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Author Topic: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.  (Read 4106 times)


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Re: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.
« Reply #30 on: 02 August 2020, 07:42:50 pm »
I'm sorry but I cannot believe I am fucking reading this, jesus christ it's no wonder some of us get a bad name.


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Re: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.
« Reply #31 on: 02 August 2020, 09:56:56 pm »
you are in the wrong lady not him... jeezus!


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Re: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.
« Reply #32 on: 02 August 2020, 10:47:40 pm »
All the more work for the ladies who are running legitimate escorting businesses.
I don't know who is more stupid. You for using clients as a bank or them for lending you money.
You'll get no sympathy here.


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Re: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.
« Reply #33 on: 02 August 2020, 11:26:20 pm »
Personally, I think you are in the wrong for not seeing him last night and taking a longer booking.  After all he is willingly giving you money and your treating him like that.  No wonder he is angry.  Id work more and pay him back but don't borrow from him again.  Take it as a lesson.

That's why I never borrow or ask money from a client it can get messy.  Xx


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Re: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.
« Reply #34 on: 03 August 2020, 02:30:14 pm »
So you're able to borrow money from him reliably and regularly; he is still expected to pay your rates in full and he doesn't charge interest. That's quite a sweet deal you've got, so if you wan't to continue with it yes you should prioritize his bookings over others and not make him feel like a mug!


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Re: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.
« Reply #35 on: 03 August 2020, 06:05:00 pm »
I want to use men. They are only worth the money they have and that’s it.

Yes I spent a lot on clothes, shoes etc and I want to get my boobs bigger.

Is this a serious post? 
If your focus is solely on using people, that will have negative reactions later when they return in the same role you defined.

Long term client relationships are 100% of my professional success and if I treated any client that way, let alone a regular I wouldn't find this career rewarding.
« Last Edit: 03 August 2020, 06:45:18 pm by PleasureSales »


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Re: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.
« Reply #36 on: 03 August 2020, 06:59:26 pm »
So you're able to borrow money from him reliably and regularly; he is still expected to pay your rates in full and he doesn't charge interest. That's quite a sweet deal you've got, so if you wan't to continue with it yes you should prioritize his bookings over others and not make him feel like a mug!

Basically yes. You have that right. But I had the chance to make more on a longer booking and fobbed him off but he decided he wasn’t happy with my story and become angry with the situation. I’m not sure why as he is still going to get his money and booking albeit at a later date.


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Re: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.
« Reply #37 on: 03 August 2020, 07:00:59 pm »
Is this a serious post? 
If your focus is solely on using people, that will have negative reactions later when they return in the same role you defined.

Long term client relationships are 100% of my professional success and if I treated any client that way, let alone a regular I wouldn't find this career rewarding.

Yes. Personally for me I’m a nice looking girl so if I wanted sex I could just use tinder or go to a club and pick any man I wanted.
But I want there money and I wouldn’t sleep with any of them in real life anyway if it wasn’t for the money.


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Re: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.
« Reply #38 on: 03 August 2020, 07:10:44 pm »
Yes. Personally for me I’m a nice looking girl so if I wanted sex I could just use tinder or go to a club and pick any man I wanted.
But I want there money and I wouldn’t sleep with any of them in real life anyway if it wasn’t for the money.
Your attitude stinks. For a start you shouldn’t be borrowing money off clients in general where’s your pride I’d be ashamed to ask a client that. As he was kind enough to go into this agreement with you then you should show some fucking gratitude and pay him what he’s owed when you say you’re going to pay it. Not when it’s convenient for you like wtf. I’d not see you again if I was him.

English Green

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Re: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.
« Reply #39 on: 03 August 2020, 07:17:22 pm »
Yes. Personally for me I’m a nice looking girl so if I wanted sex I could just use tinder or go to a club and pick any man I wanted.
But I want there money and I wouldn’t sleep with any of them in real life anyway if it wasn’t for the money.

Huni have you not tried any of these sugar daddy sites they might be more up your street?


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Re: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.
« Reply #40 on: 03 August 2020, 07:33:33 pm »
Basically yes. You have that right. But I had the chance to make more on a longer booking and fobbed him off but he decided he wasn’t happy with my story and become angry with the situation. I’m not sure why as he is still going to get his money and booking albeit at a later date.

Rule number one: nothing is for free. If he's borrowing you money at no fee he expects something in exchange, you're not doing it so he gets angry. It's a common reaction in people when they do you a favour. Also I'm not sure if the sugar daddy thing would work because those guys are even MORE needy and demanding than your normal punter and will give you money in order to control you so you can be at their whim. If you have issues with being at someones whim whenever they please (because you're on his pay roll) I'm not sure the sugar daddy thing would work for you.
« Last Edit: 03 August 2020, 11:35:40 pm by ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.
« Reply #41 on: 03 August 2020, 08:04:52 pm »
Rule number one: nothing is for free. If he's borrowing you money at no fee he expects something in exchange, you're not doing it so he gets angry. It's a common reaction in people. Also I'm not sure if the sugar daddy thing would work because those guys are even MORE needy and demanding than your normal punter and will give you money in order to control you so you can be at their whim. If you have problems with being at someones whim whenever they please (because he's paying you) I'm not sure the sugar daddy thing would work for you.

At the start he agreed to borrow me money with nothing required for it. So that’s what we agreed and I didn’t agree to prioritise his bookings either.
I think he is just angry that he didn’t get a fuck that night. Most likely true.


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Re: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.
« Reply #42 on: 03 August 2020, 08:27:22 pm »
At the start he agreed to borrow me money with nothing required for it. So that’s what we agreed and I didn’t agree to prioritise his bookings either.
I think he is just angry that he didn’t get a fuck that night. Most likely true.

Personally, I hope he wakes up and never gives you another penny. I think you have some harsh lessons coming your way.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.
« Reply #43 on: 03 August 2020, 09:53:34 pm »
At the start he agreed to borrow me money with nothing required for it. So that’s what we agreed and I didn’t agree to prioritise his bookings either.
I think he is just angry that he didn’t get a fuck that night. Most likely true.

He loans you money, then you mess him around.

Fuck or no fuck, still huge amount of disrespect and unacceptable.


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Re: Borrowed money from a client and he has went rogue.
« Reply #44 on: 03 August 2020, 10:10:20 pm »
We’re clearly talking to a brick🧱wall here, everyone.

HuniBooBoo or whatever your name is, you’re not going to get what you want here, which is us agreeing that you are correct in doing what you did.

You handled the interaction poorly, the guy’s justifiably pissed off now & you don’t care. Fine🤷🏼‍♀️.

Stop trying to make us see it your way, bc it’s not going to happen.

Normally I’d never say this, but I feel pretty secure in saying absolutely none of us on this site will agree with you.

If I screw up something, I’ll admit I’m wrong, Jesus. Have enough integrity ~ sorry, bad phrasing, to do that here🙄.
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉