, the bad and the *******
« Reply #2 on: 09 August 2009, 08:41:57 pm »
I also have to say that most of my clients have been wonderful. I've only had one guy ask me for bareback in a booking (never saw him again) and one young whipper-snapper who thought it was a great idea to tag-team me with one of his mates without first asking  my consent. Very disrespectful and I've never taken a booking from him again.

No, my biggest bug-bear are the no-shows and the nit-wits on the phone doing their best to waste my time. Those that don't actually become clients.

I think I've been very lucky.


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Re: Clients: the good, the bad and the *******
« Reply #3 on: 09 August 2009, 10:21:58 pm »
I had one who claimed to know everything there was to know about pleasing women.  He didn't.  He told me that there were some people in this world capable of giving blow jobs and I was, sorry love, just not one of them.  That was when I announced that his time was up.  As I was waiting for my taxi, he told me that his cats loved no one except for him, and that they'd scratch my eyes out.  They both jumped up on my lap and began to snuggle and purr.  I even got a nose-kiss!  They wouldn't have anything to do with him.  That said, this was in my agency days, where there was little screening. 


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Re: Clients: the good, the bad and the *******
« Reply #4 on: 10 August 2009, 12:52:54 am »
Oh good lord, well, for starters, how about......

At dinner in a relatively quiet restaurant with a very serious face: "I can't WAIT to show you my cock. It really is good looking for a cock. Honestly, you won't have seen one this nice for a long time".

And then there was.....
As I entered his hotel apartment: "Nice to meet you. Now, let me show you my ex-girlfriend. She was a model. Here she is in a magazine look, LOOK. And here, here she is on a photo I took on holiday. Look, it is the same girl- take a look. I dated her, And here she is in a magazine. THE SAME GIRL. LOOK.

And who could forget.....
After a very raunchy and not at all chatty or getting-to-know-you style appointment: "look at the clothes I bought my baby son. Don't you think they are cute? Here he is in a photo with my wife. Beautiful, aren't they?"

And, of course, the one who came into my apartment, said hello, shoved his last cool original flavour dorritto into his gob and, after looking around his feet for a bin, handed me the empty packet like I was his mum and he was my toddler. He then proceeded to lunge at me with an open mouth full of crisp dregs and cool original flavour fumes, with his hands frantically grabbing at my tits. I made a swift counteractive karate chop and marched him to the bathroom to brush his bloody teeth and wash his hands. Bloody moron. (Ha! just remembered, he also rubbished my claims that I had attended a certain university after telling me he they had rejected his application. Yes yes, whatever you want to hear, dorritto-gob)  ;D


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Re: Clients: the good, the bad and the *******
« Reply #5 on: 10 August 2009, 05:46:54 am »
Topic: yet another crazy client, this time turned stupid!

As respect, I decided not to create a new thread and 'hog' the forum with another of my misfortunes. But I will use this thread to tell my story...

although I dont often run into bad clients, once in awhile I do and yesterday afternoon had met a client who I previously met before. He was very complicated this time, took 20 minutes to find me in the parking garage when I arrived, which already had me pissed. Although he gave me his apt # I found the premises to be a labyrinth (spelling, oops?) so insisted he just meet me outside. When I showed up, he said he had x amount and that he wanted to drive to the atm to get the rest. So at that point we leave, and instead I follow him to the atm. I watched closely and seen the money come out.

We returned and the place was a mess and disordered, cats running everywhere which was making me sick. We argued a bit cause he made a fuss about giving me the money when we got back. He kept trying to get me to do stuff, kissing me but I got up and said Im not doing anything, where's the fee first. He then opened his wallet, and low and behold there was nothing in it. The $300 had 'disappeared'. He kept saying how he was sorry, that he's 'fucked up'. I didnt accept cause I drove for 45minutes from where I live to get bullshit. He spends another 15-20 min. looking for the money as if he set it down someplace. At that point I knew he was hiding it. Then out of no where he tells me to get the hell out of the house and he wouldnt give me anything then pushes me thinking I was stealing something, then I pushed him down on the floor. I didnt leave out completely empty handed but I did leave with no money.

If anything Im also upset at myself for having trusted this fool, even though we met before. I was just being too nice, as usual...and he took clean advantage of it. He took forever to get the money to me, which if it was a first-timer I'd been of left out of there. Im just glad we didnt do everything, but he still made moves on me. It was a complete waste of trip, could have turned out worse with one or both us in jail. I just cut my losses and left though. It was a shame as he seemed like a good guy which could have been a good session, but he acted like an idiot and ruined it.

I  applaud Brandy and others who seem to NEVER have crzy clients but I am almost wowed at how they manage to not run into such crazy clients as I do. These people are upper middle class to upper class yet when they call up a young black guy like myself they do it when they are high or not in the right mind and these are the ones who cause me grief. Im just learning lessons one booking at a time but they are painful indeed


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Re: Clients: the good, the bad and the *******
« Reply #6 on: 10 August 2009, 09:57:18 am »
Topic: yet another crazy client, this time turned stupid!

I  applaud Brandy and others who seem to NEVER have crzy clients but I am almost wowed at how they manage to not run into such crazy clients as I do. These people are upper middle class to upper class yet when they call up a young black guy like myself they do it when they are high or not in the right mind and these are the ones who cause me grief. Im just learning lessons one booking at a time but they are painful indeed

It may be something to do with the way I market myself. But I've never had anybody mess me about in a booking. I've had people try prior to one, like for instance the guy who took his time in getting to my flat. I'd already had one booking and I was waiting for this one to turn up. He was travelling to me by car and he kept texting that he was nearly there. I text him to cancel and he called and asked me to wait, but I swear I could tell he was eating something, I'm sure he was chewing whilst he was talking to me!! So I figured he must've pulled over to pick himself up some food to munch on on the way over. And all this time he made no apology for being late. Which showed me he had no respect for me or my time. Like I had nothing better to do than to wait on a guy with no concept of time, no manners, turning up late on my doorstep reeking of fast food and expecting me to give him a stellar service.
I told him he may as well turn the car back around because I won't be at the flat when he gets there. And I got changed and left. Made a note of his number and I've never heard from him since. He wasted half an hour of my time, he wasted a car journey.


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Re: Clients: the good, the bad and the *******
« Reply #7 on: 10 August 2009, 05:36:05 pm »
The Good: This gentlemen restored my faith in Irish men, 2 hr out call that turned into 3, made me tea (2 cups) and bought a lovely bottle of wine, Spent most of the time chatting.
The Bad: Idiot had to call his mom to write me a check!
The Stupid: Via a text message, "can I give you weed for a blowjob?"


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Re: Clients: the good, the bad and the *******
« Reply #8 on: 10 August 2009, 08:23:00 pm »
Just had one other day; 'I've got a German girlfriend' Fine. 'She told me I have the biggest cock she has ever seen', Fine. I'm obviously a bit slow on the uptake - I think I was supposed to reply with resounding assurance, OK I tried look interested.


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Re: Clients: the good, the bad and the *******
« Reply #9 on: 11 August 2009, 01:26:47 am »
The Bad: Idiot had to call his mom to write me a check!
The Stupid: Via a text message, "can I give you weed for a blowjob?"

Sorry Violette honey, but: HAHAHAHA!!!   ;D ;D

Best thing ever. Shame you couldn't get the two of them together and have him phone his mum to ask if he could have some of her weed to pay you with :)


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Re: Clients: the good, the bad and the *******
« Reply #10 on: 11 August 2009, 08:21:20 am »
'There were squirrels at the side,there were squirrels at the back,there were squirrels at the front,there were squirrels smoking crack'

Sent to my work mobile via text at 2.53am on sunday morning! ??? ???


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Re: Clients: the good, the bad and the *******
« Reply #11 on: 11 August 2009, 11:56:52 am »
Thats funny I just recieved a text saying 'why are you so fucking good looking' ummmm genetics, clever make up, blindness?


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Re: Clients: the good, the bad and the *******
« Reply #12 on: 11 August 2009, 11:13:04 pm »
Dear god, it does make you wonder what some people are on.


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Re: Clients: the good, the bad and the *******
« Reply #13 on: 12 August 2009, 06:03:38 pm »
I remember an escort friend of mine telling me about a customer who bought her a box of cherry liquers, then proceeded to eat them himself. She hates cherry liquers but that's beside the point. He then also started wanking whilst talking about his ill mother. Strewth!


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Re: Clients: the good, the bad and the *******
« Reply #14 on: 12 August 2009, 10:18:29 pm »
He he, these are very funny!

I've only had lovely clients but one recently left his wedding ring in my bathroom which caused some panic (more for me than him I felt).