Yes I would, I think it is the Qwerty Keyboard. 
My fingers are too fat for stupid blackberry keyboards. Anyone want to swap mine for a nice old nokia brick that my stubby digits can actually operate?
The Pearl has qwerty, but has two to three letters/symbols/functions per key, and so they are a bit bigger than typical blackberry keyboards, but if you're used to qwerty, it would take some getting used to. I-phone also has qwerty interface on its touch-sensitive screen keyboard, but the buttons are so small that when I am trying to type something I feel like I am hitting the wrong letter. Even though the letter you press enlarges when you press it...that, for me, would take a lot of getting used to. So I feel you Abby! I also hate the potential for smeary fingerprints all over the phone.
But I am in love with the apps!
Violette, what do you mean by being able to run apps together? And by being able to poke around inside?
Took ages to work out the new keyboard though for texting - after being used to the standard mobile phone set up it was really difficult to get my fingers around. Now use both types so guess I'm ambitexterous!
Lol!! I totally get your frustration- except in the opposite way. I learned to text mostly on an intuitive texting phone (that would presuppose the words you were going to type, like Blackberry) and so now when I travel to the UK and use my throw-away, I get really frustrated with texting on it! I am still trying to achieve your ambidexterity, Strawberry!

Hmmm! All these berries!