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Author Topic: Can this job actually make you rich ?  (Read 5902 times)


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Can this job actually make you rich ?
« on: 28 June 2022, 05:17:05 pm »
Hi everyone,

A new thread today to talk about something I've been observing lately.

I've been browsing on twitter and follow quite a lot of SPs there as it seems to be a popular mean of advertisement nowadays (I personally don't post anything on twitter and just have an anonymous account there).

I'm always astonished to see these girls posting their fancy expensive gifts, jewellery, FMTY (fly me to you) to the other side of the world. These girls generally charge high prices and market themselves as very "exclusive". It also seems that they are always fully booked and if you want to make a booking with them you have to book a month in advance at least.

I'm wondering where those girls find their clients ? I mean how do they manage this ? Or is it all fake to give the impression that they are successful in order to attract the masses ?
Does anybody on here know one of these girls personally and does the reality really match the social media dream ?

PS. Obviously I'm not saying all of this in a jealous way, I'm genuinely curious about this topic and definitely admire their lifestyle  :)
« Last Edit: 28 June 2022, 05:32:52 pm by Ana66 »


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Re: Can this job actually make you rich ?
« Reply #1 on: 28 June 2022, 05:29:16 pm »
of course you can make excellent money in this job like any other
imo it's not only about awesome ads, marketing etc (like any other business) but it's about pacing yourself and taking time out when you need
quality over quantity and building it up, avoiding drink/drugs and sticking to your personal boundaries, never taking a booking if your spidey senses are saying no, sticking to boundaries can't stress that one enough. Paying tax and looking at the competition and seeing what you can offer they can't or looking at your prices and keeping them competitive. If you're marketing yourself a ''high end'' could you actully make more money not marketing yourself like this, I personally find theres a great market for the girl next door rather than the Gucci handbags and Dubai holidays


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Re: Can this job actually make you rich ?
« Reply #2 on: 28 June 2022, 06:13:31 pm »
People who flash their “wealth” are normally not wealthy at all it’s a lot of attention seeking , just focus on being a good escort and your be cashing it in . 10 years of escorting has financially made me well off but I feel no need to post about what gifts etc clients give me as it’s shallow as hell


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Re: Can this job actually make you rich ?
« Reply #3 on: 28 June 2022, 06:15:25 pm »
Do not believe everything you see on Twitter or IG, the majority of sex work Twitter is smoke and mirrors - all carefully staged to give the illusion of their version of reality. 


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Re: Can this job actually make you rich ?
« Reply #4 on: 28 June 2022, 06:27:49 pm »
One person's rich is another's poor. My first week of this work (I also had a ft job which barely covered my household bills) saw me counting out what amounted to a whole month's salary in the civvy job and I felt very rich indeed. I had not a penny in savings and was rather giddy with happiness at this new found wealth. 

Off I went shopping and bought new shoes (no not designer, more like Matalan) and a smart jacket from New Look. 😁.  Then replenished my fading underwear and a few escort flimsies  and accessories. I had loads of £££ left over and put it into a savings pot.

I knew from that first week I could amass enough in even a short time to give myself some financial security and at no time since then have I spent what I call silly money on high cost labels because they don't pay the rent or bills.

Another sp I knew then was spending hundreds a month on hair/manicures/ handbag after handbag which were never under £200 each. She looked great and was as busy as me with her bookings.  Lots more examples but I also remember a couple of years later she told me she was applying for a loan as struggling to manage and she had not saved a penny.

Yes anyone can spend their own money any way they want but a mistake many make is thinking the 6 bookings a day will always come flooding in and as we are probably all aware can stop at any time and for a number of reasons.


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Re: Can this job actually make you rich ?
« Reply #5 on: 28 June 2022, 07:03:20 pm »
Quote from: Ana66

I'm always astonished to see these girls posting their fancy expensive gifts, jewellery, FMTY (fly me to you) to the other side of the world. These girls generally charge high prices and market themselves as very "exclusive". It also seems that they are always fully booked and if you want to make a booking with them you have to book a month in advance at least.

I'm wondering where those girls find their clients ? I mean how do they manage this ? Or is it all fake to give the impression that they are successful in order to attract the masses ?
Does anybody on here know one of these girls personally and does the reality really match the social media dream ?

Don’t get me wrong, sure, some do very well and their feeds do match up to their real life, but others, not at all.

Seems is the operative word here. It’s about giving the illusion of something, although I am in the camp where I don’t believe it to be anything other than carefully stage-managed tweeting to give the impression that they’re hella successful, busy and desirable. However, I ask you, if one is really busy with a full client list, all big spenders, and jetting off all over the world on FMTY bookings, why do they need to tout on Twitter?

I will question the exclusivity of any escort who uses Twitter to find clients - exclusivity is about scarcity and not being readily available, particularly to just anyone. Remember, anyone can claim anything online, and those who are using Twitter to constantly tout for business really aren’t as busy as they would have you believe.

Most on Twitter use the term exclusive to mean expensive. As for Twitter escorts and performative tweeting, well, one should always take everything they see and read on Twitter with a pinch of salt. Mostly though, just concentrate on yourself and not what others are/are not doing.


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Re: Can this job actually make you rich ?
« Reply #6 on: 28 June 2022, 08:07:05 pm »
People who flash their “wealth” are normally not wealthy at all it’s a lot of attention seeking , just focus on being a good escort and your be cashing it in . 10 years of escorting has financially made me well off but I feel no need to post about what gifts etc clients give me as it’s shallow as hell

+100 this 👏

And well done Rebecca on reaching your many goals

English Green

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Re: Can this job actually make you rich ?
« Reply #7 on: 28 June 2022, 08:55:16 pm »
I do not think the money is there anymore like it used to be and it's not as reliable these days either. Some women will boast like that to look like there "desirable" so clients must think they must be good if there that successful a lot of it is not the reality. I know someone who used to post about her clients buying her expensive Gucci and Chanel bags and booked her the best hotels and places to eat and a lot of it was not true she did it to try to encourage other clients to compete and to set a false mind set of she was a popular WG that men desired and other women were envious of.

Don't believe everything you see or read especially in this industry.

Also i have seen women with some designer bags and shoes 1k each ot even 2k and they had nothing else hardly any savings, sometimes could not even pay there bills and never even bought there home but the designer goods gave them confidence to pretend to be someone else. i prefer to own my home outright which i do, that is more important to me but each to there own.
« Last Edit: 28 June 2022, 09:00:20 pm by English Green »


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Re: Can this job actually make you rich ?
« Reply #8 on: 28 June 2022, 10:37:16 pm »
I've always been very careful with my money because it's not a guarantee that I'll make the same the following week. I'd love a BMW but I don't need one. I'd love louboutins but next stilettos will do fine. I want to buy a home so that's more important to me than buying stuff I don't need. My kids don't go without, but are not spoiled either. I'd rather buy them a phone or a tablet from CEX than new. I've had plenty of weeks where I've made next to nothing.
Ed Sheran did this interview a while back where he said that most of what you see in IG and Twitter about people's perfect lives is just a lie, and actually they are really struggling. I have another business and post on social media about how perfect my life is, how successful I am, how much free time I have being my own boss. In reality its false. Fake it til you make it. I never believe what I see on social media anymore. Everything is filtered.
« Last Edit: 29 June 2022, 09:02:44 am by Milf-G »


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Re: Can this job actually make you rich ?
« Reply #9 on: 28 June 2022, 10:38:34 pm »
I don't think I'd regret not buying a designer bag .. .Im glad to be able to put petrol in the tank and get bills paid and food in the fridge from my bookings each week. If I can get extra I goes towards savings. I don't think I'll ever be rich by escorting


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Re: Can this job actually make you rich ?
« Reply #10 on: 29 June 2022, 02:08:12 am »
Some ladies do make crazy money, which is great if you have a specific amount in mind and then either stop or go back to having a good work/life balance. The problem with money is once you’ve started making £xx then it can be difficult to allow yourself to take on less. I enjoy enjoying the job, which I wouldn’t if I was caning it. I remember one old friend made over £20k in a month, and then when she tried to get back to working less it’d buggered her head so much as she’d started living the lifestyle of someone who earns £20k a month (as in their day job). It’s not sustainable. I’ve seen so many ‘high end’ (please don’t chastise me for using this description) ladies crash and burn. They end up despising the job when an hours work doesn’t even get them a pair of the shoes they’ve become used to buying, whereas an hours work to me goes a long way and I respect that there’re people working their backsides off in gig economy jobs to make in a week what I make in an hour. It is nice having escort friends who can go on the occasional fancy schmancy night out with without the questions about where you get your money from.

Regarding the ladies on twitter there are escorts who do make crazy money, but as other have said on here a lot is for show and that isn’t reality. This is usually subsidised by one or two extremely wealthy, and often needy, regular clients and any new clients top up their income and could get them a new long term one. Some of these are more sugar daddy type relationships which aren’t healthy. Most of us would rather see a client for their booked time then get back to our everyday lives. These men feel some kind of ownership and want to constantly text and have you at their beck and call. Plus upkeep of having a twitter and constantly needing content for it would be time consuming, but must be paying off for them to use it. They probably have only fans accounts too. All this is a full time job in itself. In fact not even just full time, it becomes their life. So that’ll be why they need notice because their main benefactor(s) won’t like any period of not being able to contact them. I’ve met escorts who work like this and they’re constantly on their phones. That’d do my head in.


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Re: Can this job actually make you rich ?
« Reply #11 on: 29 June 2022, 02:15:38 am »
I think you can, but there are probably two very different tactics:

1. If you're young, pretty and smart, you capitalise on your looks, groom yourself to the nth degree and sell yourself as an elite courtesan, earning as much as you can with within 5 years max then moving on to something else with hopefully a nice nest egg, be it savings or a property.

2. Have reasonable rates, provide a good service, pace yourself, and be sensible about saving a certain amount each month.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde

One More Rodeo

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Re: Can this job actually make you rich ?
« Reply #12 on: 03 July 2022, 04:25:26 pm »
I'm genuinely curious about this topic and definitely admire their lifestyle  :)

Me too! I really want to believe that these mythical creatures and their lifestyle is real. Very aspirational :) :angel:


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Re: Can this job actually make you rich ?
« Reply #13 on: 04 July 2022, 01:23:01 pm »
Thank you very much all for your participation  :)


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Re: Can this job actually make you rich ?
« Reply #14 on: 04 July 2022, 01:32:26 pm »
Do not believe everything you see on Twitter or IG, the majority of sex work Twitter is smoke and mirrors - all carefully staged to give the illusion of their version of reality.


It's the escorts that don't post pictures of their "gifts" and travels.... they are the ones earning well!