So sex worker ladies, sex worker girls, sex worker women, sex Transmen, Transwomen, Male Straight/Bi Escorts, Male Gay Escorts,..,basically ever single sex worker that is here on Saafe and can post...What was your opinions of sex workers before you did your first job yourself?
I knew a sex worker when I was 13/14 and when I was that age I loved being friends with women over the age of 21 and to this day I still have zero idea why
Anyway she was perhaps 23-26 years old and she had an adorable little boy was who 3.5 years old and myself and friends went through a stage of taking kids out for the day to give their mothers peace, yet as much as we liked the little kids then it was their mum that we usually found ourselves in awe off, ye’know in that silly pathetic way teens fall for adults, and it is ya quite common for this to happen and especially if the relationship with your own mother is fraught with issue...anyway that’s story for another day...
..So it ended up coming to light that our marvellous cool free spirited lady was a hooker (prositute on my day and at school
and we always found pretty explicit photographs of me fully naked and