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Author Topic: Best time waster names in your phone  (Read 3378 times)


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Re: Best time waster names in your phone
« Reply #15 on: 17 April 2014, 01:31:43 pm »
There's an old thread about this somewhere (probably more than one) which had some crackers in it ;D.

I used to give them separate names, but like SR above it works better for me if I don't know which is which so I save them all as either 'Can't Read 1' (etc - I'm up to about 50 now), '[City Name]TW/NS' depending on where I was, 'Mr Midnight' for the silly o'clock ones or just plain 'No' which covers everything else including the abusive ones - apart from anything else I'm never tempted to answer them then.

I do have a few saved under their opening lines if they've sent silly texts - there's 'I'm 16 and have ?300', 'I'm 52 babe', 'i want big tits' and so on; I had a lot more before I had my work phone nicked but they're all in my computer somewhere. I've got a fair few under 'cheapskate' or 'haggler' too just in case they decide to have another crack at it.

About the only numbers I don't save are the nice people who've been once or just occasionally - I do hang onto good regulars ones so I know to answer even I'm not taking calls otherwise, but my system for saving them is so cryptic it makes me sound like Rainman  :D.

Jenny 2

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Re: Best time waster names in your phone
« Reply #16 on: 17 April 2014, 02:17:59 pm »
My list is pretty much the same as some of you! 

However, having read the above I think I will also in future, just list them under one category........

On the one hand, and I don't know why, I seem to think it helps to know if they ring regularly, why, I don't know........... !

They seem to come out a lot more during school holidays or perhaps as it's quieter I have more time to fume over them! 

This thread gave me a good chuckle I have to say!  Lord knows we need a laugh after what we put up with! 


Nia Hope

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Re: Best time waster names in your phone
« Reply #17 on: 17 April 2014, 06:11:05 pm »
I had a guy saved as "omg never answer" call me today, had a 2 hour break between bookings so answered out of boredom and for a bit of entertainment! Soon realised why I saved him under that name, has any of you girls done that ?
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Re: Best time waster names in your phone
« Reply #18 on: 17 April 2014, 11:16:01 pm »
I had a guy saved as "omg never answer" call me today, had a 2 hour break between bookings so answered out of boredom and for a bit of entertainment! Soon realised why I saved him under that name, has any of you girls done that ?

Yes I do sometimes thinking maybe was being harsh labelling but then realise that saved correctly. Many on my reject list. When that becomes full then use an app to block.


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Re: Best time waster names in your phone
« Reply #19 on: 18 April 2014, 12:23:55 am »
I use names as I find it cathartic but they are all blocked anyway haha


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Re: Best time waster names in your phone
« Reply #20 on: 19 April 2014, 10:31:58 am »
I've definitely taken the idea of here to just have 'Black listed' instead of certain names now, saves me getting wound up when one person rings and a lot less tempted to give in an answer!


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Re: Best time waster names in your phone
« Reply #21 on: 19 April 2014, 07:53:24 pm »
I also do the offensive line used as the contact name. Here are just a few:

"Cum on Tits?"

"Watch me Jack $20?"

"Hi You Whore"

"I'd Cum In You"

"Plz Take $40"

"Need BBJ"

Then I have categories  - Stalkers, Time Wasters, Low Ballers, Shit Bags, Spoof #s, Prank Callers, etc..


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Re: Best time waster names in your phone
« Reply #22 on: 23 April 2014, 06:33:41 pm »
I agree with Summer Rose, used to invent creative names for them but then every time they phoned I would see the name on my phone and relive the trauma.

Now I just save anyone that I wont see as "No". There are already a few hundred no's on my phone. When they phone, I don't know who I'm saying no to and I don't get all shaken up remembering the fucker.

Works for me, highly recommended.



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Re: Best time waster names in your phone
« Reply #23 on: 23 April 2014, 06:55:28 pm »
I agree with Summer Rose, used to invent creative names for them but then every time they phoned I would see the name on my phone and relive the trauma.

Now I just save anyone that I wont see as "No". There are already a few hundred no's on my phone. When they phone, I don't know who I'm saying no to and I don't get all shaken up remembering the fucker.

Works for me, highly recommended.


i agree with you. My TW's are divided into different cathegories:

1) TW
2) No show
3) Rude
4) Dangerous.

I just name then 1, 2, 3, 4 etc... Sometimes ignorance is bliss, and I don't want to remember the reason I blocked him. He's blocked and that's all that matters.
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Re: Best time waster names in your phone
« Reply #24 on: 26 April 2014, 10:19:54 pm »
I consider my sons father as a time waster he is saved under 'f**king Cu next Tuesday'

Clients are just 'ignore' the more !!!! The weirder the client was/or asked for anal.