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Author Topic: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?  (Read 3200 times)


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Re: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?
« Reply #15 on: 17 August 2021, 05:56:02 am »
We're hardly all going to say, 'Well, der, I'm right stupid, me', are we? Plus, there are other forms of intelligence besides academic qualifications (I know some people with PhDs who can barely boil an egg or hold an engaging conversation).

I have a life sciences degrees, worked professionally for 25 years, was made redundant, starting whoring and now combine a little with freelancing in my old profession.

Sounds like 'life on another planet'  :D

Degree, post-graduate, professional training.

I still want to do sex work, and hugely motivated across my life. Had to learn a lot, still am particularly diversifying during the pandemic. Also time planning, multitasking.


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Re: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?
« Reply #16 on: 17 August 2021, 07:15:50 am »

So basically I am doing a PhD but I often think what the fuck am I doing. How do I justify my decisions to do SW but then I know the justification and it's the money, plus weirdly the social side of it, and of course I love sex.

I wonder if other girls have degrees or other training and what they think of SW? What are your long term goals

I gave up a 'normal' job that paid 40+ an hour for sw. Sw easily pays 150 an hour and means I can work as little or as often that suits me. I comfortably took a year and a half off, which I couldn't do in a civvy job. I honestly love sw.


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Re: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?
« Reply #17 on: 17 August 2021, 09:12:15 am »
I have an Equine degree and also a Law degree that I never used as went on to be a trainer (and a bloody good one). SW pays well and like others have mentioned allows a lot of free time to do other things, in my case those other things are two online businesses so no I am definitely not thick.


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Re: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?
« Reply #18 on: 17 August 2021, 11:07:39 am »
I left school with Gs in English and Math. I never did any other kind of education after and its funny because people that come to see me assume I have degrees and what not as I am well spoken ect!

I am fairly self taught with a lot of things and pick up on things pretty easily, the education system didn't cater to me (found out I had adhd and autism later in life). I personally don't want to pursue further education unless I wanted to find out more about something or it was more a course on something of interest (sewing, photography, art ect).

From my experience sex workers are some of the most intelligent, insightful and interesting people I've come across and I believe that the fact they are a sex worker is not a coincidence. Those who choose this work do so because they realise they can make the same amount of money as someone who has spent almost half their life training for a job and only reaping the rewards after 10+ years.

That's not to take away from anyone who does that of course and not everyone can be open about the job or feel they can do this work. Either way you shouldn't have to feel discriminated against because you didn't take on any higher education.
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Re: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?
« Reply #19 on: 17 August 2021, 11:59:20 am »
Those who choose this work do so because they realise they can make the same amount of money as someone who has spent almost half their life training for a job and only reaping the rewards after 10+ years.

Except that those will be able to 1) Put this on the CV and able to tell other people about and be respected for it, and 2) they’ll be able to make that money or more when they’re 50,60+ etc. Sex work will be forever disrespected sorry to say.



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Re: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?
« Reply #20 on: 17 August 2021, 02:09:16 pm »
I don't see how having a degree or education gets you a "real job". There are so many successful entrepreneurs that are School drop outs or never went to uni. I have a degree but I don't see what importance that has to sex work when your not laying on a bed reading books ??? Im sure our intelligence is the last thing a client think of when hes getting his dick sucked  ::) lol
Ah well,


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Re: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?
« Reply #21 on: 17 August 2021, 02:17:43 pm »
I know lots of intelligent people and none of them went to Uni! University only makes you intelligent in the field you’re studying, it doesn’t make you Einstein 😬


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Re: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?
« Reply #22 on: 17 August 2021, 02:39:08 pm »
Being educated and intelligent are two very different things. The latter, particularly emotional intelligence has always served me very well, particularly as an escort.


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Re: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?
« Reply #23 on: 17 August 2021, 02:42:27 pm »
Except that those will be able to 1) Put this on the CV and able to tell other people about and be respected for it, and 2) they’ll be able to make that money or more when they’re 50,60+ etc. Sex work will be forever disrespected sorry to say.

NS, I've already split one of your posts off into a different thread and I could have merged them with at least one other where you've posted the same thing; how many people have to tell you otherwise before you stop with this hoary old trope about how women automatically become undesirable as soon as they get beyond X age? You may believe that about yourself but please don"t apply it to the rest of us - I earn far more than I did at thirty and I'll be fifty in eighteen months. Plus I would (and have) got sex work on my CV :).

Back on topic and as others have said, I don't believe for a second that qualifications, IQ tests or any other 'formal' means of differentiating decide a person's intelligence, and not just because I don't have any. And I also agree that successful self employment is something that some people have a 'knack' for and others don't.


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Re: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?
« Reply #24 on: 17 August 2021, 03:01:57 pm »
NS, I've already split one of your posts off into a different thread and I could have merged them with at least one other where you've posted the same thing; how many people have to tell you otherwise before you stop with this hoary old trope about how women automatically become undesirable as soon as they get beyond X age? You may believe that about yourself but please don"t apply it to the rest of us - I earn far more than I did at thirty and I'll be fifty in eighteen months. Plus I would (and have) got sex work on my CV :).

Back on topic and as others have said, I don't believe for a second that qualifications, IQ tests or any other 'formal' means of differentiating decide a person's intelligence, and not just because I don't have any. And I also agree that successful self employment is something that some people have a 'knack' for and others don't.

Hi, by no means I was trying to apply this about everyone. Sorry if it came across this way. That’s great if women can successfully escort and still be busy at any age - and I am hoping my recurring anxiety around the topic is just that. If it was possible to do the job forever, I would.

Ellie B

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Re: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?
« Reply #25 on: 18 August 2021, 02:44:19 am »
Hmm I’m with Miffy here, I think your use of language is a bit under handed especially for the nature of what this site is.
I don’t have any specific qualifications but iv never had a problem getting a ‘mainstream’ job in the past and iv done mainstream and escorting at the same time, iv now decided that it’s much more worth my while to focus on escorting as a full time job for now. I have everything set up as a business and I treat it as such, plus, I think sex workers are in fact very savvy and sharp minded which you have to be in order to be successful in this line of work. It’s not for the faint hearted and we’ve all got many a qualities that don’t need years of education in order to succeed in this field.

I'm with Miffy & HoneyBear too. Interesting discussion that is going nowhere.


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Re: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?
« Reply #26 on: 18 August 2021, 07:01:34 pm »
I can’t wait for the day when our job is more accepted by society. We have so many amazing transferable skills; ones which no educational institution could ever provide us with! The most savvy, bright and charismatic women I’ve met have been through the two jobs that didn’t require any qualifications - escorting and cabin crew. I only went to uni as I needed to for my job, and if it wasn’t for it being a stuffy profession that I’d get sacked from for ‘bringing the profession into disrepute’ I would have no qualms sticking escorting on my cv. My family and close friends know about my escorting, and I’ve always stuck by the mantra of those that mind don’t matter, and those that matter don’t mind

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Re: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?
« Reply #27 on: 18 August 2021, 11:27:33 pm »
Being educated and intelligent are two very different things. The latter, particularly emotional intelligence has always served me very well, particularly as an escort.

Very true.
I did reasonably well academically, no Uni but have been very successful in various public facing roles.
I certainly do not consider myself " too thick" to get a real job. I have had a number of "real" jobs, they just don't pay as well as sex work so I have made my choice.


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Re: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?
« Reply #28 on: 20 August 2021, 08:35:24 pm »
I would have said I was thick before I started sex work as I was in lower level classes at school and especially as I spent 10 years trying to find a civvy job and not being successful. However sex work gave me the confidence to apply to College, even though I didn't really expect it to go anywhere. I successfully passed 4 years of College and went straight into 3rd year of a Bachelor's degree at Uni which I passed with a 2.1 and I'm starting my Honours year next month. So no despite what I used to think I am definitely not thick.


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Re: Are we all thick (that's what people assume) that can't get a real job?
« Reply #29 on: 20 August 2021, 08:52:41 pm »
I don’t think sex workers are thick. Maybe it’s not an academic job but we get a lot of money so can’t be stupid. People who work in Asda etc don’t get a lot of money and it’s not an academic job I know what I’d rather do