Hi there , I am fuming as one of my regular clients has said some things to me lately which make me feel like telling him to piss off and that he should look at himself in the mirror , bloody ugly twat!
First of all I get the old " I know you are a working girl but you could still be a lady " - oh really , could I now , there is hope for me still then?? !! cheeky git . Secondly , I am by no means fat but am not a size 8 either , I have a size 12 figure which I get complimented on by other clients , but no , this guy phones me the other day to tell me this - " ive saved something for you which you may be interested in , I will save it for you when I see you next . Its green tea , now Im not saying you're fat or anything but it says on the packet that it burns fat " - I could not believe what I was hearing . If I am that fat and it bothers him so that he feels he must help me to be thin then why does he spend all his money ion me ??
Honestly these men get right on my nerves and I get to a point , I know it sounds nasty , but want to tell them to piss off and how they make my bloody skin crawl . I mean how dare he say I " could still be a lady " in other words if I pack up the shameful job and be happily ever after with him , apart from the times when he would remind me that he thinks im just a whore and not a lady remember? - yeah , as if . To me men like this are hypocrites , they pay us and quite happily use our services but then they have to project their feeling bad for themselves about it onto us .
Next time this guy says it to me im going to tell him that if he thinks im fat at only a size12 then at least I can do something about it , unlike him being able to do anything about the fact that he is replusive . Job done .