SAAFE forum

General Category => Blather and Babble => Topic started by: Fallingstar on 21 July 2009, 08:24:55 am

Title: Can you ever win???
Post by: Fallingstar on 21 July 2009, 08:24:55 am
Had a client in for an incall yesterday who had gotton my details off Adultwork.

At the end of the booking he mentioned that he hadn't been sure if i would actually be the girl in my photographs when he turned up! i asked him why and he told me that my photos were almost too nice and too professional looking and he had thought they might be fake!

So instead of thinking 'there is a fairly attractive girl who has taken the time to find a good photographer to take some nice photos' his first thought was 'they must be false pics'

Honestly,you cant do right for doing wrong in this job sometimes can you? If i had amateur pics on i would no doubt be getting comments about needing to get some proper ones taken and when i have nice ones on people think they aren't me!

Clients really are a paranoid bunch sometimes aren't they? i had another a few days ago begging for me to send a picture to his phone because the 10 or so photographs i have on my website weren't quite enough to convince him that i was a size 8 and not an 18 (his words not mine,no offence intended) In the end i cancelled his booking cos he seemed like such an irritating person i couldnt stand the thought of spending time with him.

Anyone Else's find clients saying things like this? hopefully it isn't just me :-\
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 21 July 2009, 08:34:12 am

You know what Colette, me and you have alot in common LOL. I was just thinking about this myself! I have used super-professional photos and still get the 'are those your photos' and then I've used crappy ones and gotten the, "you need better photos".

So I was thinking, what may be the solution for this is to use professional and ameutur ones in the same profile. It neednt be with a camera phone, but something good with a webcam or self-taken one. I have found using a bit of ameteur photos to work just as good, sometimes even better than professional ones. Especially cause you look better in person than a camera phone would!

I've also seen ads using a mixture of the 2, and now I can see why it was done.
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: Anika Mae on 21 July 2009, 11:33:44 am
I can sympathise with the clients in this case. A lot of people do lift pictures from magazines and porn sites, and even when professional pictures show the real person, the way they're shot and edited can be quite deceptive. My solution is what Joey says; I keep a mix of professional and amateur pictures on my site.

If you're using adultwork though, why not just upload a verification picture?
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: brandy@saafe on 21 July 2009, 12:12:24 pm
i had another a few days ago begging for me to send a picture to his phone because the 10 or so photographs i have on my website weren't quite enough to convince him that i was a size 8 and not an 18 (his words not mine,no offence intended) In the end i cancelled his booking cos he seemed like such an irritating person i couldnt stand the thought of spending time with him.

That's just a ploy to get you to send more pictures of yourself. What would the difference be between the pics on your site and what you would've sent?
I reckon he had no intention of booking you. He's a pic collector.
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: Hermione on 21 July 2009, 03:41:16 pm
I hire an amateur photographer but have the photos taken in a studio, and mention this on my site.  The balance is just about right!  That said, the type of client who accuses you of using fake pictures is not a client you want anyway.  These people want to be disappointed and will always find something.  There is a great deal of information out there on how to spot fake pictures and if a potential client is REALLY worried about that sort of thing then he'll make sure to educate himself accordingly. 
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 21 July 2009, 09:33:21 pm
Yet, from the photos I'm using at the moment, most of them said it doesn't do me what can I do?

Do clients say the same thing or what? Someone told me that when I first started and I was kinda offended, but I think a more appropiate answer would be "well it suits me just fine, the photos made YOU hire me didnt you"  ::)  I agree with Brandy too about photo collectors. Why are these men so occupied with what quality photos we have as if they are our personal escorting assistant? Seems like some just want to have your good photos to look at on a daily basis.

Although I'd still go with a combination approach; its not mandatory and any client who feels the need to critique our photos should be told off especially if they liked them enough to hire in the 1st place
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: Violette on 22 July 2009, 09:44:55 am
I love my professional pics, but everyone here already knows this. For me professional pics are an investment in myself and my line of work. It is in a way like wearing a nice suite to the office. It shows you are serious and not just some fly-by-night money grabbing hustler. Of course you will get the odd idiot client making stupid comments, but at the end of the day, it is the first impression you are making on the client. I too have tried the amateur pics v/ pro pics. When I had amateur pics up, the amount of guys who would ask for a discount was greater than when I had my pro pics up! So when I work in the UK and advertise in the Sport, I have a website for my little French student Lola, and the pics are the amateur ones. And of course Violette the International Elite Escort/Courtesan has the pro pics and higher prices! Oh and wait, I am about to get another set done for my latest personality.....Jacqueline, who is even more Elite than Violette.  Oh lala! :P
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 22 July 2009, 10:40:23 am
Oh and wait, I am about to get another set done for my latest personality.....Jacqueline, who is even more Elite than Violette.  Oh lala! :P

I can never get enough of Violette's posts...they just crack me up, yet inspire me all at once  :D
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: Anika Mae on 22 July 2009, 11:43:55 am
It is in a way like wearing a nice suite to the office.

Yes you're right, you can't beat a good sofa suit and armchair hat combo for letting people know you mean business. ;D
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: brandy@saafe on 22 July 2009, 04:05:55 pm
Yet, from the photos I'm using at the moment, most of them said it doesn't do me what can I do?

I would prefer to be told that my pictures don't do me justice and have the client pleasantly suprised that I'm even more gorgeous in the flesh :), than have my pics misrepresent me in some way that the client has such high expectations of me and is therefore disappointed when I walk through the door. I've even been told that I look younger than my pictures, which I can't figure out as I don't show my face. Maybe that's it in itself. Maybe the text part of the site shows a level of maturity that also reflects in the rest of my site. I dunno, I'm just guessing.

Photographs are only a 1 dimensional impression of you. Remember it's the site itself and what you put on it that also leaves an indelible impression of you.

Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: Violette on 22 July 2009, 06:21:24 pm
It is in a way like wearing a nice suite to the office.

Yes you're right, you can't beat a good sofa suit and armchair hat combo for letting people know you mean business. ;D
Wait till you see the cushions I accessorize with, to die for honey.  :P
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 22 July 2009, 08:54:11 pm
I would prefer to be told that my pictures don't do me justice and have the client pleasantly suprised that I'm even more gorgeous in the flesh :),

thats very true...And with professional photos although it represents the person closer than an ameteur one; I love the "He's drop dead gorgeous and looks better than those photos!" look on guys. It looks like this  :o
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: brandy@saafe on 22 July 2009, 09:49:29 pm

thats very true...And with professional photos although it represents the person closer than an ameteur one; I love the "He's drop dead gorgeous and looks better than those photos!" look on guys. It looks like this  :o

Pmsl... :D
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: LondonEvie on 23 July 2009, 01:57:04 am
So when I work in the UK and advertise in the Sport, I have a website for my little French student Lola, and the pics are the amateur ones. And of course Violette the International Elite Escort/Courtesan has the pro pics and higher prices! Oh and wait, I am about to get another set done for my latest personality.....Jacqueline, who is even more Elite than Violette.  Oh lala! :P

I Heart you, I really do  ;D 
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: Richard on 23 July 2009, 11:59:37 am
Jacqueline, who is even more Elite than Violette.

As every male my age knows, there is nothing higher than Elite.

Mind you, I never got higher than Mostly Harmless...
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 23 July 2009, 12:36:54 pm
As every male my age knows, there is nothing higher than Elite.

Top of the line...thats as high as it gets. Once you go above that thin line, you begin a steady decline. Its a principle of marketing  :(
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: BurlesqueHoney on 23 July 2009, 03:01:42 pm
Mais non mes petits bonbons - you are leettle silly peeps.  There is of course the Uber Elite VIP Klassy Kortesan!  Her Myla knickers do not mingle with the common wenches! 
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: EmilyJones on 23 July 2009, 05:41:49 pm
Lol! I was wracking my brains trying to think of something better/more silly than superdooperelite and all that - Burlesque Honey, you win the Hi Klass Kompetition. ;D
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: anonymoussw on 23 July 2009, 08:08:55 pm
Mais non mes petits bonbons - you are leettle silly peeps.  There is of course the Uber Elite VIP Klassy Kortesan!  Her Myla knickers do not mingle with the common wenches! 

Would I be correct in assuming that an "uber elite VIP classy courtesan" is one notch below an "uper elete VIP klassy kortesan" ?

This sounds like a very complicated pecking order here...
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 23 July 2009, 09:49:03 pm
Mais non mes petits bonbons - you are leettle silly peeps.  There is of course the Uber Elite VIP Klassy Kortesan!  Her Myla knickers do not mingle with the common wenches! 

wow...sounds like describing the penthouse suite at a Ritz Carlton  :D

This sounds like a very complicated pecking order here...

LOL...its no place for a couple of roosters  ;)
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: BurlesqueHoney on 24 July 2009, 12:37:15 am

Would I be correct in assuming that an "uber elite VIP classy courtesan" is one notch below an "uper elete VIP klassy kortesan" ?

This sounds like a very complicated pecking order here...

I detect that some of you do not show the necessary gravitas to an important issue such as this and are flippant. 

And trust certain people to try and bring up peckers!   

Anyway, being upskale and klassy of course I am also a jet setting travel kompanion.  Currently, I travel on my VIP scooter to exclusive trysts.  My special Vintage Vespa (well it is older than many of you lot and has gears rather than common as muck automatic transmission lol) adds just the right flair to my overall stylish and refined persona.  Well, the Vintage = translate simply bloody old albeit not old enough to be seriously kool scooter has a two stroke engine ? you know the one where you need to mix fuel and oil to the petrol tank.  As the lock to my little storage compartment is bust I carried the paraphernalia in my spacious bag with me.  Well, I have not quite embraced the concept of travelling light and generally take everything including the proverbial kitchen sink with me.  Anyway, I seductively pulled out my aromatherapy oil but somehow aimed for the wrong pocket.  The client looked a bit bemused when he saw my engine oil bottle.  I do however think I handled the situation well when I assured him that I generally do not use WD40 for lubrication... As it turned out so the gent had been a Mod in his youth and actually told me he thought the idea of me coming on scooter was quite sexy ? phew!  lol
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: anonymoussw on 24 July 2009, 07:19:50 am
I detect that some of you do not show the necessary gravitas to an important issue such as this and are flippant. 

I apologise, my kween...

I do however think I handled the situation well when I assured him that I generally do not use WD40 for lubrication...

pml!  :)
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: ~Amber~ on 24 July 2009, 02:12:22 pm
Quote from: BurlesqueHoney on July 23, 2009, 11:37:15 PM
I do however think I handled the situation well when I assured him that I generally do not use WD40 for lubrication...

pml!  Smiley

not unless you are fucking the tin man
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: BurlesqueHoney on 24 July 2009, 05:11:57 pm
Quote from: BurlesqueHoney on July 23, 2009, 11:37:15 PM
I do however think I handled the situation well when I assured him that I generally do not use WD40 for lubrication...

pml!  Smiley

not unless you are fucking the tin man

Eeek you know my real name is Dorothy?   ::)   
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: Violette on 24 July 2009, 07:11:18 pm
My new persona Jacqueline is slightly different from Violette. Violette is advertised as an Elite International Escort,...., Jacqueline will be advertised as an Elite International Courtesan. The difference, is basically  accessibility.
I mean at the end of the day the gentlemen is paying Violette or Jacqueline to have sex with him, but Violette is more accessible, where as Jacqueline isn't, and the market I will be in, I am one of a tiny handful of brown ladies available, and I will be using that as a unique selling point.
In my glossary of terms: Elite=A beautiful and intelligent woman who is able to handle herself in most social situations, and doesn't announce to the world with her appearance and behavior that I am being paid to shag this guy.
International=Send me a Biz class ticket and 50% down payment, and I will be on the next thing with wings.
Escort=I am open to entertaining you for a short period of time for a the right price.
Courtesan_ I am open to entertaining you for a longer period of time, and will make you jump through a few hoops, and have you begging for the privilege. Hey that sounds almost like marriage.  ;D
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 25 July 2009, 01:40:26 am
My new persona Jacqueline is slightly different from Violette.

LOL; not to come off as a copycat  :-[ but I'm right behind you! At this point I've got 3 email addresses under 3 different servers and now Im looking into a 3rd phone as I want my 'other' me back. I have the backup me; the ameteur me, and then the professional me.

What do you think is going to happen when the same guy accidentally hires us over and over; which has happened to me twice  :D
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: ~Amber~ on 25 July 2009, 10:33:26 am
Thats something I am working on at the mo is creating a new higher class personna but its taking its time because I am becoming quite the perfectionist.
Title: Re: Can you ever win???
Post by: Violette on 25 July 2009, 07:19:03 pm
For me, my different personae are no different to an actress assuming various roles. Jacqueline will have long flowing hair courtesy of some serious easy clip in extensions, she will only work with the GFE, Exclusive Pampering, Personal Geisha Experience, no DOM a few lite fetishes, but not the serious stuff. I will play up my Asian heritage, which will make me more exotic and alluring. And I will talk with a lite English accent, mixed with a few American-isms. Viola, a different woman.  ::)