To verify that your over 18 /contents lock removed just ring up your provider and tell them you want to have the content lock removed - content lock is on all phones /simcards so that under 18s cant get access to certain services and networks
Dont feel embarrassed as its not just for porn/adult sites could be for gambling sites anything that require you to be over 18 ect
they normally verify it by using a credit debit card and taking of a penny once its verified no problems if your on a contract then just ring them and they will do it straigth away as they will already have your details
02 It can be done all by text and credit card dont even speak to anyone
with regards to
registering the sim card not the phone in a differnet name rather than yours yes you can and it a good idea to as well
(register the sim card) as if you lose the phone and the sim card and its not
registered then you wont be able to get a replacement sim card for that number so you will have to change the number on your website to a new number and everywhere else that you advertise to as well
this will cost you stress and money as it can take a while for the new number to filter through to clients ect
just make up a name / and address ( just look for a hotel and use its postcode or a block of flats im currently registered at harvy nicks cabot circus postcode and street
but again make sure that you write this down somewhere as well so that you can remember it if you need to ring up and ask for a replacment sim card ect as they will ask you for it so it might be worth using your middle name and surname and same date of birth for simplicity
i use my working name Paris and my surname and own date of birth
also worth putting a pin on the mobile and getting the emi of the phone so if you do lose it your provider can block it totally
again its worth backing up all your phones numbers as well to pc so if you do lose it at least you will have all your number for clients and more importantly all the dick heads and wankers to avoid