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Author Topic: Client booking then changes his mind  (Read 4867 times)


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Client booking then changes his mind
« on: 10 January 2013, 04:32:34 pm »
One of the things clients do is make a booking then ten minutes later send via text. Other requests like this one said about threesomes. When originally he was just looking to come on his own agreeing. It would be nice if some people actually tell the truth for a change.


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Re: Client booking then changes his mind
« Reply #1 on: 10 January 2013, 05:45:15 pm »
Guys will sometimes secure 6 bookings at once then read the profiles after to decide which one he wants.
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.


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Re: Client booking then changes his mind
« Reply #2 on: 25 January 2013, 07:08:34 pm »
I find that clients who cancel, often never had any intention of fulfilling the booking in the first place. They just liked the idea.

They like going through the motions of making a booking, speaking to you, hearing themselves make the booking. Probably while he was talking to you about two girls, he had his dick in his hand. Ten minutes later.....when he texted you, he was done.  ;D GAME OVER

Sorry girl, it sucks.

Just never give them the satisfaction of knowing they disappointed you and if you want to call him a wanker do it. You should vent your frustration on the person who gave it to, otherwise it will come out another time. Girls suffer from cumulative anger, just get it out.



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Re: Client booking then changes his mind
« Reply #3 on: 25 January 2013, 07:35:49 pm »
As said above, most of these guys do it for fun. They get a kick out of wasting an escorts time and also talking to us.  Then when the excitement has passed they cancel but now I always know which ones will do that so I do not even class them as booked. Ijust save the number under twat and move on.
Some do book and cancel 5minutes later as they lose their nerve.  I had an old guy do this to me.  His wife had recently died and she told him to never love anyone elese (selfish bitch) but he can have sex with people (so nice of her) so he booked me and cancelled.  he did this twice so the third time he rang I gave him a right telling off which is when he told me his story and he did eventually get the nerve to visit and is now a lovely regular.  nerves can make men cancel so easily
Can you imagine if you were a man, having to ring and book for sex and then turn up and strip off in front of a total stranger and give them money for sex.  It must be so nerve racking.  I could not go through the feeling again.  Remember the first time you escorted how nervous you were?  I cancelled my first couple of bookings as my nerves got the better of me.

Unless they explain why they cancelled you will never know and tbh it is not really worth worrying about.  Only worry about what you can change and forget what you cant.  For every timewaster there is a lovely client waiting to see you.  Use energy on them not on those who let you down
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact


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Re: Client booking then changes his mind
« Reply #4 on: 29 January 2013, 09:46:33 pm »
As said above, most of these guys do it for fun. They get a kick out of wasting an escorts time and also talking to us.  Then when the excitement has passed they cancel but now I always know which ones will do that so I do not even class them as booked. Ijust save the number under twat and move on.
Some do book and cancel 5minutes later as they lose their nerve.  I had an old guy do this to me.  His wife had recently died and she told him to never love anyone elese (selfish bitch) but he can have sex with people (so nice of her) so he booked me and cancelled.  he did this twice so the third time he rang I gave him a right telling off which is when he told me his story and he did eventually get the nerve to visit and is now a lovely regular.  nerves can make men cancel so easily
Can you imagine if you were a man, having to ring and book for sex and then turn up and strip off in front of a total stranger and give them money for sex.  It must be so nerve racking.  I could not go through the feeling again.  Remember the first time you escorted how nervous you were?  I cancelled my first couple of bookings as my nerves got the better of me.

Unless they explain why they cancelled you will never know and tbh it is not really worth worrying about.  Only worry about what you can change and forget what you cant.  For every timewaster there is a lovely client waiting to see you.  Use energy on them not on those who let you down

Yes was very nervous at the beginning, I like your way of thinking. Those lovely clients are thought about when others do wrong. Getting me through the day.


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Re: Client booking then changes his mind
« Reply #5 on: 31 January 2013, 12:11:04 pm »
God it's SO annoying isn't it??  Still, it's an annoying part of the job we do, sadly...

I have a rule NEVER to enter a texting dialogue, unless it's someone I have seen and know he will definitely come.  The other day I had to break my own rule because I was with a friend and had to arrange this booking by stupid text messages which I hate.

Of course, he never came to the six pm appointment, when I called he didn't answer, just sent a text saying 'sorry babe, at work still'  But I knew that anyway.

I should have known after the 30 messages going on about 'will u finger me' as I was chopping up vegetables for my dinner.  Nice, ey?