I just got done watching that movie, Thin line between love and hate that came out back in '96...and now watching it as an adult, I just found it hits so close to home LOL. And then in the movie, Martin abandons her on her birthday, just like 2 guys did to me a couple weeks ago! I have done some crazy, crazy things to get back at men who've played me. I've busted out windows, attempted to run guys over, spray painted their cars...over time I just had to stop. But even now, I still think people need to be 'shaken up' occasionally to get their attention. Im working on catching their bad behavior in the beginning, and just moving on so I dont get hurt down the line.
Because of this, I have avoided going to the bars lately lest I see one of the guys who frequents. I fear I may be drunk when I see him, get angry and smash a full glass of beer in his face for ignoring me the day before my birthday. I'm still angry about that I cant believe it. Dating makes me so angry, and its so hard to have 'fun' when people arent being honest, just want sex but pretend they want more, or just plain ole act selfish and inconsiderate. Do things like ignore you on your birthday, valentines day, break up with you the week before an event...all kinds of stuff that makes dating bad for my health sometimes.