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Author Topic: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........  (Read 9946 times)


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #30 on: 08 November 2011, 04:19:44 pm »
Oooh, interested to know more about this.....

had laser hair removal so don't need to bother with that every day thank god!


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #31 on: 08 November 2011, 05:14:30 pm »
Oooh, interested to know more about this.....

had laser hair removal so don't need to bother with that every day thank god!

I had it done a couple of years ago... Now is a good time to have  it as there will be offers on and you need 3-5 treatments 6 weeks apart,.

You have to shave the same day of treatment coz if you have any stubble it will burn!

I saw a difference after the 2nd treatment, it's very quick 30mins for legs, bikini and underarm, not that painful (I find waxing excruciating) and I paid about ?500 for all 3 areas  and 3 sessions on special offer!


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #32 on: 08 November 2011, 05:58:16 pm »
I saw a difference after the 2nd treatment, it's very quick 30mins for legs, bikini and underarm, not that painful (I find waxing excruciating) and I paid about ?500 for all 3 areas  and 3 sessions on special offer!

I definitely rate laser hair removal - I have it on a certain area (how ladylike of me ;D) that's a total pain to shave regularly - but for me, despite having dark hair and fair skin, it's going to take 6 sessions at least to get all the hair gone. And then still top-ups every 6-12 months if I remember right? Cos it's not *permanent* permanent. I don't know if I have mega-resilient hair follicles or something, or it might depend on the precise type of laser treatment, but obviously if I ask any salon they're going to tell me their method is TEH BEST! so it's hard to really figure out for sure without getting courses of treatments at every salon in London. Not an experiment I can afford! But yes, it may only take 3 sessions for some people but best to budget for twice as many just in case; you'll hopefully end up with bonus funds left over.

There are a lot of offers on, though, for sure! Shop around, although I usually would pick a salon with good reviews (especially if a friend rates 'em) and/or where I feel most comfortable even if it's not quite the cheapest. Badly-done salon treatments, whether they involve lasers, wax, fake hair or spray-tan, are a bloody nightmare and I'm one of those people who scurries out to assess the damage in privacy and then never has the nerve to call back and demand a refund. :-[
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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #33 on: 08 November 2011, 07:08:20 pm »
Has anyone ever tried an at-home laser hair removal system? I'm fair with dark, coarse hair and I've had laser treatment in a few areas...but covering everything and as Emily Jones mentioned, the fix-ups, just seem so expensive...


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #34 on: 08 November 2011, 09:50:43 pm »
gel nails, every 15 days
repolish of gel nails after  9 days
pedicure ever 2 weeks...DIY
nanokeratin - this is brilliant - just had one and am getting in done again every 2-3 month
laser hair removal - lip, chin, treasure trail, going to get legs done
shaving - every damn day
exfoliating and moisturising - ditton
loads of cocktail dresses
designer shoes (gina)
stockings...they ladder so fast and I like nice ones
gym  - when I can be bothered.  am lazy
diet - super strict.  No sugar, no processed foods, no dairy, no grains, no alcohol. Clean meat, veggies, fish, that's it
skincare - quite a lot.  Skin and I don't have a good relationship

I need to be super well-groomed to justify my rates, especially my agency massage rates.  It's kindof the price paradox of escorting - the more you charge, the more you have to spend on upkeep and the more time that takes!

I once had those semi-permanent eyelash extensions but hated them...never again!


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #35 on: 09 November 2011, 11:29:57 am »
Strangely enough, Groupon are doing a deal on laser hair removal in Stockport - it claims to be pretty good, 6 sessions for ?99. I'm away in 2 weeks, otherwise I'd have been on it like a car bonnet  ;D. You only get one large or two small areas done for that. I think I'd be tempted to have my flower done, that's the contortion shaving in the shower that is most likely to kill me lol.

If this is classed as spammy advertising, I apologise. I don't work for groupon or the hair removal place, I just thought I'd pass on the news of a bargain. I've got a new phone and am getting overly giddy with the apps........


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #36 on: 09 November 2011, 10:23:54 pm »
Hairdressers twice a week (i have mad curly hair)
Nails every 2 weeks.
Pedicure once a month
Waxing once a month
I dye my eyebrows and eyelashes myself
I also do diy bodyscrubs on myself once a week
I also cleanse and tone and moisturise my face twice a day (which is the norm expect of most of use girlies)
And moisturise my body to.
Phew im tired with all this pampering lol
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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #37 on: 10 November 2011, 02:50:34 pm »
When I was full time I went through a phase of having my acrylic nails done every 2-3 weeks and my eyebrows threaded, but that was it. I'm lucky in that my eyebrows have a good shape naturally and don't require much work.

I'm not girly and don't have the inclination nor patience to bother with fake tan (good skin tone naturally anyway), hair extensions (grew super long hair naturally anyway) nor really make a massive effort. I don't see the point in wearing loads of make up in a booking because you'll just rub it all off anyway (or for the tonsil examiners, have it licked off for you). I wear about the same make up as I would going out for the evening, with maybe a bit more emphasis on the eyes for a booking, but I tend to avoid wearing make up in regular life as much as I can. Like to let my skin breathe!

The gym - I'm actually quite sporty and since I stopped, I gained a bit of weight. I'm always going to have a massive backside with matching boobs which I have realised is no bad thing (even if it makes me self conscious whilst running). Women pay to have an hourglass shape that I got naturally, so pffft I can deal with it ;) That was the other reason I was glad to get rid of the nails and cut my hair again - I wasn't having a nightmare in the gym trying to avoid snapping one (ow. ow. OW.) or taking hours to cater to my hair after a swim. Obviously I remove hair via shaving every day, but I think its more force of habit now.

Generally I am very what you see is what you get and don't see why I should change who I am fundamentally to work. Since going part time I pretty much do what I want with my appearance and they can take it or leave it.


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #38 on: 11 November 2011, 01:52:52 pm »
Ooooooo its hard work being a girl!! Have enjoyed reading this thread...
Getting laser treatment for xmas pressie and literally cannot wait....but every week its mani / pedi / eyebrows & lip thread, blow dry, every other week bikini wax & facial (have terrible skin if its not well looked after). Every other day, shave and every month haircut / colour (ive got a bob so quite easy to maintain....with clip in hair obviously....heaven forbid I turn up with short hair....)make up, facial products, underwear............etc etc...I cannot stand the gym; i really like the idea but havent quite got into putting it into reality  ;D Luckily I am quite slim, though not toned...havent had any complaints so far though if I had Beyonces money I really really really promise Id get a personal trainer....!


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #39 on: 13 November 2011, 11:38:28 am »
I used to go all out. Daily tanning, super long nails and extravagant designs, celeb thick hair extensions, false eyelashes, scaryily high heels and skinny jeans or little dresses. Never did bother with hitting the gym to stay in shape though. I've gradually went from a size 6/8 to a 12/14 and even after a bad time last year I went up to a size 20. It's never affected my work though.
 Currently I am a size 14 with natural English Rose skin and really long soft blonde hair (extensions albeit the dreaded clip ins). I don't wear tan at all nor false eyelashes. I only wear minimal makeup and my nails are now natural false ones. I still shave my legs and everywhere else all the time and keep my eyebrows sorted. I'm definately loving the natural look right now. No doubt that'll change though. Natalie Xx
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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #40 on: 13 November 2011, 01:28:08 pm »
Every time this topic comes up I'm freshly amazed at the time and dedication of some folks - I look like an old dosser the majority of the time, and whilst I scrub up OK for work I couldn't give a toss in civvydom  :D.

Hair: last saw a hairdresser's scissors in 2004 bar one wash and blow dry before a photoshoot in 2008. Occasionally hacked at with kitchen scissors when the ends get knotty.

Skin: Body scrub in bath when I remember, ditto body cream. Shave legs and very underneath of ladybits when got bookings, otherwise don't bother, and never do underarms. Am palest person I know and intend to stay so.
Face - Face scrub and moisturiser, vitamin E oil and pluck eyebrows when get scary-looking. Bit of makeup (mascara, tinted lip balm) when working, otherwise none.

Nails: Actual paid for stuff! Fibreglass super natural-looking ones done every fortnight - have been doing up a flat for years and all the DIY means I can't grow real ones without them getting battered, but I can't keep gel on and hate acrylics.

The only other thing I do is lots of gym classes (Pilates, yoga, BodyBalance) and swimming, but that's because I like them rather than anything to do with work (and because it's all included in my membership). I suppose saunas and steam rooms count as well, and they do seem to keep skin nice. I only joined because it means I can eat more, though.


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #41 on: 13 November 2011, 04:28:07 pm »
You guys are so impressive!  :-*

I have long baths and very determinated shaves. I get acrylic nails done once a month, and am now totally addicted to them. I had them removed once and couldn't type anymore  :-X I have my hair one every now and then, but tend to wear wigs to appointments because I'm lazy  ;) I get sunbeds twice a week...and umm...sometimes the gym!


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #42 on: 15 November 2011, 09:28:01 am »
 there is  a definate link between being an escort  and having a traumatic hair experience in ones youth  cant believe how many of us have had this happen -  i thought it was only me who hated hairdresser  strangly enough when i left school ( years ago ) i trained at college  as a beauty therapist and hairdresser and im  a wizz with afro caribbean hair but absolulty crap with european hair  and while i can do manicures pedicure and eyebrows on other people i cant do it on myself  i find it really hard to paint my own nails 

One thing i do as well  is when i  went to thailand /asia i took my favorite dresses with me and got them made up in bulk and in different colours for work
i find it so bloody hard to find a nice plain black dress  that i can wear for work that dosnt have a bloody flower /corsage on it or some way out vile pattern that ruins it

So i took out my favorite work dresses and  hit the tailors and just get them to make them up for me 
    I have a hideously expensive Herve Leger bandage type dress  which im to scared to wear ;D  but i took it to Bangkok with me last year and got 3 copies made up with a few alterations,  Cost me 120 us dollars for 3 dresses  ;D and they are fantastic for work
     I had the zip moved to the side of the dress rather than at the back so that i could undo it myself rather than relying on the guys who have a tendancy to grab the zips and break them
Its great as i can email them with my reference number and they will make up dress for me and send them to me so providing i havnt put on or lost to much weight then the dress will fit just fine 


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #43 on: 15 November 2011, 11:50:21 am »
I think there is deffo a relation to being an escort and having a bad hair experience.

My mother is Somalian and has soft silky hair but my father was caribbean so I got given a mane of curly uncontrollable hair and she never knew what to do with it lol! When I was younger I would throw all the combs out of the window so she wouldn't do it!

I hate going to the hairdressers in my opinion as someone with afro type hair the experience is always worse. No taking your coat, offering you a drink and a nice chat. Far more gossiping on the phone, pulling your hair as if it wasn't attatched and I even had a hairdresser try to eat KFC while doing my hair :o

I am a dab hand at doing others hair too- weave, cornrow etc but don't have the patience to do my own.

Clothes wise I don't spend much for work. A few years ago when I worked for agencies I would go on an outcall, leave and go directly to Selfridges to shop. I'd walk out with a stunning over priced designer bag and not a penny in my wallet lol! However now I'm much more frugal. Dresses from Primark/HnM bought in Bulk when I find the perfect thing.

Undies from Primark too as I find they do goo stuff every so often I'll go to La Senza or somewhere but my days of spending Hundreds on work attire are over. The one thing I am fussy about is shoes though. I'm a C Louboutin addict by my own addmission and like to treat myself to a pair at the end of a tour :D

Nails- has anyone tried shellac? Any good?


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #44 on: 15 November 2011, 01:00:08 pm »
Has anyone ever tried an at-home laser hair removal system? I'm fair with dark, coarse hair and I've had laser treatment in a few areas...but covering everything and as Emily Jones mentioned, the fix-ups, just seem so expensive...

They really are gimmicks, though some might see very minor results. Best is to go to a salon that has proper equipment and trained staff.

When I arrived here I discovered KGB deals (not affiliated in anyway) and have bought ?3000 worth of laser for ?220. Was two different deals from different salons, but it's ?3k's worth! They seem to have a salon every month or so offering deals like this, anything from ?99 for ?1400's worth to ?119 for ?2k. Most seem to be in London though. You do have to sift through all their other crap to find those, but it's worth it. I've also seen some pretty good deals on hotels and such, possibly for touring.