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Author Topic: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........  (Read 9945 times)


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So, I was thinking.
95% of female celebs have lovely slim bodies. They're all over the media telling us how they got that lovely body through hours of personal training and eating half a lettuce leaf a day. (They leave out the bit about the nasty coke habit and recurrent bulimia. I miss the NOTW)

But I always thought, yeah, but it's their JOB to look thin. They get paid for it. That's why they can do all the exercise and stuff whilst I barely have the energy to stagger to the chippy of an evening.

And ditto makeup, having lovely sleek hair with no roots, wearing nice clothes that are fashionable and have seen an iron recently.

And now, my body and it's appeal to other people is MY job! Bugger.

So I was wondering, how much time and effort do you put into your appearance? Are you Dita Von Teese or Britney Spears? I'm asking about overall appearance rather than weight and dieting, so I'd like the BBW input as much as the skinny minnies please!

(If you want me, I'm off buying a couple of grams of Bolivian marching powder and a toothbrush....)


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #1 on: 05 November 2011, 09:22:40 pm »
If you're looking for honest answers (and it sounds like you are), in my case the answer is almost none. 

I do no more nor less than I've always done, which basically means getting my nails done because I've always liked having them done. I invest in a 3 week manicure so I don't have to worry about them getting chipped.
I get my eyebrows threaded, but not as often as I should and I dread the old stockings coming off as am not great at shaving my legs every day (or my underarms).

Am a bit crap really, all in all  :-[  I swear i am going to get my legs waxed one day, but I've been saying that for about 15 years and it hasn't happened yet.


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #2 on: 05 November 2011, 09:31:55 pm »
PS - I do make an effort to look nice for my clients, in case it sounds like I don't give a shit! I'm just very bad at routine maintenance...


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #3 on: 05 November 2011, 09:41:29 pm »
Haha I get you! One of the reasons I'm recently thrilled with webcams is because you can get away with murder on the shaving/makeup/effort front.

I just keep getting this niggling feeling that I should be doing, like, exercise or something. And maybe eating foods that haven't been deep fried.


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #4 on: 05 November 2011, 09:52:16 pm »
every two weeks i get my eyebrows done,  fake nails,  and a pedicure        25  a week
spray tan every week                                                                                                        18  a week
hair extensions  &  looking after the  stuf  /special shampoo ect     15 a week  /60 a month  
oils creams make up ect                                                                                                 10 week
facial  one every 3 weeks                                                                                               45 month

i just do it automatically dont really think about it as ive been doing it for such a long time ,
 the place where i get my nails eyebrows spray tan  and pedicure is one of those Asian beauty salons which is brilliant,  as you dont have to book,  they are open every day including sunday till 8pm so i can always get in when i want to with 30 mins notice  

My hair is probably my  irritatating expense  i buy the hair extension in bulk from china,
as its a fraction of the price of what you  pay in the shops, i  just  bought  the hair that i wanted to use,  sent it out to a hair manucfactuor in china and they make it up for me  so i just cut out the middle man and save a fortune      
it used to cost me 120 a month  for the hair   But now i buy in bulk and i buy enough to last me  six months and it cost 150 quid in total and my sister or neice will put it in/ take it out for me every 4 -6 weeks  for next to nothing  
Cant think of anything else apart from when ever i do a tour i come home and get a hour long massage as my treat to myself  which is generally one of those heated stone things which is about 40 quid

am i beyonce  yet ????? ;D

Holly T

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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #5 on: 05 November 2011, 10:54:45 pm »
I'm lucky that I have a naturally high metabolism and so am naturally very slim.  I'm unlucky in that sense in that I need to eat a LOT to have the energy to do this job.

As for maintenance, I feel like I hardly do anything.  I'm good on the shaving front as I hate feeling stubbly!  Was looking at laser hair removal a while back but nothing came of it.

Eyebrows need waxed again, but I prolong it by meticulously plucking about 3 times a week.  And I'm such a cheapskate that I do my own nails.

Had my hair done last at Easton Regal in London which set me back ?65 about 3 weeks ago, doubtful that I'll go back unless I take the plunge and work in the area.  I have a bit of a phobia about hairdressers (mother made me see a drunk hair dresser every 3 months when I was a kid) so I only get it done when I absolutely have to.

I'm such a slob! lol


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #6 on: 05 November 2011, 11:14:01 pm »
can definatly relate to the phobia of hairdressers  my mum use to take me to this horrible old  jamaican lady when i was little who did my hair  age six in cane row  -     i would come out like i had had a face lift age 6  facelifts are supposed to make you look younger so i wonder how young i bloody looked age 6 years old     
and she cut off all my hair and made it really really short like a boys when i was 8  i wore a red hat to hide it  for years  untill it grew back   
i havnt been to a hairdressers in over 20 years  my sister and my neice dose my hair for me she is the only person i trust 

Had my hair done last at Easton Regal in London which set me back ?65 about 3 weeks ago, doubtful that I'll go back unless I take the plunge and work in the area.  I have a bit of a phobia about hairdressers (mother made me see a drunk hair dresser every 3 months when I was a kid) so I only get it done when I absolutely have to.

I'm such a slob! lol

Holly T

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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #7 on: 05 November 2011, 11:37:30 pm »
Can I borrow your rellies, Paris?  Hate the whole going in to the hairdressers as well... always feel like there's someone looking to count the split hairs!


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #8 on: 05 November 2011, 11:46:35 pm »
I had a traumatic hair childhood too.....

At primary school, I had beautiful waist length wavy hair. Then me and my sister got nits, so for years my mum made us have hideous unflattering short hair. No elfin pixie cuts here, we looked like lads. My sister nearly got beat up once for wearing pink trainers. A puff with girl's shoes, they called her.

I feel this link between escorting and shit hair should be explored further!


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #9 on: 05 November 2011, 11:49:34 pm »
I'm a 52 year old BBW, and do very little. I cut my own hair, do my own nails, pluck my own eyebrows, shave my own legs and the rest, and do my own makeup which takes about 10 mins. I don't do fake tan.

I always dress nice underneath and on top and wear nice perfume and jewelry...but apart from that nothing. And I've never had any complaints. I'm always told I look nice and smell nice.


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #10 on: 06 November 2011, 03:14:49 am »
But Coty - did you have a traumatic hair childhood?  ;D


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #11 on: 06 November 2011, 03:36:10 am »
I totally take care of my figure! Every morning i eat lemon meringue pie and dinner is some form of cheesecake! Yeah baby!

I am not selling sex! I'm selling condoms with free demonstration!


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #12 on: 06 November 2011, 03:53:45 am »
I hate you from the bottom of my flabby belly lol.


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #13 on: 06 November 2011, 12:34:54 pm »
I didn't have a traumatic hair childhood and I like getting my hair done. My hairdresser is absolutely fab and totally unlike a normal hairdresser as she has a studio in a gallery, rather than a shop.  She's a bit crazy and knows what I do and going to get my hair cut/coloured is more like a social event than a hair appointment.
Unfortunately the guys seem to like my hair long and 'conventional'.  Before I started doing this I had it all sorts of colours and cuts but am pretty boring now.
However, much as I like getting my hair and nails done, I don't do either on a regular basis and I can't stand going to those beauty salon type places where they all wear white coats and sell insanely expensive lotions and potions.
If I can find somewhere to get my legs waxed that isn't like that then I'll take the plunge.


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Re: Because we're all a bit like Beyonce if you look at it this way........
« Reply #14 on: 06 November 2011, 01:05:33 pm »
It's the routine maintenance that I hate about this job. THANK THE LORD FOR WEBCAMS!!

I don't shave or trim the lady garden cos I prefer it totally natural - underam hair I grow or shave as I feel. It's quite liberating! ;D Leg hair I'm crap at being bothered as it's quite an effort to get all the way down there and stay down there for AGES razing...I'm just glad my bikini line hasn't headed south yet, as at the moment I only have to shave BELOW the knee...

As to head hair - I HATE going to the hairdressers, it gives me more anxiety than going to the dentist! The last haircut I had was 2009 when I SHAVED it all off, literally down to a no.2 skinhead. My hair had got to such poor condition that I had enough.

Nails - I just trim when needed.

Dry skin on feet - blah, when I can be bothered.

Diet & exercise - bit of sex, some Thortons chocs, walk to shop for chips, getting out of bed, getting into bed, salad if it's on special offer, lifting wine glass... Seriously though, I do try to get enough sleep, cos I can't cope when overtired, and I do try to eat reasonably healthily as my overall skin, hair and "natural glow" suffers when I'm run down, ill, or lacking in good nutrients. So I do make conscious efforts to eat nutritionally well, it's just I eat TOO MUCH of it  :D

I don't do fake tan, hair, nails, eyelashes... I was at a film shoot once (not porn, lol) and three of the women there were ORANGE and had fake tan, nails, lashes, boobs, teeth veneers, and really dodgy hair extensions...

EDITED TO ADD - I don't do anything to my eyebrows apart from shave the monobrow once a month.
« Last Edit: 06 November 2011, 05:22:24 pm by Cat_BBW »