First post in the Blather...hope this hasn't been brought up before.
I have, so far, experienced questions from clients regarding other clients. These questions vary and can be anything from a very well meaning and well timed 'How are things otherwise?' all the way down to the other end of the charm spectrum....where we find the gent who asked 'Ow many 'av you 'ad today?' whilst in the throes of (attempted) passion.
Lots of fun to be had discussing this however, there's one particular facet that I'd like to delve into....
I have a client who has requested that he be the first to see me on any given day 'I don't want to sound awkward but...' he said thus introducing ample awkward to the conversation. At this point I ought to mention that this client is booked in for an evening appointment.
Now, I know that we all want our clients to feel like they're the only one and yeah they are the only one....the only one that hour, but am I right that we should giggle sweetly and tell them that we will of course pass up the opportunity to work, and pine for the petulant punter who doesn't realise he's paying for a service for which there are, of course, other service users, OR are we straight up and tell them that it's simply unrealistic to ever expect me to keep an entire day free?
I suppose that clients who book in the morning are of this ilk, whatever floats their boat, I like an ante meridiem cash injection before elevenses anyway. The point, which I've laboured-forgive me I'm a chronic rambler, is-Do you lie and tell them you've had a quiet day/you won't/haven't see anyone else and, if so, have you ever had issues surrounding this?
Can't wait to hear other opinions and anecdotes on this....